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What are you looking forward to most?


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Apart from being near your friends & family what are you looking forward to the most about going back to the UK?

Here's my top 3


1. Variety in the shops ( all shops)

2. Being able to shop or go for drink/food after 7pm!

3. Having the feeling I belong...not had that here!


Now I just want to state that this is in no way a having a go at Australia thread, its just a bit of light hearted banter in the "Moving Back to UK" forum!




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Oh there's so much I'm looking forward to, some that spring to mind are:


1. Seeing my family on a regular basis/speaking to them at a reasonable time of day

2. Shopping - decent clothes and food shopping, having choice!

3. Christmas!

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Oh there's so much I'm looking forward to, some that spring to mind are:


1. Seeing my family on a regular basis/speaking to them at a reasonable time of day

2. Shopping - decent clothes and food shopping, having choice!

3. Christmas!


Oh yeah, cold Christmas! I forgot about that!


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Oh so much!


The seasons for starters - vibrant colours in the countryside that change with the season


History wherever you go - you can wander past one of the most futuristic buildings in the world and come face to face with 1000 years of endeavour at the end of the street


Variety across the board - in supermarkets, on short(ish) drives, walking around the streets


Other than that, I loved my first cold Christmas in decades - it was cosy and "really" Christmas! The people are great - we are on the same wavelength and although they pick up on my accent (bugger it) and I do get the "bet you wish you were back there huh?" comments, they generally can see my point of view too.

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Guest Helchops

I know this is lighthearted, but is that all you guys are looking forward to? Some of the reasons for return seem o trite! Are you not worried that the family will get used to you being there and things will just go back to normal within a week of your arrival - I.e the normal weekly/monthly visits?


I know when I go, I'll miss the proximity to Europe, my family, lush greens, Christmas. There is a lot more I won't miss: Cold (oh so cold!), Misery everywhere for six months of the year, Traffic (London) ((going to SA)), Dark days, Doom and gloom inherent in every 'blighty' citizen.


Trying to be as 'eyes open' as possible. How many people who return have genuine feelings that they've made a mistake? I worry that when we're there, we'll look at England through the same rose tinted papers that we currently see Oz through!

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I know this is lighthearted, but is that all you guys are looking forward to? Some of the reasons for return seem o trite! Are you not worried that the family will get used to you being there and things will just go back to normal within a week of your arrival - I.e the normal weekly/monthly visits?


I know when I go, I'll miss the proximity to Europe, my family, lush greens, Christmas. There is a lot more I won't miss: Cold (oh so cold!), Misery everywhere for six months of the year, Traffic (London) ((going to SA)), Dark days, Doom and gloom inherent in every 'blighty' citizen.


Trying to be as 'eyes open' as possible. How many people who return have genuine feelings that they've made a mistake? I worry that when we're there, we'll look at England through the same rose tinted papers that we currently see Oz through!



I honestly though I wouldn't miss anything really (other than the given friends etc) how wrong I was....I don't think that the things people miss about the UK seem trite...these thngs are in our blood and for a lot are very hard to shake. TBH the sunshine doesn't make up for the rest in anyway, shape or form IMO.

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I know this is lighthearted, but is that all you guys are looking forward to? Some of the reasons for return seem o trite! Are you not worried that the family will get used to you being there and things will just go back to normal within a week of your arrival - I.e the normal weekly/monthly visits?


I know when I go, I'll miss the proximity to Europe, my family, lush greens, Christmas. There is a lot more I won't miss: Cold (oh so cold!), Misery everywhere for six months of the year, Traffic (London) ((going to SA)), Dark days, Doom and gloom inherent in every 'blighty' citizen.


Trying to be as 'eyes open' as possible. How many people who return have genuine feelings that they've made a mistake? I worry that when we're there, we'll look at England through the same rose tinted papers that we currently see Oz through!


Doom and gloom inherent in every Blighty citizen? In my experience Moaning Minnies can be found anywhere, and I’m honestly not aware of this entire race of downbeat people allegedly residing in the UK. To be fair the UK media doesn’t help and I do know some ‘less than happy’ people who regularly spread doom and gloom about practically everything, but in my experience they are in the minority and more than out numbered by normal people.



I think I probably come across more whinging about the UK on PIO than anywhere else, and usually from people who can’t wait to leave or, in some cases, are happily settled elsewhere. Maybe the people who choose to live here feel less miserable about the place than those who choose to leave? Either way, I think it a little unfair to generalise about misery and doom and gloom, as like most things it depends on where you live, how you live, who you mix with - and perhaps our own outlook on life? Tx

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Guest famousfive

I look forward to many things but these are top of the list......


1.Music,singing and dancing.....these are such an everyday part of irish life and lift the soul.

2.Our own business again.....not been able to do that here and having being self-employed for over 20yrs it has not been a joy working for others.

3.The ability to talk at full speed again........having to talk at half speed here to be understood.

4.Building our own house......we have the land but have put this off for years because always between two places,it is now time to have a home.

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Guest Ptp113


Apart from being near your friends & family what are you looking forward to the most about going back to the UK?

Here's my top 3


1. Variety in the shops ( all shops)

2. Being able to shop or go for drink/food after 7pm!

3. Having the feeling I belong...not had that here!


Now I just want to state that this is in no way a having a go at Australia thread, its just a bit of light hearted banter in the "Moving Back to UK" forum!






I don't get point 2? Shops are open 7 days and man 24hrs and food places till midnight or later. You're not in Qld by any chance?

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flying over london coming into land...seeing the beautiful lights of city.

yes emmaroo...having takeways open till late Not 8:00pm.... oh ptp113...i live in melbourne south east so its not just queensland like you say!

Just having a sense of belonging again...and talking to people who can understand me without talking slowly ...as someone else mentioned on here.

just being in the company of my type of people, without having to say "yeah good, how are you"

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family and friends, divercity of countryside, walking in the lakedistrict, the 4 seasons, propper crimbo, olympics, queens jubilee, british open golf, having propper laugh with mates down a propper pub, watching football at normal time i cud go on but .....

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Guest Guest66881

Eating a pot noodle from the balcony of a block of flats, on any inner city council estate at dusk looking out over the smoke filled war torn gang buster towns.

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Eating a pot noodle from the balcony of a block of flats, on any inner city council estate at dusk looking out over the smoke filled war torn gang buster towns.


Pot Noodle? Bit posh innit?..............you just got ya Giro?

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Guest Guest66881
Pot Noodle? Bit posh innit?..............you just got ya Giro?


That is between five of us and no kettle either.

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I know this is lighthearted, but is that all you guys are looking forward to? Some of the reasons for return seem o trite! Are you not worried that the family will get used to you being there and things will just go back to normal within a week of your arrival - I.e the normal weekly/monthly visits?


I know when I go, I'll miss the proximity to Europe, my family, lush greens, Christmas. There is a lot more I won't miss: Cold (oh so cold!), Misery everywhere for six months of the year, Traffic (London) ((going to SA)), Dark days, Doom and gloom inherent in every 'blighty' citizen.


I think you can't know what you'll miss - or not miss - before you try. Certainly many of the things I thought I would miss, I don't - and some that I didn't really think about, I miss a lot - see below:


I honestly though I wouldn't miss anything really (other than the given friends etc) how wrong I was....I don't think that the things people miss about the UK seem trite...these thngs are in our blood and for a lot are very hard to shake. TBH the sunshine doesn't make up for the rest in anyway, shape or form IMO.


The stuff I miss the most, which I don't think will ever go away, are the British countryside - I didn't realise how rooted I felt in the landscape, I'm a country boy at heart but it still came as a surprise, because I've lived abroad before and it didn't bother me then. As I've got older I've grown more attached to the UK landscapes, obviously. And built heritage/"proper" town centres, which seem to be few and far between. Suburbs don't do anything for me, I always knew this, it's either city life or countryside/villages for me and villages don't really exist. I expected to miss that (built heritage), but it's not a severe miss/ache - it'll all still be there when I come back, as will the countryside


Trying to be as 'eyes open' as possible. How many people who return have genuine feelings that they've made a mistake? I worry that when we're there, we'll look at England through the same rose tinted papers that we currently see Oz through!


I reckon there's a risk of that. And when the time comes to go back, it'll be something I'll have to think about, a lot

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Guest Ptp113
I think you can't know what you'll miss - or not miss - before you try. Certainly many of the things I thought I would miss, I don't - and some that I didn't really think about, I miss a lot - see below:




The stuff I miss the most, which I don't think will ever go away, are the British countryside - I didn't realise how rooted I felt in the landscape, I'm a country boy at heart but it still came as a surprise, because I've lived abroad before and it didn't bother me then. As I've got older I've grown more attached to the UK landscapes, obviously. And built heritage/"proper" town centres, which seem to be few and far between. Suburbs don't do anything for me, I always knew this, it's either city life or countryside/villages for me and villages don't really exist. I expected to miss that (built heritage), but it's not a severe miss/ache - it'll all still be there when I come back, as will the countryside




I reckon there's a risk of that. And when the time comes to go back, it'll be something I'll have to think about, a lot


You need to spend time in the Southern HIghlands. Small villages and countryside like blighty.

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Guest guest57588
]I know this is lighthearted' date=' but is that all you guys are looking forward to? Some of the reasons for return seem o trite! [/i']


Like you say, a lighthearted thread!


Are you not worried that the family will get used to you being there and things will just go back to normal within a week of your arrival - I.e the normal weekly/monthly visits? -

Yeah, god forbid things return to normal!

Doom and gloom inherent in every 'blighty' citizen.

There's not one cheerful or positive person left in the UK?. Blimey, have they all moved to Oz then?


Trying to be as 'eyes open' as possible. How many people who return have genuine feelings that they've made a mistake? I worry that when we're there, we'll look at England through the same rose tinted papers that we currently see Oz through!

I wouldn't worry, reading your posts I'm sure you'll be fine./QUOTE]

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