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Moving to Exeter, Devon UK, 2012


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I was wondering if anyone knows the best recruitment agencies in Exeter, Devon? focusing in Finance, corporate administration etc?


Is the job market really as bad as the media makes out?


I cannot wait to return home for ( been 2.5 years in Oz) after some serious persuasion of the Aussie OH we are finally anticipating the return in early 2012.


My one and only concern is work. nothing else worries me, In fact everything else excites me beyond all belief.





Does anyone else have success stories to this area in particular?

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Hi Flake


Just read your post and it made me smile. We are planning on moving to East Devon ASAP but dependent on jobs. We have spent quite a lot of time down there over the last few years and love it.


Currently living in the Middle East but my OH is Aussie. Good to hear there will be more Aussies there.


Some days I just want to pack the house and go NOW!!:arghh:


If you need and help re the area/schools etc please just ask as we have done loads of research.


Tink 99 x

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Exeter is near to where I lived for many years. Still visit it and have a number of friends down there.


TBH the work situation isn't great down there from what I understand. But of course, it is dependant on what you want to do. Its taken a hit, same as many small cities, in the past year or two.


There are not that many recruitment firms in Exeter. I am sure a search on Google would bring up the listings for you. I'd say its maybe better to look on the job sites and go from there as often the agencies list them for the companies anyways. I know when hubby was looking to change jobs he just signed up on all the big job sites, submitted his CV and chased up the jobs that interested him. He got jobs coming in from everywhere between Bristol and Plymouth but it at least gave him options (and travelling can be done in this part of the world but fuel isn't cheap these days, nor is the train).


Like anywhere, Exeter has had things change in the past few years. Its a nice city but not without its problem areas. Lots of businesses have moved out of the city and into the business parks around the edge. Its had a lot of new housing built out toward the M5 but some inner areas seem to have gotten more run down and are in a poor state. Lots of people commute between Taunton and Exeter also these days. Also quite a lot of financial stuff seems to be down there aswell, again the business parks off the M5.


Good luck.

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Hi Flake


Just read your post and it made me smile. We are planning on moving to East Devon ASAP but dependent on jobs. We have spent quite a lot of time down there over the last few years and love it.


Currently living in the Middle East but my OH is Aussie. Good to hear there will be more Aussies there.


Some days I just want to pack the house and go NOW!!:arghh:


If you need and help re the area/schools etc please just ask as we have done loads of research.


Tink 99 x



Hi Tink 99!


Yeah I love East Devon too, I actually grew up in North Devon, but my parents moved to East Devon several years ago and I love it, its really the only place I would consider as 'Home' now.


Where about is your OH from in Oz? Its definitely reassuring to know other Aussies look to go there, as most that I know really only consider London.


when do you plan on moving? and how are you going about the Job hunt?


Yikes- that part makes me nervous. Lol


Flake x

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Exeter is near to where I lived for many years. Still visit it and have a number of friends down there.


TBH the work situation isn't great down there from what I understand. But of course, it is dependant on what you want to do. Its taken a hit, same as many small cities, in the past year or two.


There are not that many recruitment firms in Exeter. I am sure a search on Google would bring up the listings for you. I'd say its maybe better to look on the job sites and go from there as often the agencies list them for the companies anyways. I know when hubby was looking to change jobs he just signed up on all the big job sites, submitted his CV and chased up the jobs that interested him. He got jobs coming in from everywhere between Bristol and Plymouth but it at least gave him options (and travelling can be done in this part of the world but fuel isn't cheap these days, nor is the train).


Like anywhere, Exeter has had things change in the past few years. Its a nice city but not without its problem areas. Lots of businesses have moved out of the city and into the business parks around the edge. Its had a lot of new housing built out toward the M5 but some inner areas seem to have gotten more run down and are in a poor state. Lots of people commute between Taunton and Exeter also these days. Also quite a lot of financial stuff seems to be down there aswell, again the business parks off the M5.


Good luck.


Hi Snifter!


Many thanks for your advice, that is very helpful to me. Reassuring to hear there seems to be a bit of a financial hub going on in places.


Not surprising it has taken a hit after the recession. with any luck hopefully it will play in favour in terms of the housing market. My OH works in Insolvency which i hear is a booming industry in the UK ;-P so I guess we will just have to keep everything crossed that the job hunt proves successful. (Yikes)


That's fantastic that you OH has so many job opportunities! that is certainly a great place to be.

The job front is really my only concern for the big move. especially for my OH, as he making a big move by coming over. The climate and rugby scene being other minor concerns ;-)


but I guess the only thing to lose is money at the end of the day, I worry about it all the time but then I remember the fact that really in the grand scheme of things, if it ends up being a huge mistake, then we will just pick ourselves up and do it all over again somewhere else, until its right.


where do you live now?


Flake x

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Hi , we live in a small town in mid Devon between exeter and Taunton ironically were looking at going to Perth in late 2012 ir 2013.

It's a good place to live with a short drive to the beach or the moors . I work in the construction industry and things are starting to slow down at the moment .

if you have any questions of concerns feel free to ask me or pm me and I'll help all in can.

We're planning on going for a couple of years and see how it goes , hopefully rent our house out so have something to come Back too if things don't work out,

Good luck and feel free to fire away


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