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Book & Covers, Judgements, Personas, etc.

Guest guest37336

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Guest guest37336

Just sticking this one really as a thread recently got me thinking. The lady concerned is a Goth, I'm sure she won't mind me saying that, but it was very interesting in reading what made her tick and the 'image' that she portrays to the outside world. I never knew a Goths principles, ideas, expectations and the like, and I would like to thank her for 'showing' us a little of what makes her tick.


I also saw from a previous thread about Mod, Rockers, Punks that many of us when younger had a 'persona' or certain individualism that we portrayed, but as with most things in life as we get older we tend to become a bit 'samey' if you know what I mean, suits, jeans, shirts, the 'dress code' if you will of growing up, but this is a question for those of you who still to a degree like to state your individualism, maybe in an obvious way, or very subtly.


Some may big flowery dresses, hats, hair styles, different shoes, maybe tiny things that whilst may not be glaringly obvious to the outside world still in our own minds portray a little of what lies beneath the 'respectable' persona.


Myself, I will fess up. Though not a revolutionary in the extreme I still like to portray a little of me to the outside world so they know what I amy be about. At times I will wear T-Shirts that have logos on, normally political that get a few looks down the street, I used to have my hair long, and am now growing it again, if only to try and look a little like 'Che' :notworthy:. I have certain tattoos that make a few look, though unrecognisable to most because they are written in different languages they can be a great source of conversation when someone asks what they mean. A little unshaven most of the time, (again a little like Che), but all in all I guess I am fairly individual, but not to much so.


So, do you still dress in a way that may allow us to gauge what sort of person you may be, 'flower power', 'revolutionary', 'extrovert', 'introvert' 'garish' all sorts really, just interested is all.


Cheers Tony.

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:embarrassed:i have to fess up lol i walk round like a female bear grylls :laugh:( i don't get my chest out like he does though:swoon:)


I always have a some sort of natural stone around my neck with a cord .


:wubclub:i do wear dresses once a year for a ball pmsl and dress up when i do go out lol


Not sure what my dress code would mean :S

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He He, i am such a tramp lol

Faithful jeans and t-shirt kind of gal,

However my wardrobe is split into sections, wedding, funeral and my trampy mummy gear lol

Then i do have the odd t-shirts to upset a certain few people, one says, i see dead people, and the other says, i wish to add you to the list of people below on my don't like list lol

I m just me!!!!!

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He He, i am such a tramp lol

Faithful jeans and t-shirt kind of gal,

However my wardrobe is split into sections, wedding, funeral and my trampy mummy gear lol

Then i do have the odd t-shirts to upset a certain few people, one says, i see dead people, and the other says, i wish to add you to the list of people below on my don't like list lol

I m just me!!!!!



:biglaugh:lmao Dawn .... there i was eating my chinese :biglaugh:and you type trampy mummygear :notworthy: nearly ended up with a chop stick in my eye lol ! x

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Guest guest37336

Never been one for suited and booted really, except where circumstance dictates of course. Once went to a wedding and woke up as a scarecrow in the middle of a field, personally didn't think it looked too bad but the farmer obviously thought different,:embarrassed:.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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:biglaugh:lmao Dawn .... there i was eating my chinese :biglaugh:and you type trampy mummygear :notworthy: nearly ended up with a chop stick in my eye lol ! x

PMSL Sorry Bridey :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

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Guest Gothic Rose

Just a quick fly past to acknowledge your thread & I will return to this with a proper post about :

Book & Covers, Judgements, & give you a proper insight to what it can be like to walk in Goth shoes, & I dont mean my Newrocks LOL.

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Guest Gothic Rose

Long post , but if you really wanna know read on:



Those in the Goth scene tend to view the Goth concept rather as an expression of individuality, something they take part in because it seems comfortable and natural for them to do so, rather than because it's something they want to be. And as such, Goth is a state of mind. As with states of mind you either feel or you don't; you don't wake up and say 'Hey, I'll feel warm this week!'. Either you feel warm or you don't. It is not something you decide to be, it's more like a drifting into something and realising at some point that you've found what you have always been looking for. Goth is not about being cool-hip, up-to-date.


There's an inner calmness, tranquillity to it. A need for being given and giving the others space to be at one with themselves. Respect towards the individual is vital. However much respect Goths give out unfortunately this is not always returned.


Goths generate A Lot of curiosity. There are times when my average day can be completely influenced by the behaviour of strangers & their preconceived ideas. I'm fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the UK. Perhaps because I chose to remove myself from hassle & harms way, I moved so far there's only eight more miles of country left before you tread water ! I understand prejudice, judgement & preconceived ideas very well from direct experience.


On the whole these days I think my personal experiences have improved. Though this could be the influence of a good location. I'm not going to talk about my darker experiences. I'll mention the more pleasant one to give balance to this whole post. I generally get stopped in the street several times a day & complimented on my outfits which is kind & generous of people & I thank them.


If someone makes a critical comment that is really funny I will usually laugh & offer perhaps a sharply witty retort. However there is always an inbuilt awareness for my personal security, because being so audacious to stand out for ones looks initially & also beliefs once engaged in conversation, can come at a price.


I did pass a small child in the street with her family, I'd say she was perhaps 5yrs old, she turned to her mother & said "look that lady is Evil " really have to wonder what some people teach their kids"


There is unfortunately an element within society that fear Goths to such an extent they would condemn us to death. For being Goth crazy as that may sound to sane persons I've included some direct Text from a fundamentalist website. you may think that's just a crazy American thing. But I encountered such extremists in the past. I have had quite a lot of "holy water" thrown at me based on presumptions.


People are afraid of the dark literally & metaphorically & also afraid of what they don't understand. Goth appears very dark & scary to outsiders but take the time to engage in conversations with Goths & a whole intellectual & aesthetic treasure trove can be opened up. But before you get the chance Goths are frequently denounced as Evil & throughout the media & Internet you will find warnings to protect you all from those such as I.


Below is direct text from the God Hates Goths Website; Link below









& here is a tragic example of Judgement turning to hate & the consequences






This is more positivity to end on



So yeah perhaps being a Goth is a testament to the fragility of Freedom & it's cost ?

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One of my daughter's friends was goth for many years as was her then boyfriend, however now they are older they are just the same as everyone else, goth does not really do it in the business world unfortunately.


I suppose I am different in my points of view and how I view the world. Do not like to be a follower.


Now and again I express myself with my hair these days had red and I mean red streaks in it just recently and my oh did not like it said I looked as though I had gashed my head. I was tempted to have blue and green this time but settled for normal boring colours. Till the next time :laugh:

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Combats , jeans , shorts , tops and t shirts ... boring ! no style fiend me , im in for comfort and mummy mode most of the time ..most of the time in the Uk i was in muckers and boots jods and jeans and covered in muck ( Horses and dogs ) so a scruff to a tea me.. just me .:)


One day id love for one of those style make overs .. but not on tv lol ..

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Guest Guest31881

After wearing a uniform for many years, now i dress in jeans and a T shirt, the T shirt has the name of my work place embroidered on it, but as I am also wearing a jumper because its so blooming cold here at the moment no one can see it.


When i am not at work its just plain old casual clothing. Suits are for Births, deaths and marriages.

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Books and covers Tone? i dont dress to show any individuality at all,i guess i dress in the old scallie style(not todays hoodies!),simple jeans,shirts,normally plain,desert boots and moccs,worn them all me life,plain dark blue harrington jackets,so just normal/understated in fact,theres probably a generation of us all dress in a very similar way tbh,so samey in a way,i only have one black suit for weddings and funerals,dont like getting dressed up tbh,however i have very short hair,im about 6ft 3 and about 17 stone,and big scars on me swede and a decent one on my face as well,so i think i get judged despite my understated dress,people can look at yer and think "Green street yobo",knuckledragger etc :laugh:,but im honestly not!AND i can string three words together lol,:wubclub:,my hair gets a number 1 blade on it,sometimes at the turkish barbers where i like to get a turkish shave sometimes,hot towels etc,sometimes i do it meself,its nimps with the clippers,i have my hair short because it just feels cleaner and tidier,but some would assume your a thug because of it,remember the thread about shaven heads?so people DO and WILL ALLWAYS judge,im happy go lucky,outgoing and easygoing i like to think anyway,but i know for fact some new workmates etc have been a bit suprised about that,because they've told me they were dubious of me,thought i looked a bit of a bruiser etc,nothing could be further from the truth,im dead soft at heart,i cant even watch footage of Bill shankly without getting upset:laugh:,likewise that link that Rose put on about the goth girl,very upsetting,had to turn it off tbh,very sad and tragic,but anyway i guess what im saying is people judge you if your extrovert like Rose or just joe ordinary like me,i dont worry about what others think tho if im honest,as long as i know what im like as a person and know i do the right things is what matters to me.:hug:

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Guest guest30085

Unfortunately, very boring and same old same old. Jeans, t-shirts etc, used to wear suits for work, I own several dresses (think still in the wardrobe somewhere). Nothing that distinguishes me from the rest. Which is sad really, why not be different? I certainly think I think differently to a lot of people I know, a lot of people cant understand why Im prepared to get rid of the lot and take a gamble on a life abroad, or why I dont want any more children, and dont want to settle in the obligatory semi in the suburbs etc. Nothing wrong with that, its just not for me.


Rose, the Sophie Lancaster case was sickening and very upsetting, it happened fairly close to me, and I hope they are never released x

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Guest guest37336
Books and covers Tone? i dont dress to show any individuality at all,i guess i dress in the old scallie style(not todays hoodies!),simple jeans,shirts,normally plain,desert boots and moccs,worn them all me life,plain dark blue harrington jackets,so just normal/understated in fact,theres probably a generation of us all dress in a very similar way tbh,so samey in a way,i only have one black suit for weddings and funerals,dont like getting dressed up tbh,however i have very short hair,im about 6ft 3 and about 17 stone,and big scars on me swede and a decent one on my face as well,so i think i get judged despite my understated dress,people can look at yer and think "Green street yobo",knuckledragger etc :laugh:,but im honestly not!AND i can string three words together lol,:wubclub:,my hair gets a number 1 blade on it,sometimes at the turkish barbers where i like to get a turkish shave sometimes,hot towels etc,sometimes i do it meself,its nimps with the clippers,i have my hair short because it just feels cleaner and tidier,but some would assume your a thug because of it,remember the thread about shaven heads?so people DO and WILL ALLWAYS judge,im happy go lucky,outgoing and easygoing i like to think anyway,but i know for fact some new workmates etc have been a bit suprised about that,because they've told me they were dubious of me,thought i looked a bit of a bruiser etc,nothing could be further from the truth,im dead soft at heart,i cant even watch footage of Bill shankly without getting upset:laugh:,likewise that link that Rose put on about the goth girl,very upsetting,had to turn it off tbh,very sad and tragic,but anyway i guess what im saying is people judge you if your extrovert like Rose or just joe ordinary like me,i dont worry about what others think tho if im honest,as long as i know what im like as a person and know i do the right things is what matters to me.:hug:


Very true Pablo, it's what's in the head that matters, but I must admit I do at times go out of my way to annoy people, a sort of inverted snobbery really.


As you know I have tattoos and a cockney accent. If I come across someone who immediately looks down their nose at me (and boy can you tell) I tend to lash on the cockney accent and make sure my tatts are VERY visible (apart from the one on my backside, which says, 'Yeah Right'.:biglaugh:


I remember sitting on a Spanish beach one day, and I was talking to this young fella about fishing, had a great laugh, (I guess he was around 12 at the time) but he saw me fishing off the rocks and came over and had a chat.


Anyway, tatts on show, cockney accent etc, and his mother came along and whipped the boy away, and as she went she said, 'Come on, you don't want to talk to people like him',:mad::biglaugh:.


Just goes to show I guess mate, but I do tend to over state my 'Commonesse' when needed then leave them in shock when they realise I have an opinion on some important issues, feckwits mate at the end of the day if a book is judged by its cover.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Guest guest37336
Unfortunately, very boring and same old same old. Jeans, t-shirts etc, used to wear suits for work, I own several dresses (think still in the wardrobe somewhere). Nothing that distinguishes me from the rest. Which is sad really, why not be different? I certainly think I think differently to a lot of people I know, a lot of people cant understand why Im prepared to get rid of the lot and take a gamble on a life abroad, or why I dont want any more children, and dont want to settle in the obligatory semi in the suburbs etc. Nothing wrong with that, its just not for me.


Rose, the Sophie Lancaster case was sickening and very upsetting, it happened fairly close to me, and I hope they are never released x




Well said Gill.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Guest siamsusie
and dont want to settle in the obligatory semi in the suburbs etc. Nothing wrong with that, its just not for me.




I feel the same way Adonna as well:notworthy: its never been me either:wubclub:


Susie x

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Guest guest37336

I had constant, and I mean constant vitriol and contempt from my ex MIL for the way I looked, spoke, carried myself. According to her the ONLY way to live your life was with a briefcase, plump in the mouth, suited and booted all the time, the more she went on the more I rebelled against her bile, unfortunately there is still another of her daughters around who thinks the same, and though we speak (VERY RARELY) she knows full well what I think of her.


Funnily enough whilst she earns mega money, designer clothes, HUGE house, friends that are doctors, solicitors, JP's, three cars (everyone and everything else is below her) she is one of the most wicked and vile creatures you would ever want to meet,:mad:.


And yet the garbage man around our area would wipe the floor with her. Sorry but can you tell I'm somewhat bitter about my other halves family,:biglaugh:.


EDITED TO ADD: But you would be amazed at the amount of people who fawn around her, PURELY because of her job and wealth.


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Guest guest30085
I had constant, and I mean constant vitriol and contempt from my ex MIL for the way I looked, spoke, carried myself. According to her the ONLY way to live your life was with a briefcase, plump in the mouth,


Cheers Tony.:wink:


:eek: A plump what? :wink::biglaugh:

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Guest siamsusie
:eek: A plump what? :wink::biglaugh:



:embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed:a day of the Lord as well.. shame on you woman!

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Guest siamsusie
:embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed:a day of the Lord as well.. shame on you woman!



Sorry Adonna, I think he meant ..






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Guest guest30085
Sorry Adonna, I think he meant ..








:embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed:plums has a different connotation also though :embarrassed::embarrassed::shocked::shocked:

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Guest guest37336
:eek: A plump what? :wink::biglaugh:


God, the women (you know who you are) on this forum have smutty minds. Can I not make a genuine mistake without a thread being dragged into the gutter again by the usual suspects.:biglaugh:


Cheers Tony.:notworthy::wubclub::wink:

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Guest guest30085
God, the women (you know who you are) on this forum have smutty minds. Can I not make a genuine mistake without a thread being dragged into the gutter again by the usual suspects.:biglaugh:


Cheers Tony.:notworthy::wubclub::wink:



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Guest guest37336

OK, OK, reference my spelling error about 'Plums' I will take any criticism on the chin,:shocked::policeman:.


I feel a reported post coming on,:biglaugh:.


Cheers Tony.:wubclub:

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