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6 months in Bris ....and still standing!


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Hi all

Haven't posted for ages - but wanted to share, as I learnt so much from others when I was in UK.

So we have clocked up the 6 month milestone - and doing OK. Kids phenomenally settled, both of us got work, (infact I am on Job No. 2!!) although hub had 14 weeks unemployment, hindered by timing as he applying for jobs, just when Floods hit Brisbane!

I really feel that I have been the most unsettled - and wanted to talk more about this! I underestimated how much I would miss my mates, and although got new friends, miss the 'easiness' of old friends. Think that I did do 'crash and burn' in February - having been so mad, crazy hectic for a good 6 months before we came out, and solid busy for 4 months here, that once everyone at work, in school and sorted, the enormity of everything kind of hit me, and that nasty 'friend-sickness crept in'.:eek: However, we have given ourselves a 18 month deadline to settle, to ride the storm no matter what....and I came steaming out of the dooms and glooms in March ! :jiggy:

My opinion and advise would be give your self a timespan to settle, and 'close the door to England' they day you leave - and don't keep hankering after the idealistic idea of it. It is very easy to regard your old life with 'rose tinted' specs when times are tough here, but noone ever said such a huge jump and change inlife would be plain sailing - there are SO many good things here, if we allow ourself to see them!!


If you keep comparing prices to UK...it will needle you, at work if you say ' we did this in UK' ...it frustrates you, and if everytime you feel lonely, or have a crappy day, you consider ' we need to go home' - then the UK will become like an unwanted gatecrasher to your new life and thoughts. Having 'closed' that door, it makes it easier

to get on with what without doubt is a Rollercoaster ride emotionally, but also a very fun one!

Australia is without doubt a beautiful, safe, and awesome country and offers a great life - there are also a heap of fantastic expats here in Brisbane we meet regularly, happy to bolster you when you flounder!

I am trying to give a balanced 'update' report because it is not everyone who comes out here, and never looks back, but thought I'd share what has helped me, when things did get rough.

So hang on tight, enjoy the ride.....I know I did, and I feel happy to be here!! :jiggy:

Good luck to everyone with their new adventures x


Good Post ,thank you.


I hope your feeling better and more settled now, I totally agree that it is sooo hard in those first few months and sometimes you feel like your living on a treadmill - racing around and getting no-where quick! lol.

Lots of luck for the next 6 months, trust me when i say it gets easier,,lol.


Cal x

Guest Louey



Great post....we have been here 4 months and I keep expecting homesickness to creep around the corner, thankfully so far it hasn't. Will bear your advice in mind if it does raise it's ugly head!!!


We are throwing ourselves into meeting new folks and hoping to build a new friends network out here. We have met some great people but I reckon you can never have enough friends when you are starting your new life. Even though we live down on the Gold Coast we are venturing upto to the Brisbannites meet on the 28th May. Maybe we will see you guys there?

Hi all

Haven't posted for ages - but wanted to share, as I learnt so much from others when I was in UK.......

So hang on tight, enjoy the ride.....I know I did, and I feel happy to be here!! :jiggy:

Good luck to everyone with their new adventures x


WoW - Well said girl!! Sooo glad you are here ... and here's to many more happy times x x






Great post....we have been here 4 months and I keep expecting homesickness to creep around the corner, thankfully so far it hasn't. Will bear your advice in mind if it does raise it's ugly head!!!


We are throwing ourselves into meeting new folks and hoping to build a new friends network out here. We have met some great people but I reckon you can never have enough friends when you are starting your new life. Even though we live down on the Gold Coast we are venturing upto to the Brisbannites meet on the 28th May. Maybe we will see you guys there?


Rahrah is going .... and so are we .... it should be a great meet-up! See you there :biggrin:


You've seen some pretty bad weather since you've been here too. If you've survived seeing Brisbane through one of it's worst calamities in years things can only get better.

WoW - Well said girl!! Sooo glad you are here ... and here's to many more happy times x x






Rahrah is going .... and so are we .... it should be a great meet-up! See you there :biggrin:

Ta Chick - and thanks for the support in February - Yes will be at the meet up - look forwd to meeting you !


You've seen some pretty bad weather since you've been here too. If you've survived seeing Brisbane through one of it's worst calamities in years things can only get better.


Yes, Paul - weather has been VERY interesting - and life does feel much calmer these days !!



Great post....we have been here 4 months and I keep expecting homesickness to creep around the corner, thankfully so far it hasn't. Will bear your advice in mind if it does raise it's ugly head!!!


We are throwing ourselves into meeting new folks and hoping to build a new friends network out here. We have met some great people but I reckon you can never have enough friends when you are starting your new life. Even though we live down on the Gold Coast we are venturing upto to the Brisbannites meet on the 28th May. Maybe we will see you guys there?



Aww sadly I can't make the Brisbannittes meetup next weekend, gotta work an afternoon shift. Bummer, but will request the time off for the next 1 thats if I'm still in the same job. I was looking forward to meeting up with everyone. Enjoy the day.

x Helen

Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi Rahrah


great post, i really liked the part about meeting up with other ex-pats wanting make friends and socialise, i think this is a great help for everyone and it is something we would actively do.


Hi Rahrah,

I've been here 4 weeks, and am expecting that feeling to hit once we are fully settled, so glad to hear you've gotten through it and all is good. There is so much to do before leaving the UK that you dont get time to really think about things, and once you arrive its all go so its only to be expected that feelings of homesickness/missing friends etc will happen once its a bit less hectic.


I'd have loved to make the meet up but cant do this one, hopefully can make another one, perhaps a little closer to where I am as OH will be working Saturdays and I will be coming alone with the kids, and not knowing my way about too much right now might be best waiting for the next one. Look forward to meeting everyone eventually.


Thanks for a great post.



Helen and Shaz - hope to meet you both soon - good luck with everything x


Absolutely, will definitely be making the next 1. Dont mind travelling. Kids love an adventure even if we do lose our way and end up miles from where we should be. Wont be the first and definitely wont be the last time. lol

By the way Rahrah, great post. We love it here. Kids are settling in beautifully. Love their school, making friends, its just me struggling with work. Fortunately I have my 176 visa so no restrictions with work.Can move if I want.

We are in Pimpama, south of Brisbane, have been here 5 and half weeks. Emotions have only set in now I think only because I feel swamped in my job, but OMG I've only been in the job 2 days. Talk about putting pressure on myself. The travelling to work may be a bit long aswell so I am feeling very tired too,exhausted really which doesn't help emotionally.

Keep in touch. xx Helen

Guest Louey
Absolutely, will definitely be making the next 1. Dont mind travelling. Kids love an adventure even if we do lose our way and end up miles from where we should be. Wont be the first and definitely wont be the last time. lol

By the way Rahrah, great post. We love it here. Kids are settling in beautifully. Love their school, making friends, its just me struggling with work. Fortunately I have my 176 visa so no restrictions with work.Can move if I want.

We are in Pimpama, south of Brisbane, have been here 5 and half weeks. Emotions have only set in now I think only because I feel swamped in my job, but OMG I've only been in the job 2 days. Talk about putting pressure on myself. The travelling to work may be a bit long aswell so I am feeling very tired too,exhausted really which doesn't help emotionally.

Keep in touch. xx Helen


Hey Helen


It will get easier my OH works in health and her job was very challenging at the start. It's a desk job and she isn't use to that with some visiting patients in the community. There are a lot of differences between here and the UK and it takes some adjusting!!! Slowly after just over 3 months she feels like she is beginning to get more confident. What kind of area are you working in? I guess with your visa you are not limited to a specific employer so if things don't pickup you can always look elsewhere.


It will get easier I promise :biggrin:

Hey Helen


It will get easier my OH works in health and her job was very challenging at the start. It's a desk job and she isn't use to that with some visiting patients in the community. There are a lot of differences between here and the UK and it takes some adjusting!!! Slowly after just over 3 months she feels like she is beginning to get more confident. What kind of area are you working in? I guess with your visa you are not limited to a specific employer so if things don't pickup you can always look elsewhere.


It will get easier I promise :biggrin:

Absolutely - although we speak the same language, the Health system really is a complete different culture - and because they do not necessarily understand the difference in the scope of practice at home, they can underestimate what skills and experience you have!

Glad your OH is finding it easier now - after 6 months I defo am!

Hope to meet you at the meet on 28th !


You never know if I have left my job I may be able to make it and meet all you lovely people. HeHeHeHe !!!! You just never know. We could survive a little bit longer with me not working, oooh now thats an idea... lol. Thanks everyone for your support. I don't mean to have hijacked the thread with my woes.

xx Helen :hug:


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