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Lodging a partner visa - Perth

Guest loop the loop

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Guest loop the loop

Hi again everyone.


On the immigration website they say to lodge it via post (courier), but I wanted it done ASAP and was wondering if it is actually possible to do it in person at the Perth office. Not only is it more convenient for us since we work/study around there, but it will cost less since we have about 4kg worth of evidence/application forms!!


Thanks for all your help!

Guest siamsusie
Hi again everyone.


On the immigration website they say to lodge it via post (courier), but I wanted it done ASAP and was wondering if it is actually possible to do it in person at the Perth office. Not only is it more convenient for us since we work/study around there, but it will cost less since we have about 4kg worth of evidence/application forms!!


Thanks for all your help!


Yes Loop, you rock up, I think its the 3rd floor, someone will direct you over to the Case Officer, give you a number, there usually isnt a huge Q up there.

If you are lucky, your CO will go through the application (loosly) there and then.


Nice offices and friendly people.



Very good luck.



Susie x

Guest loop the loop

Fantastic! Thank you!


PIO has seriously reduced the amount of stress and anxiety I was feeling regarding this visa app.



  • 1 month later...
Guest freckkkles

Argh if you havent lodged yet then can I suggest that you make and appointment for the perth partner branch to lodge an application (if defacto then it's a necessity).

we just showed up one day and were shooed set because we didn't I've an appointment. a case officer went through out application to make sure it was all there and gave us the opportunity to ask questions and talk about our relationship to her.

We just received a call yesterday actually requesting medicals which is great news!

Guest loop the loop

Do you know what the address is for the partner branch, and what number to call to make the appointment?


Thanks for the heads up!

Guest freckkkles

Address to post to :

Perth partner branch

dep. immigration and citizenship

locked bag 7

northbridge WA 6865


As for phone number it says on the form they gave me 131 881 (which Im sure is the immigration line) but I made my appointment when I got turned away. also appointments only available Monday Tuesday and Fridays at 9:15, 10, 10:45, 11:30, 2:15 and 3pm

Guest loop the loop

Ahh :S How long did you have to wait to get an appointment?


If my other half calls tomorrow morning, do you think we will get an appointment on Monday or Tuesday? Really don't want this going into July as the prices go up!!

Guest freckkkles

What is the new price? I thought 2575 was hefty enough!

we went in first thing on the 8th Jan and out appointment was the 25th Jan. only yesterday did we hear a peep from them!

Guest freckkkles

you might get an appointment if you beg, but I would imagine they might be a little busy if there is an impending price raise

Guest loop the loop

Ahhh that's cutting it close :( Damnit, I think the prices go upto almost 3000! I might be wrong though.


I really hope they can get us in soon.

Guest loop the loop

My other half phoned last week to make an appointment and he was told you just walk in, they don't do appointments! They said it might take a while for someone to see us, but that's how it's done.


So we are going tomorrow and hopefully it'll all be fine.


Just a final question...


We started our 12 month period on 06/06/2010, so we were going to lodge first week of June 2011. However, we don't have that many documents for June 2011 in our names, since we haven't received our bank statements yet!! Does that matter?


We have lots of other stuff like wills and we are still living together...I really hope this won't be an issue :( Nothing in the post seems to be coming under my name this month! So frustrating. It all seems to be in partner's name!!


I printed off our netbank statements and made a note of that, but all the transactions show consistency of us transferring money to each other and to our joint account...will that be sufficient?


I'm sure we can provide more info if the CO asks, but I don't want to be flat out refused. Then again I dont want to wait any longer because of the impending price increase! Arrgh! Ready to just submit and get it over with :(

Guest freckkkles

are you defacto?? on the information pack she gave me when we were refused it said in bold letters DEFACTO COUPLES ARE REQUIRED TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. my response was that I had phoned immigration asking for an appointment and I was just short of laughed at. I hope for your sake they honor your attempts to do te right thing. there are so many inconsistencies on the helpline.

I think you will be fine. my partner and I were defacto from 07/01/2010 and in the end we couldn't get it lodged until 25/1/2010. our first months bank statements where pretty poor as well, hardly any transactions going through. can I suggest going into your bank and askin them to print out your latest transactions in the official format? I work in a bank and Quite a few of my customers come in needed official statements for immigration, partly because the Internet banking statements don't print your name at the top (well at my bank anyway)


good luck with immigration! its a bit hit and miss in the Perth office!

Guest siamsusie

I have assisted with two friends de facto applications through the Perth Office and found them to be excellent.

Case Officers were appointed immediately on both occasions which were walk in cases with no appointments made.


Good luck Loop, let us know how you get on.


Susie x

Guest freckkkles

I was very satisfied with the service I got from my second attempt, very friendly and understanding, and spoon-fed the process to us. However, the attitude and service given to me when I was there the first time, was almost insulting.

pray you get one of the good ones ;)

Guest siamsusie
I was very satisfied with the service I got from my second attempt, very friendly and understanding, and spoon-fed the process to us. However, the attitude and service given to me when I was there the first time, was almost insulting.

pray you get one of the good ones ;)


Thats always upsetting Freckles ... I guess they have bad days like we do as well.

I hope you are sorted now.


Susie x

Guest loop the loop

Yeh we are defacto. I hope this works out.


It's not a full front loaded application as I'm waiting on my police checks and will do my medicals as soon soon as I can after I submit. But we have 3 years worth of evidence (plus the 7 month gap when o was in the UK but we showed evidence of communication during that time)


Hopefully all will be ok. I'm going to stop by the bank this morning first and get my bank statements and our joint account statements.


Thanks guys, ill keep you posted!

Guest loop the loop

So we submitted today. We waited 2 hours but it was worth hanging around to make sure somevody received it. I asked again about my 20 hr work restriction and was told I can't work more than 20 hrs even if my course is not in session. My bridging visa will also have that condition (I still don't think that's right so I'm going to ask an RMA.)


Anyway its finally done! Will be dropping off my police checks and medicals as soon as they are done.


They were shocked at how much evidence I had...it was such a big pile that they had to squeeze it into the display folder!


They quoted 6-9 months...really hope its done sooner so that I can work!

Guest kvang

From my recent experience, I believe that your 20hr work restriction will still apply while on your bridging visa. I was on a 457 trying to shift to a partner visa and was informed that the restrictions tied to my 457 would still apply to my bridging visa A (I'd only be allowed to work for that particular employer).


But, on the bright side, I was today granted my 820 Partner visa after only 3 weeks of waiting. I submitted in Perth in person on May 27th.

Guest freckkkles

that's great that you could lodge hassle free!

Yes unfortunately bridging visas do carry the same conditions as previous visa, thus why my can't work.

Guest loop the loop

I can understand why and how the conditions would carry over if my course was in session, but it wont be as of July 1st. The condition says <20 hours when course is in session, which is what I am (and apparently some of the immigration advisers are) confused about! I spoke to someone on the phone again who spoke to her senior officer, and they said that technically I can work more than 20 hours because my course is finished. However, they said that to be 110% sure I should go to the immigration office in Perth and speak to a Student Compliance Officer.


Congrats kvang on getting your visa!! Did you fully frontload?


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