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Guest griggsy

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Guest griggsy

hello everyone,need some advice on medicals.We`ve passed the tra and are looking to get our medical cheeks done we live in Watford and wondered if any one could help us with names of doctors and price of medicals:notworthy:

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Guest kiwi&jane

hiya, like someone else as said there is a list of panel doctors which u ave to use, ours for myself and three children was £500.gud luck. jane x

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The panel doctors seem to charge what they like and it does vary from doctor to doctor. If there are plenty of panel doctors in your area I'd ring round first. You may have to wait a couple of weeks for an appointment if your a family as obviously the appointment will take longer. Do be cautious about front loading your medicals if you're not ready to validate when you get your visa, as your visa is dated from the medical or police check whichever is the earliest.



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Guest griggsy

thanks for the replies,this realy is an exellent site everybody is so friendly and helpful:notworthy:

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