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"Could it be that the mail is affected by the Qantas situation? "


Hi Linday, I`m not sure when the Qantas situation began. I posted the certificates on 12th October. The guy at Royal Mail said that immigration staff had been striking too.

Will take your advice and send the next lot via courier. Am I correct in thinking that if using a courier, is the address different? I could swear I read that somewhere.

We`re cutting it fine now for getting the visa in time for our 7th December trip. Poor daughter is going to be disappointed if I dont get the double luggage allowance on Singapore Airlines! Will save me giving Next and M&S the rest of my hard earned dosh though!!

Cheers! Val x

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I know you can send things by international Signed For now to Australia, but a couple of years ago the Post Office in the UK wouldn't do it. When I asked why they said that the Australian Post was very unreliable and they couldn't guarantee arrival!


Having been here for 6 months I can confirm that the post here is not always the most efficient. We have always sent stuff by courier, a little more expensive, but well worth it I think to avoid the hassle. And it usually arrives within 2-4 days. Could it be that the mail is affected by the Qantas situation?



I thought the UK post service was awful until I moved to Australia. Absolutely shocking - it took one letter 6 weeks to travel 100km.




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"Could it be that the mail is affected by the Qantas situation? "


Hi Linday, I`m not sure when the Qantas situation began. I posted the certificates on 12th October. The guy at Royal Mail said that immigration staff had been striking too.

Will take your advice and send the next lot via courier. Am I correct in thinking that if using a courier, is the address different? I could swear I read that somewhere.

We`re cutting it fine now for getting the visa in time for our 7th December trip. Poor daughter is going to be disappointed if I dont get the double luggage allowance on Singapore Airlines! Will save me giving Next and M&S the rest of my hard earned dosh though!!

Cheers! Val x


Hi Val. If the correspondence details are the same as for lodging the initial visa application then anything by courier goes to The Parent Visa Centre, Wellington Central, 836 Wellington Street, West Perth, WA 6005 Australia whereas its the 'Locked Bag 7' address for mailed post. Here's the link from the Immigration website:




We haven't had to submit anything since the actual application but I would assume it would go to the same place. Maybe someone else can confirm this.


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Hi Val. If the correspondence details are the same as for lodging the initial visa application then anything by courier goes to The Parent Visa Centre, Wellington Central, 836 Wellington Street, West Perth, WA 6005 Australia whereas its the 'Locked Bag 7' address for mailed post. Here's the link from the Immigration website:




We haven't had to submit anything since the actual application but I would assume it would go to the same place. Maybe someone else can confirm this.



Yes, this is the address we have always used for documents sent by courier.

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Phew! Panic over! Just logged on and email is sitting there saying "police certificates have just arrived". Then another one asking for the 2nd VAC so we are thankfully back on track. Will request the big cheque from ANZ this morning and we`re done!

Thank you all for your support and replies!

regards, Val x

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Hi everyone, have been reading recent posts and have to say congratulations to those of you have recently got your visa grant! We still have a way to go yet and the hardest part at the moment is the waiting - I am sooo impatient! I want to get going! Having spent last winter in Oz I am definitely not looking forward to the cold winter months here in the UK. I miss our kids and grandkids so much and this weekend my son was taken very ill with a virus which attacked his heart (he's 34 - no age) and it just brings home to you how far away Oz is, I just wanted to jump on the first flight to see him - it doen't matter how old they are, they're stil your children! Anyway, he's out of the woods, and hopefully recuperating with lots of bed rest.


What I wanted to tell you and ask advice is: my Oh and I have just paid a visit to a financial advisor this morning with regard to pensions etc, he's not 65 yet but its just around the corner and the FA told us about something called QROPS whereby your private pension can be transferred to Oz so that its paid in AUD as opposed to having it paid into a UK bank and then transferred into AUD which of course the amount will fluctuate according to the exchange rate. Has anyone heard of this and if so, have you done it?


My second question is, the FA asked if we had made Wills, we have many moons ago and should probably be updated, but there was doubt if Wills in the UK would be recognized in Oz - does anyone have any information regarding this point, or where we could find out?


I hope I haven't been too long-winded, and anyway would love to hear from anyone whose acknowledgement date is around June 2011 for a chat, we planning on settling near Brisbane. Thanks so much and love the site, its just so informative and encouraging reading all your stories and whereabouts you are in the process. Val x

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Hi everyone, have been reading recent posts and have to say congratulations to those of you have recently got your visa grant! We still have a way to go yet and the hardest part at the moment is the waiting - I am sooo impatient! I want to get going! Having spent last winter in Oz I am definitely not looking forward to the cold winter months here in the UK. I miss our kids and grandkids so much and this weekend my son was taken very ill with a virus which attacked his heart (he's 34 - no age) and it just brings home to you how far away Oz is, I just wanted to jump on the first flight to see him - it doen't matter how old they are, they're stil your children! Anyway, he's out of the woods, and hopefully recuperating with lots of bed rest.


What I wanted to tell you and ask advice is: my Oh and I have just paid a visit to a financial advisor this morning with regard to pensions etc, he's not 65 yet but its just around the corner and the FA told us about something called QROPS whereby your private pension can be transferred to Oz so that its paid in AUD as opposed to having it paid into a UK bank and then transferred into AUD which of course the amount will fluctuate according to the exchange rate. Has anyone heard of this and if so, have you done it?


My second question is, the FA asked if we had made Wills, we have many moons ago and should probably be updated, but there was doubt if Wills in the UK would be recognized in Oz - does anyone have any information regarding this point, or where we could find out?


I hope I haven't been too long-winded, and anyway would love to hear from anyone whose acknowledgement date is around June 2011 for a chat, we planning on settling near Brisbane. Thanks so much and love the site, its just so informative and encouraging reading all your stories and whereabouts you are in the process. Val x


Hi, my acknowledgement date was 28th June 2011 i keep an eye on the tracker daily cheering on all those before me getting a CO not only am i really pleased for them but it also means one step closer for me, like you i am so impatient to get going. I am going to Perth as i have a son over there.

I am so glad to hear your son is on the mend what a nightmare for you and i totally agree Australia is so far away when you have a crisis, you can now breath a big sigh of relief. Was your acknowledgement in June also? Be interesting to hear any answers regarding your pension, hope it goes in your favour. Ann:biggrin:

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Phew! Panic over! Just logged on and email is sitting there saying "police certificates have just arrived". Then another one asking for the 2nd VAC so we are thankfully back on track. Will request the big cheque from ANZ this morning and we`re done!

Thank you all for your support and replies!

regards, Val x



Congratulations :biggrin:



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Hi Ann, its lovely to "talk" to someone rather than "cyberspace" wondering if anyone will bother to read your post! As we have been visiting Oz for the last 10 years on holiday to visit our son, we did stop off in Perth en route to Sydney once and thought it was beautiful, we stayed in the city a couple of nights then hired a car and drove down to Margaret which was fabulous, and stayed in Fremantle for another couple of nights.


Our son lives near Cronulla (Sydney) for 10 years and our daughter lives near Brisbane, her family emmigrated nearly 3 years ago and love it. We have 5 grandchildren, so its a "no-brainer" for us to follow them if we want to see them all growing up.


So, what are your plans? Do you have a house to sell and when, is the question. My head says wait until the spring time, my heart says do it now in case there's a hold-up - it would be awful if the visa is granted but the house is not sold! But then if it should sell straight away????....well I expect you've gone through these thoughts - timing is everything isn't it? We have some shipping companies coming to give us quotes over the next few days just to get some idea of costs etc, or whether we will have to take less then we first thought. I know its a bit early on, but I just have to do something! Val

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Hi Ann, its lovely to "talk" to someone rather than "cyberspace" wondering if anyone will bother to read your post! As we have been visiting Oz for the last 10 years on holiday to visit our son, we did stop off in Perth en route to Sydney once and thought it was beautiful, we stayed in the city a couple of nights then hired a car and drove down to Margaret which was fabulous, and stayed in Fremantle for another couple of nights.


Our son lives near Cronulla (Sydney) for 10 years and our daughter lives near Brisbane, her family emmigrated nearly 3 years ago and love it. We have 5 grandchildren, so its a "no-brainer" for us to follow them if we want to see them all growing up.


So, what are your plans? Do you have a house to sell and when, is the question. My head says wait until the spring time, my heart says do it now in case there's a hold-up - it would be awful if the visa is granted but the house is not sold! But then if it should sell straight away????....well I expect you've gone through these thoughts - timing is everything isn't it? We have some shipping companies coming to give us quotes over the next few days just to get some idea of costs etc, or whether we will have to take less then we first thought. I know its a bit early on, but I just have to do something! Val


Hello Val, so lovely to hear from you and all your news, I have only been to Perth so can't comment on any other state unfortunately, but i guess hopefully if i can afford it i shall be taking holidays all over Australia to have a gander round.


I have been writing to a lady on here who is also doing this alone have to say it's great to share our worries and experiences as we have no partners to lean on for a bit of support when anything crops up. I find myself waking in the early hours worrying not about the actual move to oz and if i am doing the right thing but if i will cope financially, but i guess theres only one way to find out hey, and if i don't go i just know i shall regret it for the rest of my life. Anyway i have also come to the conclusion that i can't really afford to stay in this country either, i work in aged care which i love but the pay is not very good and to add insult to injury we have been told we are going to lose our enhancements next April which will have a big effect on our wages, and what whith the cost of living, petrol, household bills etc..... i think i stand a better chance in Perth, even if i am poor at least i will have the sunshine. :cool:

I am decorating my house at the moment which is a slow process as every room needs doing, just got hall and stairs and kitchen to do now, i shall have it valued and if i get what i hope for i shall have a go at selling but all the houses around my estate at the moment are just not moving so i think i shall end up renting, i would have loved to have bought a property in oz but i guess i shall have to rent, no big deal you just have to do what you have to do.


I have a daughter who is staying here with her hubby, they came to perth and loved it but he has a big family and doesn't want to leave them so it's going to be a big wrench but i just hope they can get out to see me every year. My son got married in Busselton in March, the wedding was outside and i have to say it was just lovely, the weather just makes all the difference doesn't it.


I am bringing my 2 dogs with me as it wasn't an option to leave them here, Australia are insisting animals be vaccinated against the rabies in January 2012 so i have had to have that done which cost a fortune, they had the blood test today so hope that comes back ok. I won't be bringing any large furniture items over with me as my stuff is old and tired now, so will just be bringing quite a few boxes,


I am hoping for a CO around May/ June time if it's still taking roughly 11mths, can't wait for the all systems go, so many mixed emotions with nerves and excitement. Drop a line or PM me anytime, i would love to hear how things are progressing for you.:jiggy:Ann

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What I wanted to tell you and ask advice is: my Oh and I have just paid a visit to a financial advisor this morning with regard to pensions etc, he's not 65 yet but its just around the corner and the FA told us about something called QROPS whereby your private pension can be transferred to Oz so that its paid in AUD as opposed to having it paid into a UK bank and then transferred into AUD which of course the amount will fluctuate according to the exchange rate. Has anyone heard of this and if so, have you done it?


My second question is, the FA asked if we had made Wills, we have many moons ago and should probably be updated, but there was doubt if Wills in the UK would be recognized in Oz - does anyone have any information regarding this point, or where we could find out?

Val x


G'Day Val


To be honest, I know nothing about QROPS, but I would have thought that the last thing you should do is transfer your whole pension pot to Oz at a time when the GBP is an rock-bottom (or, at least, one hopes…) against the AUD. Yes, your pension income will fluctuate, but if it fluctuates upwards you'll be the winner! Do you have the option of transferring your pension fund at a later date (ie, when permanent Oz residents) if and when the rate is more favourable?


Others may have more solid advice.


On the question of Wills, we were advised to have a separate Oz Will for our Oz assets when we bought a unit there (after downsizing in Blighty), as all our (close) family are there. When we decamp permanently – next year, we hope – we'll simply tear up the UK Wills.


All the best, Mike

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G'Day Val


To be honest, I know nothing about QROPS, but I would have thought that the last thing you should do is transfer your whole pension pot to Oz at a time when the GBP is an rock-bottom (or, at least, one hopes…) against the AUD. Yes, your pension income will fluctuate, but if it fluctuates upwards you'll be the winner! Do you have the option of transferring your pension fund at a later date (ie, when permanent Oz residents) if and when the rate is more favourable?


Others may have more solid advice.


On the question of Wills, we were advised to have a separate Oz Will for our Oz assets when we bought a unit there (after downsizing in Blighty), as all our (close) family are there. When we decamp permanently – next year, we hope – we'll simply tear up the UK Wills.


All the best, Mike

Hi, as your ack date is June 2011 as you say you have a long way to go and the economic situation could be a good deal better and the rate at the time of transfer could be much better,I think this way of transferring the pension is a good idea and will aviod lots of costs in the future,glad your son is on the mend.

Cheers and good luck Mike.

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What I wanted to tell you and ask advice is: my Oh and I have just paid a visit to a financial advisor this morning with regard to pensions etc, he's not 65 yet but its just around the corner and the FA told us about something called QROPS whereby your private pension can be transferred to Oz so that its paid in AUD as opposed to having it paid into a UK bank and then transferred into AUD which of course the amount will fluctuate according to the exchange rate. Has anyone heard of this and if so, have you done it?


My second question is, the FA asked if we had made Wills, we have many moons ago and should probably be updated, but there was doubt if Wills in the UK would be recognized in Oz - does anyone have any information regarding this point, or where we could find out?


Val x

Hi - we went through this process leading up to our emigration in October 2010. Neither of us are 65 yet, my OH will be this year. I am so glad I took advice from a financial adviser. We talked to 3 at a Get Me DownUnder Show....one was very pushy and tried to scare us into using him. The other proved to be worth his weight in gold.

I am more than happy to send you his name by Private Message. We paid him for a report which was very good and moved our money from various places so that we could take advantage of any blip in the exchange rate. It gives you the freedom to move the money when you consider it is the best time. He can explain more clearly. He advised us to write our wills over here with Australian witnesses.....as one more way to prove that you have cut your links with the UK to avoid any inheritance tax in later years.

Please feel free to contact me, we have set up Self Managed Super Funds over here - the advantage being you pay no tax on any interest made on your super fund....unlike interest made on bank accounts....should you be lucky enough to be able to transfer any funds at a reasonable exchange rate.


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Hi everyone, have been reading recent posts and have to say congratulations to those of you have recently got your visa grant! We still have a way to go yet and the hardest part at the moment is the waiting - I am sooo impatient! I want to get going! Having spent last winter in Oz I am definitely not looking forward to the cold winter months here in the UK. I miss our kids and grandkids so much and this weekend my son was taken very ill with a virus which attacked his heart (he's 34 - no age) and it just brings home to you how far away Oz is, I just wanted to jump on the first flight to see him - it doen't matter how old they are, they're stil your children! Anyway, he's out of the woods, and hopefully recuperating with lots of bed rest.


What I wanted to tell you and ask advice is: my Oh and I have just paid a visit to a financial advisor this morning with regard to pensions etc, he's not 65 yet but its just around the corner and the FA told us about something called QROPS whereby your private pension can be transferred to Oz so that its paid in AUD as opposed to having it paid into a UK bank and then transferred into AUD which of course the amount will fluctuate according to the exchange rate. Has anyone heard of this and if so, have you done it?


My second question is, the FA asked if we had made Wills, we have many moons ago and should probably be updated, but there was doubt if Wills in the UK would be recognized in Oz - does anyone have any information regarding this point, or where we could find out?


I hope I haven't been too long-winded, and anyway would love to hear from anyone whose acknowledgement date is around June 2011 for a chat, we planning on settling near Brisbane. Thanks so much and love the site, its just so informative and encouraging reading all your stories and whereabouts you are in the process. Val x

Hey, We arrived in Australia exactly 2 years ago on a CPV 143 and what a great time we are having with our daughters and their families being so close.

Ian had 3 pensions in UK and has transferred 2 of them to an Australian super fund. We found an Australian Financial Advisor while we were still in England; he not only was very knowledgable about Australian super but he had spent 5 years working in finance in UK so was able to advise us from both sides. Ian still has one pension in UK as there are bonuses due (Hopefully!) Do take advice as there are so many advantages if you transfer. Not least that when you take the super 100% of it is tax free as opposed to 25% in UK. We decided we could wait for years for the exchange rate to improve and as we were committed to living in Australia surely it made sense to have our assets here; and of course interest rates here are so much higher. ( We are getting 6.5% on a 6 month term deposit ) If you would like the contact details of our Advisor I can PM them to you. His aim is to make enough money for us to counteract the huge cost of the Visa! Also he was not very expensive! We are in Sydney; he is in Perth but that doesn' t matter at all.

Regards Marian

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Hi everyone, have been reading recent posts and have to say congratulations to those of you have recently got your visa grant! We still have a way to go yet and the hardest part at the moment is the waiting - I am sooo impatient! I want to get going! Having spent last winter in Oz I am definitely not looking forward to the cold winter months here in the UK. I miss our kids and grandkids so much and this weekend my son was taken very ill with a virus which attacked his heart (he's 34 - no age) and it just brings home to you how far away Oz is, I just wanted to jump on the first flight to see him - it doen't matter how old they are, they're stil your children! Anyway, he's out of the woods, and hopefully recuperating with lots of bed rest.


What I wanted to tell you and ask advice is: my Oh and I have just paid a visit to a financial advisor this morning with regard to pensions etc, he's not 65 yet but its just around the corner and the FA told us about something called QROPS whereby your private pension can be transferred to Oz so that its paid in AUD as opposed to having it paid into a UK bank and then transferred into AUD which of course the amount will fluctuate according to the exchange rate. Has anyone heard of this and if so, have you done it?


My second question is, the FA asked if we had made Wills, we have many moons ago and should probably be updated, but there was doubt if Wills in the UK would be recognized in Oz - does anyone have any information regarding this point, or where we could find out?


I hope I haven't been too long-winded, and anyway would love to hear from anyone whose acknowledgement date is around June 2011 for a chat, we planning on settling near Brisbane. Thanks so much and love the site, its just so informative and encouraging reading all your stories and whereabouts you are in the process. Val x


Hi ValandMatt

We are in the process of looking at moving my OH pension over here to an Oz Superannuation. The main advantages being that the money is yours and you do not pay any tax on it here as opposed to if you drew it from the UK. You need to move the pension over within 6 months of arriving in Australia, otherwise you will pay a load of tax on any increase in the value of the pension from the date you arrived in Oz.(although this may not be great the way things are at the moment!) You can only bring the pension across if you are under 65 unless you are still working. You need to think carefully if it is the right thing to do, as it is not for everyone, especially if it is a very good index linked final salary pension. I have sent you a message with the contact details of our advisor who was recommended to us by others on here. QROPS is a Qualifying Overseas Pension Scheme. The superannuation scheme which the pension is tranferred into needs to be one which is approved by the UK or your pension provider will not allow the transfer.

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Hi - we went through this process leading up to our emigration in October 2010. Neither of us are 65 yet, my OH will be this year. I am so glad I took advice from a financial adviser. We talked to 3 at a Get Me DownUnder Show....one was very pushy and tried to scare us into using him. The other proved to be worth his weight in gold.

I am more than happy to send you his name by Private Message. We paid him for a report which was very good and moved our money from various places so that we could take advantage of any blip in the exchange rate. It gives you the freedom to move the money when you consider it is the best time. He can explain more clearly. He advised us to write our wills over here with Australian witnesses.....as one more way to prove that you have cut your links with the UK to avoid any inheritance tax in later years.

Please feel free to contact me, we have set up Self Managed Super Funds over here - the advantage being you pay no tax on any interest made on your super fund....unlike interest made on bank accounts....should you be lucky enough to be able to transfer any funds at a reasonable exchange rate.



hello Julie, sorry to but in on your reply post but i was reading your message with real interest as getting sound advice from financial advisors can be like playing russian roulette with your life savings. Would it be possible to PM me his name please . Ann

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Guest simonchilly

Hi there. Could anyone tell me as a Divorced father what the form is called that my x wife has to sign to give me permission to put them on my 457 visa application and is it available to download. Thanks

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Hi there. Could anyone tell me as a Divorced father what the form is called that my x wife has to sign to give me permission to put them on my 457 visa application and is it available to download. Thanks




I think you need another thread. This is specifically for Parent visas - mainly 143s and 173s.


I know there are other threads for 457s (which is how our kids got to Oz), but I'm afraid I can't be more specific – you'll need to do a search.


Good luck, Mike

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G'Day Val


To be honest, I know nothing about QROPS, but I would have thought that the last thing you should do is transfer your whole pension pot to Oz at a time when the GBP is an rock-bottom (or, at least, one hopes…) against the AUD. Yes, your pension income will fluctuate, but if it fluctuates upwards you'll be the winner! Do you have the option of transferring your pension fund at a later date (ie, when permanent Oz residents) if and when the rate is more favourable?


Others may have more solid advice.


On the question of Wills, we were advised to have a separate Oz Will for our Oz assets when we bought a unit there (after downsizing in Blighty), as all our (close) family are there. When we decamp permanently – next year, we hope – we'll simply tear up the UK Wills.


All the best, Mike


Subject to pension fund value a Self Managed Super Fund can be a useful vehicle - funds can be retained under the SMSF wrapper but held in a GBP denominated bank account awaiting the much-hoped-for-by-migrants improvement in exchange rate ...


Generally, a fund value of A$250k+ is needed to cover the additional costs of running a SMSF - annual accounts, tax return, and audit.


Best regards.

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Hey, We arrived in Australia exactly 2 years ago on a CPV 143 and what a great time we are having with our daughters and their families being so close.

Ian had 3 pensions in UK and has transferred 2 of them to an Australian super fund. We found an Australian Financial Advisor while we were still in England; he not only was very knowledgable about Australian super but he had spent 5 years working in finance in UK so was able to advise us from both sides. Ian still has one pension in UK as there are bonuses due (Hopefully!) Do take advice as there are so many advantages if you transfer. Not least that when you take the super 100% of it is tax free as opposed to 25% in UK. We decided we could wait for years for the exchange rate to improve and as we were committed to living in Australia surely it made sense to have our assets here; and of course interest rates here are so much higher. ( We are getting 6.5% on a 6 month term deposit ) If you would like the contact details of our Advisor I can PM them to you. His aim is to make enough money for us to counteract the huge cost of the Visa! Also he was not very expensive! We are in Sydney; he is in Perth but that doesn' t matter at all.

Regards Marian

Hi Marian

This information certainly sounds interesting. I would be interested in your Advisor's details although I am not sure I will have enough money left to do anything with. But I guess its worth asking. Could you PM it to me

Many thanks Moira

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Remember also that under the QROPS legislation you cannot access UK scheme benefits from a transferred fund until you have been non-UK resident for at least 5 complete tax years.


That said, the tax benefits can be compelling if personal cashflows allow migrants to wait before accessing the transferred fund.


See also: http://www.gmtax.com.au/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2011/10/Tax-FAQs-new-2011.pdf


Best regards.

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Remember also that under the QROPS legislation you cannot access UK scheme benefits from a transferred fund until you have been non-UK resident for at least 5 complete tax years.


That said, the tax benefits can be compelling if personal cashflows allow migrants to wait before accessing the transferred fund.


See also: http://www.gmtax.com.au/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2011/10/Tax-FAQs-new-2011.pdf


Best regards.

Hey Alan

Yes we are aware of the five years before we can access the super fund however we were able to release a small sum $5500) which we put in Ian's first home saver account. Apparently we can do this once a year.



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Remember also that under the QROPS legislation you cannot access UK scheme benefits from a transferred fund until you have been non-UK resident for at least 5 complete tax years.


That said, the tax benefits can be compelling if personal cashflows allow migrants to wait before accessing the transferred fund.


See also: http://www.gmtax.com.au/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2011/10/Tax-FAQs-new-2011.pdf


Best regards.

This post had me worried for a while but I think Alan means that you cannot take the fund out as a lump sum within the first 5 complete UK tax years of non-residency.


During the 5 year reporting period, payments/withdrawals must not exceed those which would be permitted from a UK pension fund. Generally this would mean a maximum pension commencement lump sum of 25% and income not exceeding the UK drawdown limits.



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