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Hi Dawny - when my sister left in October with 3 boys they did not have any jabs but I know when they got there the children have had quite a few. So think you should be ok going and then having whatever necessary when you get there.

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Hi you dont need any when coming to Australia but you may need some depending on if/where you are stopping off.

Children here are routinely given Hep B injections so you will probably be asked to take the kids for this once you have registered with Medicare and Centrelink. My 5 yr old (4 at the time)was asked to go when she started kindy but they said my son would be given it when he goes to high school and gets his boosters. It is all free of charge and done at any clinic/Dr's.

Cal x

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Guest JK2510



A similar jab question? My OH is due a tetanus booster and was told by our practice nurse that they dont do them on a routine basic unless they have had an open wound?! This sounds odd have you been told anything?



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A similar jab question? My OH is due a tetanus booster and was told by our practice nurse that they dont do them on a routine basic unless they have had an open wound?! This sounds odd have you been told anything?




Uhmm I don't think that it's odd at all, personally. However, if you feel your OH needs the booster either go to another nurse or go back and argue your case. Doctors can also provide said boosters... there's no real reason that they should be able to deny your OH this. However, providing your OH has had their full course of tetanus in the past then generally the need for boosters isn't considered important unless you do lots of activity such as gardening that could potentially put you at higher risk from tetanus.


Good luck.

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Guest ashmalog


A similar jab question? My OH is due a tetanus booster and was told by our practice nurse that they dont do them on a routine basic unless they have had an open wound?! This sounds odd have you been told anything?



years ago you used to have a tetanus every 10 years but now they say that if you have had 5 in total then that covers you for your lifetime. i am a practice nurse and i would vaccinate if a booster is needed regardless of an open wound.

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When we arrived, we brought our innoculation records with us and gave them to the doctor here.

My daughter had just come back from South America so she had had just about every possible immunity drug pumped into her.


As in the UK check Tetanus status before going anywhere remote....although this won't help if you're confronted by a croc.

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