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Teacher in Victoria - where should we go?

Guest KellyG

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Hi All,


This is my first posting as we've only just started the visa application process. My husband has applied for state sponsorship as he is a physics and outdoor education teacher. We've started looking at what areas we'd liked to move to but its so difficult! We are a family of 4 - our 2 boys are only 3 and 1 and we love the outdoors lifestyle. My husband is into surfing, climbing, walking and canoeing so we really need to be somewhere with easy access to this - I'm sure the boys will be into all this too!


Any recommendations on where to live? We are'nt concerned with being near Melbourne city but we would like to be near the coast. We've got distant family who live in East Gippsland any opinions on this area?


While i'm asking, if anyone has advise on finding teaching jobs we would be really grateful.


Many Thanks





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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Kelly welcome to PIO!!!!!!

Melbourne is a great place if you are in to sports of any kind. SE Suburbs are lovely and so is Mornington. There are lots of new schools being built on the new estates and they always require teachers.

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There are a lot of people doing dip eds these days and becoming teachers here so its quite competitive but with physics should be ok, outdoor ed many many teachers. Maths and science teachers are the ones that are needed plenty of everything else already in Aus. Teaching has become popular course at university here.


Most teachers are on one year contracts,my son is not he is employed ongoing. but to get an ongoing position as a teacher he taught for three years in a small country school and there was only a pub a shop a school and a silo there. He is single so it was worth it to get ongoing tenure. If they do advertise positions as ongoing they are much sought after. Quite a lot of the positions which are advertised are only advertised because they have to advertise the jobs but teachers have already got the job and are just reapplying for the job they have at the end of the year contract. Funny system.

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What Forgetmenot said! Teaching is not the open slather that they would lead you to believe it is. There are some subjects which are in demand and physics may well be one of them but the same is true pretty much everywhere - the places that you would like to live in are not necessarily the places where the jobs are. The further out and more desolate you are prepared to go then the more likely you are to get jobs that are unfilled because no one else wants to live there either.


However, that said - I really have a soft spot for East Gippsland and would happily go and live in Orbost (which has a HS and also an outdoor ed centre I believe!) but it wouldnt suit everyone - it is somewhat out of the way - 4 hours to Melbourne, 4.5 hours to Canberra with not much in between. On the plus side, you can buy a house for relative peanuts!

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Can you go anywhere in Victoria with your visa? I looked into state sponsor visa as I'm a teacher and was told I wouldn't be able to go for a job in Melbourne until I had completed 3 years teaching in regional victoria. It may have changed now as it was 2 yrs ago but worth checking.

best of luck!

Jo x

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There is no shortage of teachers in Melbourne unless its the some of the western suburb schools and some of the schools with bad reputations which teachers leave regularly.


Its the country where they need teachers, doctors, nurses so that is what they are recruiting overseas for. The larger towns in Victoria have no shortage of teachers either, Bendigo, Ballarat both are nice places to live so highly desired. Mildura has plenty of teachers as well.


Its the schools like my son taught at which was p12 school which means children went from prep to year 12. So they had a lot of teachers for a small number of children. He also got cheap accommodation through the education department and he loved it and it was so different from where he was brought up on the Peninsula. He still teaches in the country but in a bigger town along the Murray and he will probably stay there. He does not want to return to Melbourne to teach because of the commute to work each day and he probably would get a job easy in Melbourne because he teaches maths and science.


I like Gippsland too and the towns of Foster, Leongatha, Bairnsale, Lakes Entrance are all nice places.

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Thanks so much for the info guys. It does seem to be a familiar story i'm hearing that it isn't as easy to find jobs as they say. We're hoping to try and get something lined up before we get there as we do have a few contacts - but I know its not easy! But I guess there's also supply work - i'm told there's plenty of that - is this true??


To be sponsored I believe my OH isn't restricted where in Vic as we are applying for a permanent visa but I think with a temp visa there are restrictions and you can't go to Melbourne. For us we have to stay in Vic for 2 years and then are free to go anywhere in Oz so that'll prob be the plan if we have to be out in the sticks in Vic!


Fingers crossed it all goes ok - we're still at the start really but to think we could be there next year is keeping us going for now! We're in wet, wet Wales!!!


Kelly :)

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Im teaching out here and was given horror stories before i came out...was told there was no chance of getting a job!


Anyway, my advice is to sign up with a good 'CRT' (casual relief teaching) agency and you will be just fine. I got a job in the school i was supply teaching at within a few weeks. As long as you work hard and prove yourself, its no dramas.


Yeah, the system here is a bit dodgy with the whole 'on-going' contracts thing, but honestly, just supply teach and you'll be fine.


And....we just got an awesome pay rise...yey!


If you need anymore help, just yell.


Kat x

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Thanks Kat,


Good to know it isn't all doom and gloom! Which area are you teaching in? Any advise on best places to aim for?





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Guest willdavis

We are going to Victoria and are both primary teachers. We are willing to go rural if necessary. We are aware that jobs are not 'ten a penny' but we are realistic and willing to be flexible. I am currently an assistant Headteacher, however i don't necessarily expect to be able to gain a position like that without some Australian Teaching experience. My impression is that the more flexible you are willing to be, the better your chances. I want to teach in a place where a test result is not more important than the child taking it!


Good luck!

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We live by the bay and I work in the Eastern Suburbs in Blackburn. Its a really nice area and a lovely school.


I have asked a friend who works in a high school, and she said she never not worked a day as a supply teacher in the eastern subs...there is always a need. I also have a friend who works down the mornington penninsula and she says no dramas for finding casual work. As for finding a permanent position, i would try and aim for 'contracts' to start with. They are a great idea for sussing things out and gives you more flexibility.


You can check out jobs on the Victorian Education dept website, but i honestly believe the job offers will come once you start supplying.


Am happy to help if you need anymore advise..im no expert, but i have been in your shoes!



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest julesey

i am a crt and you need to go through vit.gov.au ( or some such) first to get your registration, then you can access recruitment online, will have to look up that address for jobs. let me know if you require more info


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  • 4 months later...
Guest riddes01

We have just received sponsorship from Ballarat, which appears to be one of the few areas looking for teachers. The visa we are applying for seems to be the same as yours, 3 years temporary and not in Melbourne. We went out last October and were really impressed with Bendigo and Geelong and the two schools my wife visited said they needed teachers. As somebody else mentioned a good CRT agency would be good.

We were also told that just because we were sponsored by Ballarat it didn't restrict us to that area, we could still go anywhere outside Melbourne.


Hope this helps!

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Guest nejpinkett

Hi Kelly


I got my state sponsorship visa for teaching. I teach Food Technology which was on the shortage list. My husband is also a teacher PE and science- but a senior teacher at the moment. We are heading over at the end of this academic year and hope to settle on the Mornington Penisula. I have just sorted out my CV and letter and will put it on recruitment on line which is on the Victorian Government website, but too early too look yet as can't start over there until July. hope to get a job before I go even if just a short term contract, but have spoken to a SMART teaching agency and shouldn't be a prob getting supply work, if you don't mind what schools you work in. You will need to register with Victorian Institute of Education which is a straight forward process just need all your certificates for O levels, A levels, Degree and transcript from University , also references from school etc. You will also need your skills assessment certificate. i will let you know how I get on with overseas applications for jobs. I have spoken to a principle when I was over last summer and he said he would as would other principles appoint over the phone if the application was suitable etc. So quite positive etc, so just have to wait and see. Anyway got to finish this year in the UK to get some money saved as can't sell the house, got to rent it out. All the best for your visa.



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Guest riddes01



One thing you need to be clear about is whether you are going to be eligible as a Primary Teacher or Early Years Teacher, they are quite different and are in demand to different degrees.

I think I mentioned before that Ballarat are currently looking and so are some of the more northerly regions such as Mildura.


Good luck:rolleyes:

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Guest Toorak Trev
Hi All,


While i'm asking, if anyone has advise on finding teaching jobs we would be really grateful.



Kelly as Petals says the country victoria desperately need good teachers as the young ones seek the bright lights of the big city.


My recommendation would be Colac out near the GOR (Great Ocean Road). That would give you both reasonable access to Melbourne and Geelong but also GOR and the Grampians (great place for walking).


But any where you will have easy access to beach, bush and outdoor activities.

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