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Job in St George South West Queensland

Guest ky Hunt

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Guest ky Hunt

I have been offered a job in St George for the health authority and am presently completing visas for myself and family. Just wondering does anyone know much about St George. Feel like a real beginner trying to work through all the processes. Have a nominated Visa by the health authority. How long do these normally take to go through? And what are the main difficulties people encounter with Visa applications? Sorry so many questions! Hope to gain some answers from people going or gone through the process


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Guest beermeister

I really don't know a lot about St George but have driven through it once or twice. It's just on the coast side of the black stump, gets pretty darn cold overnight in winter, and is a typical rural Australian town - please bear in mind that rural Australia is extremely different to rural Britain: you can't just nip out to the massive range of shops a few miles away. I've lived in outback Australian towns on and off and it really can be quite isolated, particularly when you head away from the coast (you couldn't do a day trip to the beach). Really, it depends on what you like and some people settle in outback Australia and thrive, forever muttering about how bad the capital cities are. I don't think you could hope to settle in a place like St George without visiting the place first; it's about as different to Britain as you could get - to some people that might sound good, but remember there are definitely some positives that you'll probably miss going to an outback place.

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