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Counting 88 days for 2nd year WHV


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just trying to calculate my days and stuggling a bit, can anyone help 

I worked full time from the 11th sept to 13th of december (3 calendar months) Monday- Friday. As this was full time hours I have counted the weekends in these 3 months towards my 88 days

The only days I had off during this 3 month period were public holidays -  I have not counted those towards my 88 days as well as not counting the weekends for that particular week.

There were some days that I was let off early (1-2 hours) because work was dry this made my overall hours for the week go down, I was just wondering if I can still count the weekends for these weeks as it was out of my control and all workers were sent home and not just myself.

I have read conflicting articles that as long as your payslip for the week shows 35+ hours you can count weekends. Other articles say that as long as it’s over 30+ hours you should be fine to include weekends.r

really hoping it’s the latter but any help would be appreciated





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It's been a while since I did mine, but the attitude at that time (in my experience) was generally to count the total days from when you arrived to when you left a specific employer. Of course this could depend on the employer. It was the employer though that actually had to sign off your start and end dates and 'actual number of days worked', and it was very unlikely that you'd be penalised for finishing a bit early, or for public holidays.

I just did a quick google, and the new DOHA page for this visa spells it out really clearly, have you read this? - https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/work-holiday-417/specified-work

The 'How to count specified work' section. This kind of echos the attitudes of employers I experienced, but spelled out a bit clearer. "3 months" is emphasised over 88 days, and at a basic level this is quoted as equating to "working five days a week for a continuous period of three calendar months, including on a piecework rate agreement;"

Does this page help at all?

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Just on second reading, there is no issue here...

11/09/2019 to 13/12/2019 = 94 calendar days

With that in mind, read the following taken from the Home Affairs page:

To meet the three months' specified work requirement you must complete the same number of normal work days or shifts as a full-time employee in that role and industry would normally work in a three month (88 calendar day) period. You can do this in a variety of ways, for example:

  • working five days a week for a continuous period of three calendar months, including on a piecework rate agreement;

and their example:

Karsten works full-time for a construction company in rural Victoria as a builder from 1 December to 26 February, a total of 88 calendar days. Karsten works five days a week (Monday to Friday) for this whole period of time and is paid the correct legal wage. Karsten has met the three month specified work requirement.

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