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How can you tell if you are settled in


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Being here for 5 weeks now i feel i settled into home life with my O/H and her son that was my biggest worry when i moved here cause i only previous spent 2 weeks in the same house lol BUt i found it a piece of cake even through im still putting things in the wrong places.

but how can you tell you settled into the country it self even through i been cranky over the last few weeks and still am with the job search :err: I love the ausise way and pace of life but feel like i being pushed south by other People as they feel i don't belong in Queensland as I come from London do they think every one from London wants to live the Rat race all there life.

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For me it's just been a general feeling of contentment. The first 8 months felt like a bit of a whirlwind - for us having our parents visit us has been a good thing, and whilst there were tears at their leaving... we didn't want to go with them.



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Guest ianinoz69

Well I reckon you know you're settled when you can tick all the boxes on these...


1. You step outside your front door and just smile 'cos the weather is just so damn good (90% of the time anyway!!).


2. You own a pair of Ugg boots and aren't ashamed to wear them with a pair of shorts during the winter.


3. You've forgotten about Match of the Day and long for The Footie Show (either code!)


4. You own a Holden.


5. You actually enjoy Vegemite.


6. You catch yourself driving around in summer and smiling stupidly to yourself because a) the sky is so blue, b) the sun is so warm, and c) you've almost tail-gated yet another driver because you've been distracted by a stunning woman jogging to the beach!!


8. You have a beer fridge.


9. You're counting the days until you can take your Citizenship Test.


10. You know how to cook more than snags on the barbie.



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I never forget about Match of the day( even through i never watch it because my O/H will not allow it) LOL when it comes back in August.

She already shown mew the Holden she wants. LOL Is holdens really just a Vauxhall LOL I never complain about the weather here lol I love it lol

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Guest JoanneHattersley

I am pretty much like Ali. Its contentment. We found here that we lived to work and not worked to live. We have money over each month , we can save more. We can plan on our days off, we have more time together. A variety of things really

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Guest mandy1


Well if someone offered me a ticket to go back to the UK for a few weeks holiday I know 100% that I would not want to go! I love it here, the weather, the beaches and the Aussies! I know lifes not easy when you move around the world but for now I am very contented & very happy to just be here

Mandy x

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Been here almost 2 years,(just me not hubby, he's different story) sometimes feel settled and sometimes just wanna jump back on the big white bird............. but im getting there !!!!

Taken alot of getting used to for me, i like the fast pace of life, not sure how i will feel after a trip sometime back to the uk, who knows we will have to wait & see

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Sheesh, now I know where I went wrong - we never have owned a Holden. That must be the key to it all:nah:


I used to be settled, but that was because it was all a big adventure. Never got homesick, thought the weather was OK, went lots of places, admired the scenery (pre drought), walked up mountains, clicked on all the tourist spots, visited every state, had friends etc but niggling at the back of my mind all the time was that my head knew this was home but my heart knew that it wasnt and whenever I go home it is just like putting on a comfy old coat and I know that is where I belong - "home". I managed OK for about 20 years before it became almost unbearable.


For the first few years it was all fine and dandy but then the multiple of 7 year itch comes into play and I'm bored. I dont think that if someone had told me in the first 10 years that I would be fed up with Aus that I would have believed them but after nearly 30 years I just live to escape (10 days and counting!!! - for a short escape anyway). Now maybe if we had had a Holden instead of a Volvo all would be right with the world oh yeah, and we never had a beer fridge either, destined to fail:biglaugh:

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Guest tony and sheena
Sheesh, now I know where I went wrong - we never have owned a Holden. That must be the key to it all:nah:


I used to be settled, but that was because it was all a big adventure. Never got homesick, thought the weather was OK, went lots of places, admired the scenery (pre drought), walked up mountains, clicked on all the tourist spots, visited every state, had friends etc but niggling at the back of my mind all the time was that my head knew this was home but my heart knew that it wasnt and whenever I go home it is just like putting on a comfy old coat and I know that is where I belong - "home". I managed OK for about 20 years before it became almost unbearable.


For the first few years it was all fine and dandy but then the multiple of 7 year itch comes into play and I'm bored. I dont think that if someone had told me in the first 10 years that I would be fed up with Aus that I would have believed them but after nearly 30 years I just live to escape (10 days and counting!!! - for a short escape anyway). Now maybe if we had had a Holden instead of a Volvo all would be right with the world oh yeah, and we never had a beer fridge either, destined to fail:biglaugh:


Hi Quoll


I know you've spoken before about burning your bridges, but is your hubby aware of how you feel? Does he visit the UK with you?

Have a lovely trip home, will you get a chance to meet up with your son?


Best wishes


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Hi Quoll


I know you've spoken before about burning your bridges, but is your hubby aware of how you feel? Does he visit the UK with you?

Have a lovely trip home, will you get a chance to meet up with your son?


Best wishes



Oh yes, he knows but he is an Aussie and wont go back. I am dragging him off for this holiday but usually I go on my own. This is a family celebration type event so he has no choice but to come - otherwise the duct tape and baseball bat would be called for:biglaugh:


Yes we should have about a week plus a few weekends with DS1 - we are going to a formal dinner at his place one night which will be scary in the extreme but fun at the same time.

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Guest earlswood

1. You step outside your front door and just smile 'cos the weather is just so damn good (90% of the time anyway!!).

No tick...weather in Perth is as unpredictable as the UK...AND MORE RAIN.


2. You own a pair of Ugg boots and aren't ashamed to wear them with a pair of shorts during the winter.

No tick...these should only be worn by grannies who stain them with gravy and wee......they stink worse than trainers and look bloody awfull.


3. You've forgotten about Match of the Day and long for The Footie Show (either code!)

No tick......how can you watch aussie rules footie....it's like watching a gay parade with all those tight shorts.


4. You own a Holden.

No tick.....would rather catch the bus.



5. You actually enjoy Vegemite.

Frigging no tick.....it look's like poo and tastes worse....yuk yuk yuk.


6. You catch yourself driving around in summer and smiling stupidly to yourself because a) the sky is so blue, b) the sun is so warm, and c) you've almost tail-gated yet another driver because you've been distracted by a stunning woman jogging to the beach!!

Yes tick....when I am pissed.


8. You have a beer fridge.

No tick...aussies cannot brew beer.


9. You're counting the days until you can take your Citizenship Test.



10. You know how to cook more than snags on the barbie.

No tick.....aussies cannot do BBQs like South African's..........belive me.




ONE TICK....Better duck.

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Guest ianinoz69
Ian I totally agree..Excepttttt Its the guys surfing that make me smile...Oh and the vegimite is YUK...:)

Ya just know really...It isnt one thing in particular..its like trying to describe love and ya just cant..YA JUST KNOW :)




Sorry Jo... meant to add something about the guys for the ladies :-)

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Guest Guest9973

From an Adelaide point of view - you are happy when it rains.No matter how cold and wet it gets........you say "We need this rain"


You stop saying "Back home"


Insects become part of your life - not some fiendish SciFi plot - had some call me the other day who was a new arrival.Just as I answered I said "Hang on I've just got to squish this scorpion" in a nonchalant way..Stunned silence on the other end of the phone:arghh:

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Guest missymon

2. You own a pair of Ugg boots and aren't ashamed to wear them with a pair of shorts during the winter.

No tick...these should only be worn by grannies who stain them with gravy and wee......they stink worse than trainers and look bloody awfull.


ROTFLMAO ..Earlswood I am a 58 years young granny and was looking forward to getting my first pair of Ugg boots when we go to Oz....the picture I have now got in my mind has put me right off!!!:biglaugh:



5. You actually enjoy Vegemite.

Frigging no tick.....it look's like poo and tastes worse....yuk yuk yuk.


I totally agree. My OH LOVES the stuff. Just the smell of it makes me want to throw up.:no:way!!


Monica x

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Aw c'mon, I will dispute the ugg boots (could do with a pair right now, it is freezing in my house at the mo with all the doors open for the electrician to be working on rewiring) though I do fall into the old lady category. DS2 used to live in his ugg boots when he was swimming and I can vouch for the smell though:arghh: Will also dispute the vegemite - it really isnt that bad - nothing like a nice piece of toast with lashings of butter and a scrape of vegemite (dont slather the vegemite though, no matter what you do!). I have seen people paste it on like Nutella:twitcy:

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