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Oh, What's Occurring?

Guest Sam&Si

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Guest Sam&Si

Hi everyone,


Lets put our house not selling/crap exchange rate/never ending visa process (do c/o's even exist??lol) problems behind us for a few hours.....


Anyone in South Wales or surrounding fancy a meet in August? Barry Island for an omelette maybe?! :yes:



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Guest Sam&Si

Ah, thats a shame Mrs Tyke, we're going to get everyone to do robotics when they arrive lol (if anyone comes?!)



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Guest welshspark

yeah me and my family would be up for it also my neigbours r moving to oz as well so theres a few more for the list let us now when and what u got planned

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Hi Sam,


Would like to meet as we are only down the road in Newport but we fly out to Brisbane on 1st September and have a lot of weekend get togethers planned with friends and family, so if we can count us in.


But if not in the Uk then maybe we'll see you in Brisbane.



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Guest Sam&Si

Hi Wendy,


Ah I'm so jealous! That's less than 2 months to go you lucky thing! For some reason I've taken to obsessively checking the weather on teletext and temp has yet to fall below 18 in Brisbane and it's middle of winter?!!!

We're going to try for some point in August I think, so will definately contact you to see if you're around, if not we'll hopefully be in Brisbane for Dec so will catch you then. We're looking at North Lakes/Redcliffe - where r u off to?



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