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190 visa - did you get asked to complete medicals


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Hi everyone. We have submitted and paid for our visa but haven’t yet done medicals. Someone once said to wait to be asked instead of just doing them ourselves and submitting result. I’m just getting worried the more time goes on (2 months now) we may miss our chance or run out of time if they don’t actually ask? Hope I’m making sense

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Yeah like verystormy suggested, please keep looking at the spam folder as well. We almost missed the email from the immigration requesting for our daughters medicals because it went to the spam folder. Also it is better to do medicals when asked and believe me, they will.

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Generally, when you get your visa grant you have a year to validate your visa .... but they will take that from the date of the medicals or police check (whichever has the earliest date).  eg.  If you have your medicals now (Feb) but don't get a grant until August .. you will have to validate by February the following year .. giving you only 6 months to make your first entry into Aus.  I haven't heard that this process has changed, and with the process being slow then I would certainly wait until asked.

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