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How much evidence for 820 visa? Every bank statement?

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Hi all,

My partner and I are in the process of applying for the 820 and have been living together on a de facto basis for 5 years. We have kept absolutely everything and we not short on evidence by any stretch. Should I be uploading every single joint bank statement for the past 5 years (as one documents)? Same for our phone bills, every month since we met?

Any advice would be appreciated. 

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Gosh, that would be a huge amount to provide. You really shouldn't need to provide that much. I've never heard of anyone uploading so much. 

They want to see evidence of the 12 months prior to lodging iirc. So a bank statement or bill from each month of the 12 months prior to lodging there would be good for sure. Or if you wanted 12 months of bank statements plus random bills from each month that year or some such. Showing you at the same address I would hope :) 

And then to round things out for the rest of the time you are claiming de facto.. what I did was submit a random bill from both or one or the other of us from each year we were claiming for. So went back about 7 years all up I think it was. So one or two things from each year was it. Showing us both at the same address over that time. So a electric bill in his name from March, phone bill in mine from August and perhaps one random joint bank statement from the year. So 2 or 3 things at most from each of the remaining years. Not full years worth of evidence for each year we had been de facto. I was applying for the 309/100 off shore but its the same requirements iirc. 

I did also include car insurance for a couple of years including the current one which named us both on the policy. Also life insurance policy naming the other. 

If you rent a home together and it names you both on the lease, that is good to submit. If you own your home together and share the mortgage, also good to submit.

A few photos from over the years but don't go mad. They don't need your life in pictures. The odd holiday booking for you both is handy, as is the odd invite to a wedding or event naming you both. Those things help round out the social aspect. 


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9 hours ago, Gooseontheloose said:

Great, thanks for this! On one hand I have read enough horror stories online about being rejected for having inefficient evidence but on the other hand I don't want to bore the case worker to tears! 

They can - and do - ask for more if they want it. For our 309 I sent about 7 bank statements from 3 different accounts. Thee was money going in and out of all of them for household expenses. They picked one and demanded every statement for five years! Absolutely ridiculous especially as we only used that account for utility bills!

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17 hours ago, Gooseontheloose said:

Hi all,

My partner and I are in the process of applying for the 820 and have been living together on a de facto basis for 5 years. We have kept absolutely everything and we not short on evidence by any stretch. Should I be uploading every single joint bank statement for the past 5 years (as one documents)? Same for our phone bills, every month since we met?

Any advice would be appreciated. 

We provided one statement showing a joint mortgage statement and one page of a joint current account with transactions going back a year.

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It seems to vary so much between Case officers. Same with social media info - we supplied loads at the 309 stage only to have our CO tell us it was far too much and a waste of her time.  ( she was a real charmer!). At the 100 stage we were hardly using facebook so had little info to provide, and one of the reasons for refusal was that we did not have enough proof of interaction, and public declarations of affection, on facebook!

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At the time of lodgement we provided: 

Most recent joint bank statement, most recent utility bill with both names, 10 facebook screen shots of overseas trips and joint taggings of events, flight tickets overseas

When we got to the front of the que, 10 months later, provided all of the above again, and job done :)


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