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Waiting time

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What a perfect end to a shitty day! Honestly, really happy for you! We are fairly close with our timing. Just praying I really am not far behind. I handed my notice in this week at work (to leave end of July), so just hoping all works out!

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Wow Joeh99 go you! I wish I had been more gutsy and handed it in before I got the visa. I'd only have 1 month notice now, not 3 months' however we still need to plan and book flights etc. I'd say your very close behind me.  slot of ppl who applied within a day or two of me were granted yesterday so there must be some pattern to the madness!! ?

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@Dragonflygecko To be honest mate, I haven't got many commitments, so it was easier for me to just hand it in. Otherwise I would have been stuck at school until Xmas! You've got so much to do! I would savour it though - your never going to do this again, so try and enjoy.

Your right - there does seem to be some sort of pattern emerging. Late Feb/early march lodges being granted at the moment. I've said to myself - mid June. Let's hope its sooner!!

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