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Applying for 189 Skilled Visa - Psychologist


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Hi there, 

I'm looking for some advice please. 

I recently received an invite from SkillSelect to apply for the Skilled Permanent 189 visa under my qualification as a Psychologist. When I sent off my EOI initially I believed that one of my jobs was related and put it down as relevant experience - however, I'm now not 100% that this will be the case which would reduce my overall points for work experience (going from 10 points for work experience to 5). However, I've since had my PTE results back and will be able to claim 10 points for superior english which would mean that I would still have over the 60 points needed to be eligible for the 189. 

As my overall points won't have technically dropped below the threshold - I'm wondering if I should still proceed with the invite given that some of the info on my EOI technically has changed? Does anyone have any advice as to how likely it is that my application would be refused? I know you can't provide individual advice but I'd really appreciate some guidance as to whether I should risk applying or wait for another invite on an updated EOI? 

Many thanks in advance



Oh dear, it seems you've lodged an EOI before having all documents to hand. Never a good idea. 

You have been selected based on the info in the EOI. You must supply the documentation alluded to in the EIO. If the reduction in points puts you below the threshold, then you would have a problem: the case officer would likely refuse the application as you won't meet the 60 points threshold for the 189. However, if you are still at 60 points for a 189 even without the employment points then you should still be ok.

They might ask for a better reference, but if what you did isn't relevant then you can't claim for it.

In most case where the points are critical, then they refuse the application and ask you to reapply.

You can of course attempt to email them with your higher PTE score and ask them to consider it, but it's very unlikely the case officer will take any account of this as it doesn't match what you put in the EOI. In fact, you would be seen as having entered false information as you entered an assumed score into a factual entry on the EOI.


I see this a lot.




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