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Posting Documents


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I'm sure this has been answered before but I couldn't find anything (quickly enough!)

I am finally ready to send off my application for CPV (Hurray). Was going to use a courier to hit 30th June deadline but as the increase in fees is only 30 dollars if I miss it, I've decided to save myself some money by sending normal post and spend the rest on some well deserved wine after getting this far!


2 questions:


1. Should I send recorded/registered or is there a better way (When my son sent his application for permanent residency he sent it using some method that required a signature at the other end - unfortunately there was no one there to sign so docs got returned to the Post Office and a card was left. No one bothered to collect from Post Office so a few weeks later their application was back on their doorstep 'undelivered'. Obviously don't want this to happen!


2. Because there is a change in the fee should I complete 2 forms confirming credit card details and fee. One with current fee and one with the applicable fee should it arrive after 30th June?


Going to Post Office lunchtime tomorrow. All responses gratefully received.



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