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QUESTIONS - Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189)


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Hi all,


I have recently graduate with a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering, i'm looking to apply subclass 189 and wondering if this is the right path to go? I'm over the age of 25 and I was told this would be the right way to go. Just need some expert here to advise please.


THANKSS !!:notworthy:

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Yes, that sounds like a good plan. Engineering is one of the few professions where post graduation experience isn't needed.


You might want to consider coming on a working holiday visa initially to see if Australia is really for you and possibly make contacts that will help you find work.

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Hi all,


Apologies if this has already been brought up but I can't find anything! I've also read many a lot of conflicting information on what I'm about to ask.


My girlfriend and I are currently on a working holiday visa, very shortly will be submitting EOI and hopefully being invited to apply for a 189. Once the visa application is submitted (not EOI submission) will we automatically go onto a bridging visa or is it something you have to request? I know there are several different types of bridging visa with different restrictions and none of them suit me due to me spending several months each year abroad for my work. Our WHV doesn't expire until September so we'd rather just stay on that as long as we can while the 189 is processing. Can we do that?


In summary, do we have to change over to a bridging visa once the application is submitted or can we stay on our current WHV while it's still valid and 189 is still processing?


Many thanks in advance!

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