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820 Visa Query


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Hey all,


I'm getting everything together ready to apply for my partner visa (820) and just wanted to clarify a couple of things, sorry there a bit basic i just couldnt find the answers!


So, i'm applying online, i understand I have to submit Form 47SP and then my permanent resident partner has to submit Form 40SP,


I'm just confused as the start of the application looks like this...




So, do i complete "Stage 1" (which im assuming is Form 47SP?!) and then my partner completes the top "Sponsorship for a Partner to Migrate to Australia" (which im assuming is Form 40SP), is that correct?


Once stage 1 is completed and paid for, i've heard the bridging visa comes through straight away, is that also correct?


Also, once stage 1 has been completed, does my partner complete his part on my Immi account, or do they have to do it on there own?


And how soon after stage one is completed does my partner need to complete there part?


Any help would be really appreciated!



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Once stage 1 is completed and paid for, i've heard the bridging visa comes through straight away, is that also correct?

That is the usual practice.


Also, once stage 1 has been completed, does my partner complete his part on my Immi account, or do they have to do it on there own?


Use yours.


And how soon after stage one is completed does my partner need to complete there part?


Sooner rather than later. At least get the 'bare bones' sponsorship lodged, even if you do not have all the supporting documents prepared.

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