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Prospective marriage visa 47SP - online application

Mick Davidson

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I'd be really grateful if someone could help us with a problem we're having with the online application forms.


My fiancee and I are filling in our forms (47SP and 40SP) and have hit a wall. I had filled in my form up to page 18/19 without too much trouble, but when my fiancee started filling in hers, she got to page four and couldn't get any further. When she tried to save page, she got a message at the top saying:


"The related application details provided cannot be verified, check the details and amend if necessary. The applicant will not be able to continue and should review the eligibility information on our website."


We've gone through all the details that we've entered and cannot see any discrepancies between my form and hers, and the TRN that I gave her is correct. Also, I've been able to carry on adding data to my form since she's had this message, which the message suggests I shouldn't be able to do. I've looked up the meaning of 'applicant' and 'sponsor' so I know the message is talking about me and my details, and not her and hers.


Question 1: Is the visa system sophisticated enough for her form to be reading my form as she fills hers in, and is therefore checking what we've both entered to make sure it ties up?

Question 2: Can anyone clarify what this message means?


Something that may be muddying the waters here is that she is in the process of getting divorced. That happens officially on the 14th Dec. She will get her documentation for that on the 14th Jan 2017. So technically she is still married and is not quite divorced. So is that the cause of the problem?


If anyone can help us with this, we' be very grateful.

Cheers, Mick.

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Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! And thanks for your answer. :) This is something we considered, but not being experts, and not finding that info amongst the wealth of info on the Immi site, we were only guessing that that might actually be the problem.


If I have to lodge and pay first, I presume that means I still have to get certified copies of her documentation to send in with my visa application? I.e., before she lodges hers?


Thanks for the info, we're just about to talk on the phone, so at least I have some news to give her. :)

Cheers, Mick.


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Hi Mick,


Leanne's probably right, but it might also depend on the visa category you're aiming at. Impossible to apply for a prospective spouse visa for example if still married to someone else. FWIW if determined to get free advice then you could also visit Salvos Legal in Sydney which still offers a drop-in service.




George Lombard

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