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How stay long time ? No work wanted..


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I am a 28 year old man from Belgium and I would love to stay a long time in Australia. I have enough funds and actually don't want to work. How long would I be able to stay ? 2 years would be nice..


Can I apply for the "eVisitor Visa (651)" and then while there for the "Electronic Travel Authority (601)". Then every 2-3 months I would travel to neighbouring countries and once to Belgium for 1-2 weeks each time. This gives me 3 months + 12 months; Can I after this apply for another visa? For the "Visitor Visa (600)" ?


Should I be more "honest" from the start and apply for the "Visitor Visa (600)" for 12 months straight ? But I read that after that I need to spend at least 6 months somewhere else.. That's kind of annoying..


Can I apply for the "Working Holiday Visa" and actually not work at all/ not show up at work ? I read that after that it might be harder to apply for another visa such as the "Visitor Visa (600)" because they might think that you will work again; what if I show them I have sufficient funds? What if I tell them that I did not work at all anyway and that I am just here to relax smile.gif Lol that seems like a bad idea. Can I apply for a second "WHV"; I need proof I did work somewhere?


Can I apply for a "Student Visa"; let's say I find a two year course ? Will they ever check if I really go to the courses ?


It looks like I need to combo several visa types in order to stay more than 12 months or I can go for the "Student Visa" and find a 2-3 year course..


Lastly, is poker considered work? Can I ever tell them that I might play once a week in a local casino? Can I tell them that I might play 2-3 hours a week online poker ? I don't mind not playing at all but I enjoy playing occasionally and it brings me some money.


I want to spend a few years in Australia just to relax and enjoy.. Please Australia let me in smile.gif

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I would think it extremely unlikely that you can stay in Australia for a few years on tourist visas. If your country participates in the WHV program then that would be one way to stay a year and if you did three months of eligible regional work you could get a second year. You are not forced to work on this visa otherwise though no.


If you get a student visa yes you do have to attend the course and your visa would be cancelled if you do not.

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Your best bet would be a Working Holiday Visa if your country participates in it. You do not have to work AT ALL on that visa if you don't want to. However if you don't do any work, you can stay for only one year. To qualify for a second year, you must work in a regional area at an eligible job (usually farm work) for three months in your first year.

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