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Form 929!


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Afternoon all,


We have a 189 visa, Making the move to Sydney in November :jiggy:


However, two of our children's passports have just been renewed. My immi account doesn't give me an option to update our details (which frustrates me), so I have to do it old school via post!


My question is....Do I have to get colour copies of their bio-data pages of their new passports certified??


thanks for any info xx

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If a new passport issued post the visa grant, then no need to do anything, the DIBP's system will be updated automatically once the new passport been used once.


Some people may carry both current and expired passports, some may just print out the visa letter, either the granting letter or one downloaded form VEVO, as a double insurance, upon entry.


My understanding the imaging matching in DIBP's system is very powerful, once a new passport been scanned then it will be processed to ensure that the new passport issued to the right person, all done by the system.

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