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The new tory leader ?


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Firstly can we please have some adult debate and repllies


It probably has to be a brexiteer ( although they may go for Theresa may )


In my humble opinion ,it wont be Boris or Michael gove ..


Here's a couple


Liam fox and my tip ,someone who could really steady the ship .

For those that don't know her she comes across as a calming influence .

She was brilliant in the in /out debates and that is ANGELA LEADSOM .

It will probably take a head mistress type to sort the mess out


No ,she's nothing like Maggie

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Firstly can we please have some adult debate and repllies


It probably has to be a brexiteer ( although they may go for Theresa may )


In my humble opinion ,it wont be Boris or Michael gove ..


Here's a couple


Liam fox and my tip ,someone who could really steady the ship .

For those that don't know her she comes across as a calming influence .

She was brilliant in the in /out debates and that is ANGELA LEADSOM .

It will probably take a head mistress type to sort the mess out


No ,she's nothing like Maggie

The real Right wing would eat her for breakfast and still be looking round for seconds.

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Firstly can we please have some adult debate and repllies


It probably has to be a brexiteer ( although they may go for Theresa may )


In my humble opinion ,it wont be Boris or Michael gove ..


Here's a couple


Liam fox and my tip ,someone who could really steady the ship .

For those that don't know her she comes across as a calming influence .

She was brilliant in the in /out debates and that is ANGELA LEADSOM .

It will probably take a head mistress type to sort the mess out


No ,she's nothing like Maggie


I agree it won't be Boris as whoever goes to Brussels to negotiate exit will come back with their tail between their legs so the job is a poisoned chalice and the incumbent will not last a year. So someone anti-Europe on the fringe who is happy to be the fall guy maybe who has no long term political ambition.

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Firstly can we please have some adult debate and repllies


It probably has to be a brexiteer ( although they may go for Theresa may )


In my humble opinion ,it wont be Boris or Michael gove ..


Here's a couple


Liam fox and my tip ,someone who could really steady the ship .

For those that don't know her she comes across as a calming influence .

She was brilliant in the in /out debates and that is ANGELA LEADSOM .

It will probably take a head mistress type to sort the mess out


No ,she's nothing like Maggie



Don't know her, but think you are right about Boris , and Gove was never a runner.


The problem is they have no mandate. What are they meant to be negotiating, and who decides?

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Any combination of Gove / Borage makes me feel very queasy, for obvious reasons. What about Gisela Stuart? She was excellent in one of the better TV debates and she started life in Germany so she should be able to communicate well in an international group - bilingual with an insight into the view of Britain from the outside.

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Whats wrong with Boris and gove as his side kick? cant be any worse than the odious lying chuckle brothers Cameron and osbourne



Great quote from one of Boris's colleagues today:


"He's great company to have at a Party, but I don't think I'd let him drive me home"

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Great quote from one of Boris's colleagues today:


"He's great company to have at a Party, but I don't think I'd let him drive me home"

but you would rather be driven home by the sleazy greasy Cameron or worse Osborne ...lol

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Any combination of Gove / Borage makes me feel very queasy, for obvious reasons. What about Gisela Stuart? She was excellent in one of the better TV debates and she started life in Germany so she should be able to communicate well in an international group - bilingual with an insight into the view of Britain from the outside.


Gisella Stuart is a labour mp

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I don't really care who drives after a fun filled party, but it is important we actually get home safely.


I think Cameron and Osborne have done a fantastic job .

When they took over uk plc was on the brink of going broke .

They steadied the ship as part of the coalition .

My one and only complaint with David Cameron is his monumental **** up in Libya ...big mistake ousting ghaddaffi ....the deaths and ongoing crisis in the region are a real blot on his copy book

By the grace of god ,we haven't got a labour govt ,and I don't mean that politically or policy wise ...i mean LOOK AT THEM ,an absolute shower

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Boris was a brilliant mayor most londerners are saying, why cant he be a good PM


The only thing I will Sa about Boris ....people think he is a self serving buffoon ..he might be ,I don't know the bloke .

But they said the same about Winston Churchill ....if he is one tenth of Winston ,we will be ok .

Remember your history ,when Britain needs them ,someone always steps up to the plate .

I am not even losing a wink of sleep .

Things have been in place for months ...£250 BILLION has been made available ,it was already in place .

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The only thing I will Sa about Boris ....people think he is a self serving buffoon ..he might be ,I don't know the bloke .

But they said the same about Winston Churchill ....if he is one tenth of Winston ,we will be ok .

Remember your history ,when Britain needs them ,someone always steps up to the plate .

I am not even losing a wink of sleep .

Things have been in place for months ...£250 BILLION has been made available ,it was already in place .


By the way ....we are English ..in times of crisis ...we take a deep breathe ..keep calm and carry on ( up the pub ,to watch the football )

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They are saying now there is very little chance of us leaving Europe in the forceable future


Listening to the BBC on Saturday morning, a senior source in Whitehall reported that his European legal expertise department numbers about sub 20 good enough civil servants wth enough know how to navigate the current european regulatory waters, he opined that he would need almost 10 times that number .....

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They are saying now there is very little chance of us leaving Europe in the forceable future


That's because its up to Britain to trigger article 59 ,and start the process of leaving the e.u .


There will be a lot going on behind the scenes ...although we cant see Osborne ,ids ,gove they will be working 24/7 ....i also see our security has arrived in Europe ...john Kerry is here on behalf of the u.s to make sure the beating we are about to receive from the Germans and French is limited .


Our economy dropped 8% over the weekend ...the e.u dropped even further ...it will get sorted ...



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I actually think Boris would be a good option, but it was clear from weeks ago it would never be. The remain section of the party would never accept him. My guess is it will be a dark horse option. One of back benchers with a long history in the commons and who kept out of the referendum entirely.

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Listening to the BBC on Saturday morning, a senior source in Whitehall reported that his European legal expertise department numbers about sub 20 good enough civil servants wth enough know how to navigate the current european regulatory waters, he opined that he would need almost 10 times that number .....


I don't think so.


There red aren't really that many options. It boils down to 4.

1. Complete and total wash the hands of everything. Unlikely.

2. The EEA such as Norway. The easiest as technically we could argue we are already members (we signed and never repealed so, in the event of leaving, we could claim membership). But, I think unlikely as it would be unpopular with leave as it means still paying the EU and accepting free movement.

3. A new sort of sideline deal giving access to free market without free movement or fees. Very unlikely as EEA would be in uproar and demand the same deal.

4. A free trade deal similar to that between Canada and EU. Most likely. Offers about 90% free market access with little restriction. The Canada deal could be copy paste very quickly. This is my bet.

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I don't think so.


There red aren't really that many options. It boils down to 4.

1. Complete and total wash the hands of everything. Unlikely.

2. The EEA such as Norway. The easiest as technically we could argue we are already members (we signed and never repealed so, in the event of leaving, we could claim membership). But, I think unlikely as it would be unpopular with leave as it means still paying the EU and accepting free movement.

3. A new sort of sideline deal giving access to free market without free movement or fees. Very unlikely as EEA would be in uproar and demand the same deal.

4. A free trade deal similar to that between Canada and EU. Most likely. Offers about 90% free market access with little restriction. The Canada deal could be copy paste very quickly. This is my bet.



sure, option 4 looks good, but all these will call for extensive contract and legalise re-drafts, and of course a willing and co-operative partner, where I work (in the city at a law firm) there is concern that the EU will not be helpful, quite the opposite infact to discourage other member states from similar actions.


I can't help agree with Nick Cleggs piece in the ES today which basically said the Breexiters had just simply not thought it through to the extent that they have planned the next 18-24 months - a critical piece of time, and that includes Boris.

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It seems that despite the job of the next PM being labelled a 'poisoned chalice' by many, candidates are about to announce themselves. The lure of the top job is too strong. As they lay out their vision particularly in relation to free movement of people in connection with access to the single market and the EU maintain their stance that this is non-negotiable it will be interesting to see how it plays out.


If a candidate states that the UK will definitely leave the single market on this basis if they are leader and that candidate is the most popular expect more market jitters. If not it is going to start looking like business as usual. Politically a different landscape but the UK may avoid the worst impacts of Leaving.


Does any deal have to be ratified by Parliament before it can be enacted?

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It seems that despite the job of the next PM being labelled a 'poisoned chalice' by many, candidates are about to announce themselves. The lure of the top job is too strong. As they lay out their vision particularly in relation to free movement of people in connection with access to the single market and the EU maintain their stance that this is non-negotiable it will be interesting to see how it plays out.


If a candidate states that the UK will definitely leave the single market on this basis if they are leader and that candidate is the most popular expect more market jitters. If not it is going to start looking like business as usual. Politically a different landscape but the UK may avoid the worst impacts of Leaving.


Does any deal have to be ratified by Parliament before it can be enacted?


A bit of a climb down there, are you coming around to a belief that things may not turn out as bad as you have been predicting?

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