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CO Contacted - Please suggest regarding additional documents!


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Dear Mates,


CO contacted me and request for From 1221 along with following requested details. Please suggest regarding my red marked query.


Additional personal particulars


Please complete Form 1221 Additional personal particulars information. This is a

supplementary form required to support your visa application.


Please make sure that you provide the following information in full:

● travel details - please list all international travel (Form 1221 doesn't have any travel details section. Where should I mention all travel details. Although I mention travel details in Form 80)

● employment - please give details of all employment since leaving high school

● education and trade - please give details of qualifications you have obtained,

workshops, conferences or seminars you have attended, research papers you have published and your thesis (if undertaken). (I attended several in-house training provided by the Employer. The training has certificate but no credentials. Should I mention those training as well?)


Please be sure there are no unexplained gaps in time - if you were unemployed or studying please list from when to when and how you were financially supported during these periods.


Please provide a full Curriculum Vitae / Resume: (I provided my Resume at the time of visa but I believe the following information fully provided. So I believe I need to provide 2nd version of my Resume as suggested below.)

● for employment - please provide date commenced, date completed, occupation, name of employer and nature of business for each period of employment

● for study - please provide date commenced, date completed, full course name and full course provider details for each period of study.


Thanks in advance!

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