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Work visa scams


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Hey Guys, i need your help. i was looking for someone to sponsor me in december 2015 and later i find someone but he ask for money for that. because i was unable to find anyone else. My situation was critical, so i paid him, but now after getting money. he don't want to talk to me. What can do now, should i report it now. I am afriad that they will give me fine for doing that. Bcoz i haven't get anything from that maybe their is a chance. I just want your suggestion, should i leave this and move on.



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where & how.


how much it will effect me ?


If he was a migration agent who was registered with MARA, then report him to MARA. However I suspect he probably was not - in that case, report him to the police. It will not affect your visa application, unless you are currently in Australia illegally.

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how much it will hurt me, will it effect my future immigration lodgements. and will police punish me too ???


@maskman unfortunately it seems that you've fallen for a very common scam.


Best thing would be to report him to the local police who would then likely pass it onto AFP.


There's also a DIBP form for reporting incident like this.

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Yes it is. See here.

I thought I had read that somewhere. I think the OP is in very dodgy water here. Reporting the scam of his money would highlight he put an advert out on gumtree and requested sponsorship, then paid for it. I would have thought this would land him in real trouble now and in future.

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I think if you're prepared to try and enter on a dodgy sponsorship you should expect to lose every penny regardless, it should be common sense to know that your supposed employer should not be taking a penny from you in return for your sponsorship. You took that risk knowing the implications it could have. I think you should just bite your tongue and look into re-entering Australia legitimately like everyone else.

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