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IT work on WHV


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I'm thinking of heading out to Australia on a WHV in the next 6 months.

Although i would be happy enough to do some farm work or coffee shop/bar work etc, my current profession is in IT and i'd much prefer to get work in this field.

What's the likelihood of getting short-term work in IT on a WHV in Australia?

Would it be possible to work as a contractor on a WHV over there, and if so does anybody know what steps are required for this?


FYI - my current role is as an Infrastructure consultant/engineer, prior to this i worked as a network engineer, around 6 years total experience. (25 years old).


appreciate your help,



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Just apply for jobs via Seek (or elsewhere) - in most cases you will be paid on payroll by the agency. Limited companies are not the norm in Australia as there aren't the same tax advantages. Otherwise there are umbrella type companies if you were to get a contract direct with an employer.

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Good, you have alleviated some of my concern :), i was hoping it would be via agencies etc. i would hope that working as a sysadmin or network engineer would leave me better of financially than picking fruit. I'm most looking at the major cities and i'm not particularly fussy as to which one(s).

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I don't know if you'd any experience with regards to the visa but may as well ask.

I checked that my profession is on the SOL and CSOL (Computer Network and Systems Engineer 263111).

I used the Online Australian Skilled Migration Visa Assessment on http://www.visabureau.com/ and the scores i got were 70 (189) 75 (190) and 80 (489 i believe).

I'm not sure how good that is though and i'm unsure if they require a sponsor in advance. I'd hate to apply and lose my money...

If say after 6-12 months i decide that i want to stay, should i go ahead and apply for one of those anyway or should i wait until the WHV finishes?

Sorry for asking so much, i've been trying to google as much as i can, too many different visa's and conditions....

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Yes, you could apply while on a whv.


My my advice is to do lots of reading of the border.gov.au web site. Your points seem unusually high. If you have included points for English language, you would need to prove it by sitting English exams such as ILETS and do not assume they are easy. I know many people from the UK who are degree qualified who have struggled. In fact, I have just read a post from a UK nurse who has failed 8 times.

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Thanks. Unusually high sounds better than low. I have read though that even if you do score well, you can still get marked down for various reasons when you actually apply. I'll keep that in mind in regards to the English exam. I'll do a bit of prep work but i am reasonably confident. I take your point though.

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