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Claiming the Dole in the UK as an expat/dual citizen


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G'day Cobbers!!


Hope everyone has had a jolly good Christmas! Can't wait to call in the New Year and put 2015 behind me.


Having been here in WA for 6 years and as a dual national I am one of many who are unable to get work, so far it's been three months and counting. In my thoughts at present is that of returning to the UK, not that I want to, it's circumstances which dictate. As I would not have a job upon returning to the motherland I will need some form of income to get myself on my feet so to speak, this leads me to ask:-


Has anyone here gone back to the UK and tried to claim dole or signed on?


If you've answered "Yes" then what was the process? Are there any people you have dealt with in the past that could potentially assist me to understand what I have to do?


Your thoughts, guidance and prayers are appreciated! :)



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Guest guest112248

From my experience you will get nothing. I was in Oz 2003-2012, and went back. Worked from Jan13, (approx 2 weeks after arriving) until July 13 and relocated from England to Scotland. Tried to claim between jobs, Aug13-Sep13 and entitled to nothing. I had not paid any national insurance for the year 2010-2011 (from memory), therefore I could not claim Jobseeker's Allowance, income support or any benefits to assist with my general living.

I was advised tough luck, and even though I had paid national insurance that year it did not change anything.

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I knew someone that went back approx four years ago after about 15 years away. They could not claim unemployment but they could claim means tested income support. There was no waiting period. Hope 2016 is a better year for you Matt.


Taken from UK Gov website - Income Support is a non-contributory benefit. This means that it does not depend on national insurance contributions. You can get Income Support even if you have never paid national insurance, but you will need a national insurance number to make a claim.



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You have to prove 'habitual residence' first




'Dole' wouldn't be payable as it is dependent on NI contributions but you may get 'Income Support' depending on your financial circumstances.


I presume you have employment opportunities/family support that means returning to the UK is the best option - most people don't move countries when they are out of work and have limited means to support themselves.

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Thanks all for the responses.


I do not have a job to go back too, as I have been advised by many companies including recruitment agencies that I need to be in the UK before being considered!!


I see myself in a "chicken and egg" situation savings here are dwindling and keeping me going I have centrelink, but it's not that much. My unit is up for rent and as such think it might be better to let someone pay the mortgage for a bit while I try and sort myself out with work!!


Anyone with some bright ideas that I have thought of before, please chip in!!



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I agree that nothing is impossible. However I have previously lived in Sydney and have tried for jobs on the East with little success.


I just don't know how long to give trying here in Oz!!! I am a dual citizen, which is a bonus.


I am also settled in Perth and have made good friends.

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What job are you looking for?


If your BRITISH and looking to come back to the UK and sign on at the job centre and claim benefits then good luck with that one! If you come back and say your a refugee you'll be ok!



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What job are you looking for?


If your BRITISH and looking to come back to the UK and sign on at the job centre and claim benefits then good luck with that one! If you come back and say your a refugee you'll be ok!




Well obviously, the OP is a permanent resident of a country outside of the EU who is choosing to move to the UK presumably for better financial prospects - he CHOSE to leave the UK, (as I did) and then may CHOOSE to move back (as I did), i certainly didn't expect any government to pay for my mistake.


You cannot compare the OP being unemployed in Australia with someone fleeing war, there are plenty of dual nationals in Australia who have never set foot in the UK, do you really think they should be entitled to leave Australia and claim benefits in the UK.


Yes, it can feel unfair - when my OH was refused a grant for college because we had been out of the EU for the previous 3 years and yet a new arrival from the EU would - it did make me rant a bit, well like a Daily Mail reader!

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