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Cairns Australia


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Hello I hope this is OK to post and I will be looking forward to some response .. I'm 27 married have two children 6 and 3 years . after 15 months of appling for 189 visa we finally got granted this :-) we was over the moon . basically have booked flights for Dec to fly out and start are new life om 100% ready and willing to make this work . we are going to live at cairns with my sister on law that has lived there 8 years now and absolutely loves it shes kindly offered us to stay with her for a year to save some $$$ and hopefully we can then loom into buying the problem is every time I say CAIRNS we are going people are like why cairns ?? (In not a good kinda way ) I know the weather is very hot/humid I know u can't swim in sea ,cyclones, there's crocs ,mosquito caring dieses ect and yes I am so very nervous and thinking what the hell have I done .. Will my kids cope will I cope is it really that bad will I see these all time ect .. Now I'm just a bag of nerves ? Anyone help me chill out about I'm more nervous about bringing my two young children that's never experienced anything and have no knownloge of these things I'm thinking its not such a good idea now ??? Please help me .

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Cairns is great- sounds like someone has been spinning you a line. Australia is a first world country not 4th world




The main thing I would be wondering about would be availability of work. Otherwise I would love to live in Cairns, in fact I might retire there or thereabouts.

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If you go back and read those other threads that you posted, you'll find lots of reassurance from people who actually live there.


I'm one of those who was a bit cautious about the weather and facilities, but I've only visited, not lived there, which is a different thing. There are pluses and minuses to every city in the world - remember you can always move if it turns out you're not happy there.

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Cairns is great- sounds like someone has been spinning you a line. Australia is a first world country not 4th world


well said! :)

only been there on holidays. It's a small city and you get what comes with a small city. All the natural 'disasters' you mention, people live there and happily they just get used to it. Where else do u have a free pool right on the water front? They make it work. There's things you have to be cautious about but even in England there's things you need to worry about. Just not the animal kind, worst kind.

its a great part of the world and see it as a great adventure if you don't like it move again in a few years. Not hard! :) good luck.

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I spent a couple of weeks in Cairns and Port Douglas in August and didn't see one mosquito or one fly. Everything was perfect. Also, I did swim in the sea as it was winter and the stingers had cleared off. I would love to live there. One thing I really loved in Cairns was the Woolworths Supermarket where they had two Japanese chefs creating the most stunning takeaway Sushi dishes.

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I spent a couple of weeks in Cairns and Port Douglas in August and didn't see one mosquito or one fly. Everything was perfect. Also, I did swim in the sea as it was winter and the stingers had cleared off. I would love to live there. One thing I really loved in Cairns was the Woolworths Supermarket where they had two Japanese chefs creating the most stunning takeaway Sushi dishes.


Wow sounds amazing thank you for a very positive quote

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FWIW we spent a couple of weeks in the Cairns area (including Atherton, Port Douglas) in September. It is not remotely humid at that time of year. In fact it was so dry in FNQ that bush fires are probably the main concern.


We absolutely loved the place. The caveat is that we were on vacation but it is a stunning place.

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Hi, I'm in Cairns right now. Weathers gorgeous hitting around 27-33 every day I have been here in the humid wet season you do get Mosquitos but so does every where else in Australia. Not seen any snakes but have seen a crocodile on the side of a road but it was near a creek and there was no one walking there. We are moving here from Sydney in January and can't wait. I feel very safe here we are In the Trinity beach area and its stunning. I could not think of a better place to bring up children and only wish ours were younger when we came over. Cairns to me is paradise but that's just my view. Hope this bit of positivity helps.


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