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Carpenter with/without tools


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Hi, I am emigrating to Brisbane Nov '15.

I am an 20+ years experienced carpenter looking for work, but of course, my tools will be in transit for two months after I arrive.

Has any one else had this issue and how did they overcome it?

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Hello Lee

Can't you pack some essentials to tide you over and pay the extra cost until your main tool set arrives? Other than that, buy local once you get here: TradeTools & ToolsDirect are all over the place.

Where do you intend living? On your own or bringing family?

OH & I arrange 3 monthly get-togethers for recent arrivals. Next will be Saturday 10 October at a park in North Lakes (north of the city) but there'll be one in December (probably at a beach) & another in January (North Lakes' park) to help people over the Christmas/New Year difficult time. If you're interested, contact me.

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