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How do you feel now that Abbott is gone?


How do you feel?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel?

    • Furious at Turnbull?
    • Slightly angry at Turnbull?
    • In a state of shock and grief?
    • Relieved?
    • Jubilant?
    • Psychotic with joy?
    • Don't care: same **** different bucket?
    • Sense of anti-climax?

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He meant she never aspired to be First Lady or relished that role.


She continued in her day job as a Kindergarten teacher all the time she was officially First Lady.


Why you are so nasty to the Abbott family is beyond me.


1. This is Australia, not America - we don't have a 'First Lady'


2. The role she didn't relish was 'spouse'


3. I am not being nasty to Margie - I think she has suffered enough, being married to that dolt!


4. It is him being 'nasty' to her - an adornment ffs ..... Being a woman with a career of her own, and not just an extension of this arrogant tosser, I should think she would take offence at that herself!

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1. This is Australia, not America - we don't have a 'First Lady'


2. The role she didn't relish was 'spouse'


3. I am not being nasty to Margie - I think she has suffered enough, being married to that dolt!


4. It is him being 'nasty' to her - an adornment ffs ..... Being a woman with a career of her own, and not just an extension of this arrogant tosser, I should think she would take offence at that herself!


Honestly what is your problem, probably not many of us like politicians, (apart from me as my ex was a UK labour MP )

I couldn't stand Julia Gillard, but would never stoop so low as to post, post after post venting.

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Some telling words from Tones about his wife in a recent interview, I wonder what 'not an avid wife' translates as? Mind you, can't blame her...:



Picking one word completely out of context just to continue yr hatred of Abbott, and more importantly, the fact you can't accept that women do like him.


Avid in this case is obviously about her lack of pleasure at being a political partner. She would hardly be the first woman not to like the limelight.

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1. This is Australia, not America - we don't have a 'First Lady'


2. The role she didn't relish was 'spouse'


3. I am not being nasty to Margie - I think she has suffered enough, being married to that dolt!


4. It is him being 'nasty' to her - an adornment ffs ..... Being a woman with a career of her own, and not just an extension of this arrogant tosser, I should think she would take offence at that herself!

Apart from that one word taken completely out of context do you have a single shred of evidence that she has had an unhappy marriage? Three lovely daughters too, and women staffers who have stayed loyal, and Abbott has a gay sister whom he has never used to make political capital out of.


Of course we have a First Lady. Most countries do even if they don't use the term.


If anything Gillard brought more shame on the PM's role by refusing to marry The First Bloke.

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She has a job running a kindie I think and when she needed to go to Canberra she drove herself rather than fly or have a limo.


Such hatred of a happy marriage to a bloke who has no record of drunkenness. Or playing away. If only he wasn't so suburban! He volunteers for the bush fire brigade and does other charity work, he lives in an ordinary burb.nowonder the left hate him!l

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Apart from that one word taken completely out of context do you have a single shred of evidence that she has had an unhappy marriage? Yes, I do, but out of respect for the people involved will not post it on a public forum. Three lovely daughters too one of whom refuses to be used in publicity shots with her father, and the other two who have benefitted hugely through his position by way of a scholarship not made available to anyone else, and a government house rented to her at below market rates, and women staffers who have stayed loyal are you counting Julie Bishop among those?, and Abbott has a gay sister whom he has never used to make political capital out of apart from denying her the same rights as his heterosexual daughters have.


Of course we have a First Lady. Most countries do even if they don't use the term.


If anything Gillard brought more shame on the PM's role by refusing to marry The First Bloke. Do you have any proof she 'refused' to marry him? Are you giving Julie Bishop a hard time over refusing to marry her boyfriend, even though he gets to attend UN meetings with her?


The man almost brought my country to its knees, destroyed its international reputation, and presided over one of the worst cases of human rights abuse in the civilised world today, which one day he and Scott Morrison will stand trial for. I refuse to treat him as some hard done by little innocent even though he has now got his just desserts as far as his job is concerned. When he has been held to account for the rest of his crimes (and I'm including in that his justification of his eligibility to have held office inthe first place, and a full justification or repayment of all his claimed expenses) then maybe I'll 'leave him alone' - he is gone, but not forgotten!

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The man almost brought my country to its knees, destroyed its international reputation, and presided over one of the worst cases of human rights abuse in the civilised world today, which one day he and Scott Morrison will stand trial for. I refuse to treat him as some hard done by little innocent even though he has now got his just desserts as far as his job is concerned. When he has been held to account for the rest of his crimes (and I'm including in that his justification of his eligibility to have held office inthe first place, and a full justification or repayment of all his claimed expenses) then maybe I'll 'leave him alone' - he is gone, but not forgotten!

He is Queen Cersei from GOT, and is currently walking through Kings Landing, stark bollock naked, getting **** flung at him and being called a **** by the ordinary people who aren't afraid of him any more.


He occasionally gets a bit of undeserved sympathy from the likes of the hideously deformed Mountain (Bolt) and a number of equally despised sycophants.


Figuratively speaking, you understand.

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I don't think you actually appreciated the point I was making mate.


What you took for a hissy fit was me just picking out some sound bites of yours which place you firmly on the right wing side of politics and IMO, someone who has 'a lot of time' for a person like Scott Morrison is on the extreme end of the right wing spectrum. Which I why I suggested that you are an Abbott fan.


I think you're out of touch: the guy was loathed by the electorate (approval rating something like -60%), but beloved of the far right.


Here we go again. But I think I get where you're coming from. You use 'right wing' as an insult and no doubt would love to see dissent from your righteous views banned. You regard your opinion as fact and attack anyone who doesn't automatically agree with you.


I already stated I have mixed views on abott, but at least I've met him and spoken to him. I base my views on that, I'm guessing you haven't and can only rely on your preferred newspapers to tell you your opinion.


I find your comments about Scott Morrison odd, and rather childish. Have you met him? Or are you forming an opinion based on media coverage only?


I hate to break it to you, but media outlets have agendas and bias. That's why, in order to be properly informed you should read both sides of the political debate and formulate an opinion that is your own.


Don't worry, when the revolution comes you can ban or burn all of us moderates and open minded individuals.

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The man almost brought my country to its knees, destroyed its international reputation, and presided over one of the worst cases of human rights abuse in the civilised world today, which one day he and Scott Morrison will stand trial for. I refuse to treat him as some hard done by little innocent even though he has now got his just desserts as far as his job is concerned. When he has been held to account for the rest of his crimes (and I'm including in that his justification of his eligibility to have held office inthe first place, and a full justification or repayment of all his claimed expenses) then maybe I'll 'leave him alone' - he is gone, but not forgotten!


Bit over the top there Diane. The country is nowhere near being on it's knees and hasn't been for a long time. I don't think the International reputation of Aus went backwards and a lot of European countries, that were all very quick to have a go about Australia's stop the boats policy, are wishing they could now do the same thing. They are having meeting after meeting and not getting any nearer a solution.

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Here we go again. But I think I get where you're coming from. You use 'right wing' as an insult and no doubt would love to see dissent from your righteous views banned. You regard your opinion as fact and attack anyone who doesn't automatically agree with you.


I already stated I have mixed views on abott, but at least I've met him and spoken to him. I base my views on that, I'm guessing you haven't and can only rely on your preferred newspapers to tell you your opinion.


I find your comments about Scott Morrison odd, and rather childish. Have you met him? Or are you forming an opinion based on media coverage only?


I hate to break it to you, but media outlets have agendas and bias. That's why, in order to be properly informed you should read both sides of the political debate and formulate an opinion that is your own.


Don't worry, when the revolution comes you can ban or burn all of us moderates and open minded individuals.


Yeah, sure.

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Bit over the top there Diane. The country is nowhere near being on it's knees and hasn't been for a long time. I don't think the International reputation of Aus went backwards and a lot of European countries, that were all very quick to have a go about Australia's stop the boats policy, are wishing they could now do the same thing. They are having meeting after meeting and not getting any nearer a solution.


that's because turning round boats or intercepting them and imprisoning the asylum seekers indefinitely in offshore detention centres is immoral and unconscionable, let alone illegal

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The man almost brought my country to its knees, destroyed its international reputation, and presided over one of the worst cases of human rights abuse in the civilised world today, which one day he and Scott Morrison will stand trial for. I refuse to treat him as some hard done by little innocent even though he has now got his just desserts as far as his job is concerned. When he has been held to account for the rest of his crimes (and I'm including in that his justification of his eligibility to have held office inthe first place, and a full justification or repayment of all his claimed expenses) then maybe I'll 'leave him alone' - he is gone, but not forgotten!


Thats a cracker!


Mind you, if you consider China, Russia, North Korea, Ukraine, Belarus, Bahrain, etc....not part of the civilised world you may......just have a point.


I just love how, in the hands of a Marxist, personal indignation goes to fact in a fraction of a sentence.

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As usual, in this sort of post, you resort to opinion, rather than argument, and leave out vital facts, e.g. that 'Bolt, Hadley, and Jones' are all top rating journalists and presenters, and in the case of Hadley and Jones, have won their respective slots for years, and 'top rating' of course means the biggest number of listeners, or readers in the case of Bolt.


It was my opinion - I wasn't arguing. Bolt does have his own TV show on Sunday afternoon on the 10 network. When I'm in Sydney I like listening to Jones and Hadley - it gives me a good laugh and makes me feel grateful I live in Melbourne.

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Being open minded means being willing to listen to those whose opinions differ from your own and making up your mind after that.

I do.... Do you?

So says the person who posted this:

Just because a small group of activists decide today on the new issue for change, doesn't mean that everyone either agrees or is ready a handbrake turn of change.


Hectoring people because they aren't as socially aware as you is simply soapboxing and has no more relevance than my elderly neighbours opinion.


If you are running a country you can knee jerk to every news article and a particularly vocal left wing view of life which seems very loud these days. Or, you can respond to the views of the wider public and find a path acceptable to a diverse electorate


Much of the vitriol aimed at Abbot by the left appears to be because he didn't just roll over and accept their student politic preaching and agenda.


and this:

Having shared a student flat many years ago with a full on citizen smith devotee, I've never ceased to be amazed at how those on the left demand to be heard, and hector, smear and heckle anyone who doesn't agree with them.


and this cracker:


I just love how, in the hands of a Marxist, personal indignation goes to fact in a fraction of a sentence



I get that you don't like 'the left', which is your right, but please don't pretend that you're unbiased yourself and therefore somehow a cut above.


Based purely on your posts on this thread, you are as 'moderate' and 'open minded' as I am a Korean goat herder.

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Bit over the top there Diane. The country is nowhere near being on it's knees and hasn't been for a long time. I don't think the International reputation of Aus went backwards and a lot of European countries, that were all very quick to have a go about Australia's stop the boats policy, are wishing they could now do the same thing. They are having meeting after meeting and not getting any nearer a solution.

Destroyed our international reputation amongst the people smugglers perhaps and the really bad human rights disasters were the hundreds drowned followed by the young Aussies lolled in the Batts fiasco.


International reputation counts for nothing anyway. If it did. Nobody would want to come here.

And, as u say, many other countries wish they'd done as we have.

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Bit over the top there Diane. The country is nowhere near being on it's knees and hasn't been for a long time. I don't think the International reputation of Aus went backwards and a lot of European countries, that were all very quick to have a go about Australia's stop the boats policy, are wishing they could now do the same thing. They are having meeting after meeting and not getting any nearer a solution.

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Yeah, sure.
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So says the person who posted this:

Just because a small group of activists decide today on the new issue for change, doesn't mean that everyone either agrees or is ready a handbrake turn of change.


Hectoring people because they aren't as socially aware as you is simply soapboxing and has no more relevance than my elderly neighbours opinion.


If you are running a country you can knee jerk to every news article and a particularly vocal left wing view of life which seems very loud these days. Or, you can respond to the views of the wider public and find a path acceptable to a diverse electorate


Much of the vitriol aimed at Abbot by the left appears to be because he didn't just roll over and accept their student politic preaching and agenda.


and this:

Having shared a student flat many years ago with a full on citizen smith devotee, I've never ceased to be amazed at how those on the left demand to be heard, and hector, smear and heckle anyone who doesn't agree with them.


and this cracker:


I just love how, in the hands of a Marxist, personal indignation goes to fact in a fraction of a sentence



I get that you don't like 'the left', which is your right, but please don't pretend that you're unbiased yourself and therefore somehow a cut above.


Based purely on your posts on this thread, you are as 'moderate' and 'open minded' as I am a Korean goat herder.


Ah insults again, default response from you. At least you're consistent.


I find you so sad, pitiful really, you only come on here to provoke, on subjects that have absolutely nothing to do with providing information to those looking to come to Oz. But if that's what turns you on. Wouldn't mind so much if you offered anything constructive in your threads, other than shouting down or insulting those who don't share your rather extreme views.


Not sure why you think your views deserve so much airtime.


Have a nice life

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So has anything changed since the change of leadership ? Has the change impacted anyone or is it likely to ? The policies are going to be similar so surely it is just more of the same.

Basically yes.


The main difference is that instead of Abbott's brain farts occurring on a daily basis in front of the media, they are now restricted to 'interviews' with his favourite shock jocks.

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