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Jeremy Corbyn, thoughts?


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What if I HAD kept quiet about my assets in the UK, and applied for a Centrelink benefit. What if I claimed ignorance of the law? Perhaps I could just pay the government back, the way that MP's like Tony Burke do with a clear conscience?


From what I understand about Centrelink, I'm not even eligible for help from them, or their agencies, with looking for work, or retraining. Why? Because I have assets and income? Use up enough of my assets and they MIGHT deign to help me. It was much the same with my Dad when he needed 24X7 care. If he had lived long enough, they would have whittled down his assets until he was left with a few thousand pounds, then the state would have stepped in.


Why is it that government always seem to find extra funds for foreign aid, or foreign disaster relief, but they they can't help their own citizens?


Ethics don't seem to be a factor in MPs thinking. If they are entitled to it, they take it. I see that Joe Hockey saw nothing wrong in claiming for a number of flights to Cairns 'on government business.' Just a coincidence that he owned a farm there. On his income, he could afford to fly first class there every week of the year. And Tony Burke is no better. What sweet irony that had he not mounted a campaign against Bronwyn Bishop, none of this would have seen the light!




Hang and on you said earlier you returned to the UK and looked after him and that's how you paid him back for your cash bundle head start in life!

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You actually look a little like Corbyn maryrose, I was just thinking that there


I'll pay that! But how do think I can act out my role as a '5th Columnist' amongst all the inner city greenies and lefties if I go around looking like Gordon Gecko!


I was talking to a very drunken lady the other night - she came and chatted me up, going along swimmingly until I admitted voting for Tony Abbott. I would not mind, but she earns my monthly income for a week's work.


Why don't I pretend to be a leftie? I'd better do some research.


'Climate change is the greatest threat to humankind.'


'Tony Abbott makes Adolf Hitler seem like Mother Theresa.'


I already approve of gay marriage, so that is not a problem, although I don't believe that vicars and priests should be forced to marry them in church.


It's going to be difficult, but I'l try.

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I'll pay that! But how do think I can act out my role as a '5th Columnist' amongst all the inner city greenies and lefties if I go around looking like Gordon Gecko!


I was talking to a very drunken lady the other night - she came and chatted me up, going along swimmingly until I admitted voting for Tony Abbott. I would not mind, but she earns my monthly income for a week's work.


Why don't I pretend to be a leftie? I'd better do some research.


'Climate change is the greatest threat to humankind.'


'Tony Abbott makes Adolf Hitler seem like Mother Theresa.'


I already approve of gay marriage, so that is not a problem, although I don't believe that vicars and priests should be forced to marry them in church.


It's going to be difficult, but I'l try.


i'm not sure how we will get along.. Im a crazy scottish nat and you are a tory. I'll still take you for a pint to say thanks for the job ideas and help. Just don't talk about abbott please :laugh:

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Hang and on you said earlier you returned to the UK and looked after him and that's how you paid him back for your cash bundle head start in life!


I don't regard looking after my Dad as a 'quid pro pro' for he and Mum giving me the deposit for my flat. I was pleased to be able to do it, unlike many people who claim to love their parents but would shunt them into a home at the first sign of illness.


And of course, whilst my level of caring does not match what some people do for their parents/children/other familiy members, it did mean that he could live at home, thus saving the Government a large amount of money and time had he needed long term care earlier, and of course he would have if I had not been there.


That is another nasty thing governments do, whether Tory or Socialist, save heaps of money by putting the burden of care on family members, then penny pinch when it comes to helping those carers with things like respite breaks. I hate all governments for doing that, but it irks me more with Socialist ones because they claim to care more.

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i'm not sure how we will get along.. Im a crazy scottish nat and you are a tory. I'll still take you for a pint to say thanks for the job ideas and help. Just don't talk about abbott please :laugh:


Did I tell you I am a Catholic Rangers fan?!


Seriously, why do you care what another person's political views are? To me, it's no more important than being friends, as I am, with Arsenal fans.

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The way I see it is I am happy to pay my tax to allow others less fortunate to get the assistance they need but this should be applied to everyone. What incentive does your average self employed one man band have to properly assess his taxes when you have the likes of Google and Amazon getting away with billions in unpaid tax?


You see, that is a fallacious argument. Just because Google and Amazon get away with not paying tax is not a valid reason for little guys like you and me for doing it. Both cases are wrong, and both should be attacked. You could just as well argue that a burglar could justify breaking into homes to steal a few quid because his crime is nothing like a gang breaking into a bank to steal millions of pounds. Both are wrong.


I certainly would not use big corporations' tax dodging as a reason to tell lies about my own tax return. And again, look at the reason why Greece has gone under. People of all classes avoiding their obligations.

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Did I tell you I am a Catholic Rangers fan?!


Seriously, why do you care what another person's political views are? To me, it's no more important than being friends, as I am, with Arsenal fans.


Dont think there's many of those lol. Im really only joking about the tory thing. It doesn't bother me as long as the person im talking to is a nice person, I can usually put any differences aside. It depends on what though, if someone was saying really bad things then I obviously wouldnt consider them nice but I can look past a few things. I usually get on with all different types of people. I think one of the girls im doing my package with is a tory, another definitely isn't one because she loved Mhari blacks speech that was up on facebook. I doubt politics will come up anyway. It'll be goon, sunbathing and probably talking about surfer guys :laugh:

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Dont think there's many of those lol. Im really only joking about the tory thing. It doesn't bother me as long as the person im talking to is a nice person, I can usually put any differences aside. It depends on what though, if someone was saying really bad things then I obviously wouldnt consider them nice but I can look past a few things. I usually get on with all different types of people. I think one of the girls im doing my package with is a tory, another definitely isn't one because she loved Mhari blacks speech that was up on facebook. I doubt politics will come up anyway. It'll be goon, sunbathing and probably talking about surfer guys [emoji23]



My new girlfriend! I'm looking after her whilst her Mum and Dad move.






Pad Thai with chicken $12 In GTs.




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I don't regard looking after my Dad as a 'quid pro pro' for he and Mum giving me the deposit for my flat. I was pleased to be able to do it, unlike many people who claim to love their parents but would shunt them into a home at the first sign of illness.


And of course, whilst my level of caring does not match what some people do for their parents/children/other familiy members, it did mean that he could live at home, thus saving the Government a large amount of money and time had he needed long term care earlier, and of course he would have if I had not been there.


That is another nasty thing governments do, whether Tory or Socialist, save heaps of money by putting the burden of care on family members, then penny pinch when it comes to helping those carers with things like respite breaks. I hate all governments for doing that, but it irks me more with Socialist ones because they claim to care more.




So which was it? You went and looked after you dad or the government ate all his assets paying for care? You've now claimed both have happened, have I missed something here?


in an ideal world yes everyone should get free care when old but just because someone can't afford it doesn't mean that they pissed all their money up the wall so they couldn't afford it, believe it or not but some of the hardest working people in the UK get paid the least.


the bit that annoys me most with you is everything is black and white which is the way most Tories see it. If you don't have money it's because you are a lazy scrounged if you do you' e worked hard and earned it. Fact of the matter is most of the extremely rich people haven't earned a penny in their lives it's mostly inherited business, cash or assets and the vast majority of poor people are poor because those rich people ensure they stay rich by keeping hold of that money and ploughing into into revenue steams that don't actually create any benefit to the real world economy.

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You see, that is a fallacious argument. Just because Google and Amazon get away with not paying tax is not a valid reason for little guys like you and me for doing it. Both cases are wrong, and both should be attacked. You could just as well argue that a burglar could justify breaking into homes to steal a few quid because his crime is nothing like a gang breaking into a bank to steal millions of pounds. Both are wrong.


I certainly would not use big corporations' tax dodging as a reason to tell lies about my own tax return. And again, look at the reason why Greece has gone under. People of all classes avoiding their obligations.



Yes both are wrong but one guy is doing it because it's probably the difference between paying the bills and not and the other is doing it for greed. If these multi nationals paid their taxes then maybe the small man wouldn't be pushed into a situation where tax credits are cut meaning he's now unable to issue his tax return without a fiddle and feed his family...


One doesn't make the other legally right but one is definitely more justifiable than the other

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Yes both are wrong but one guy is doing it because it's probably the difference between paying the bills and not and the other is doing it for greed. If these multi nationals paid their taxes then maybe the small man wouldn't be pushed into a situation where tax credits are cut meaning he's now unable to issue his tax return without a fiddle and feed his family...


One doesn't make the other legally right but one is definitely more justifiable than the other

It still does not excuse it. Someone breaks into your home and steals a loaf of bread to feed his family. Perhaps later you would forgive him and not press charges, but imagine the sense of violation you might feel knowing someone had invaded your home?


Just opening my curtains one morning and seeing that someone had pulled a plant from its pot scattering earth over my balcony upset me.


Have I ever done something like that? Yes. Drunk and 18. Does that excuse it?

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As you like to appeal to emotions, I thought I'd like to share the history of my fascist, class traitor parents with you. On 30th September, 1997, my Mother was knocked over by a dog in her driveway. Seventeen pointless, useless days later, she died in hospital, which y just about destroyed my father.


He could and should have sued the owner of the dog, but he didn't. Why? Because he was worried he might bankrupt a neighbour. Which is another reason I feel he was sold out by the 'system' forcing him to pay off his assets to pay for his nursing home care. Thanks from a grateful nation to a war hero but we've got no money for you, though we can find plenty for foreign aid, illegal immigrants, and home-grown bludgers who have never done a day's work in their lives.



Of course the irony is that shortly the Tories will be forced to means test health and pensions. Cutting back on the poor may be satisfying, but it is hardly profitable. Who ya gunna vote for now?

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The way I see it is I am happy to pay my tax to allow others less fortunate to get the assistance they need but this should be applied to everyone. What incentive does your average self employed one man band have to properly assess his taxes when you have the likes of Google and Amazon getting away with billions in unpaid tax?



It's not hard to change laws. Why haven't they changed the laws?

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It's not hard to change laws. Why haven't they changed the laws?



God knows, there was a poster on here who piled up a while ago and was basically defending the likes of Google and said you can't just change the law lol.


If if I was in power I would say to the likes of Starbucks pay you £xxxxbn now or we cease assets to the value of. So many people say well if you make them pay they will just leave!! good let them leave, I'm pretty sure Costa would happily buy up those empty properties now owned by the tax payer, if they didn't buy them sell them to a small business at a vastly cut rate under the condition they employ at least 2 staff on a REAL living wage.

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It still does not excuse it. Someone breaks into your home and steals a loaf of bread to feed his family. Perhaps later you would forgive him and not press charges, but imagine the sense of violation you might feel knowing someone had invaded your home?


Just opening my curtains one morning and seeing that someone had pulled a plant from its pot scattering earth over my balcony upset me.


Have I ever done something like that? Yes. Drunk and 18. Does that excuse it?



you are taking taking it completely out of context to make it sound wrong, fact of the matter is that person isn't violating anyone's privacy so that factor would even come into play

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Of course the irony is that shortly the Tories will be forced to means test health and pensions. Cutting back on the poor may be satisfying, but it is hardly profitable. Who ya gunna vote for now?



Have you seen the latest today??



they are using immigration as an excuse to make MORE cuts to the benefits of the youth. Anyone under 22 will have their benefits cut completely such as housing and tax credits so they can get away with not allowing immigrants to claim!! Absolute fecking joke, how about they get the unpaid tax instead of targeting the weak... They know they will face opposition from the multi nationals yet the general public will just have to move back on with their parents whether they are working single parents or not

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Have you seen the latest today??



they are using immigration as an excuse to make MORE cuts to the benefits of the youth. Anyone under 22 will have their benefits cut completely such as housing and tax credits so they can get away with not allowing immigrants to claim!! Absolute fecking joke, how about they get the unpaid tax instead of targeting the weak... They know they will face opposition from the multi nationals yet the general public will just have to move back on with their parents whether they are working single parents or not


This surprises you? Who is making the noise about immigrants? Swarm my arse. They must be killing themselves laughing.

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God knows, there was a poster on here who piled up a while ago and was basically defending the likes of Google and said you can't just change the law lol.


If if I was in power I would say to the likes of Starbucks pay you £xxxxbn now or we cease assets to the value of. So many people say well if you make them pay they will just leave!! good let them leave, I'm pretty sure Costa would happily buy up those empty properties now owned by the tax payer, if they didn't buy them sell them to a small business at a vastly cut rate under the condition they employ at least 2 staff on a REAL living wage.


It's not that hard to outlaw practice deliberately aimed at avoiding tax. These companies won't stop doing business here. What will these companies stop doing?

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It's not that hard to outlaw practice deliberately aimed at avoiding tax. These companies won't stop doing business here. What will these companies stop doing?




Exactly, the people at the top of these companies are motivated by money, whether it's £100m profit or £50m profit it's still money and they will take what they can hence why they take as much as they can get away with

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Have you seen the latest today??



they are using immigration as an excuse to make MORE cuts to the benefits of the youth. Anyone under 22 will have their benefits cut completely such as housing and tax credits so they can get away with not allowing immigrants to claim!! Absolute fecking joke, how about they get the unpaid tax instead of targeting the weak... They know they will face opposition from the multi nationals yet the general public will just have to move back on with their parents whether they are working single parents or not


The winding back of the welfare state is a shocking but hardly unexpected policy of right wing parties everywhere. Not forgetting the right here in Australia wanted to stop the dole for all under 30 years old.

The clever campaigns over time to demonise welfare claimants as work shy dodgers has worked wonders in furthering such hard core reforms with plenty more little nasties yet to be exposed. Self interest and greed appears to win out over the betterment of society is these sad and far too uncritical times.

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