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Hi all


sorry to bother you but I am hoping to apply for a skills assessment in order to move to Adelaide and it states that I need professional references. I work for the NHS and I really do not want my boss to know of my plans until I know I can definatly go. Do the accept nmc documents or does it have to be from your employer.


I would ne really grateful for any help you can give me on this matter.



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Thanks so much for the reply.

My boss is awful and I really don't want to go through her but I suppose I will have no choice. I just know she will make life difficult until I go but hey ho. Another obstacle to go through. I hope it's worth it lol.

How far into the process are you? It's going to be a long year lol


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Hi miacattv


Me and my girlfriend are just going through the final stages of our visa now and Carrie is a Paed nurse. We are also moving to adelaide in October. She had the same problem as you in that her line manager wasn't on the Christmas card list to say the least and had to go through her for her reference. She has had a rough time since, being put on 7 weekends in a row etc but no matter how hard it seems just keep thinking of the main goal. It's all that's kept us going!


if you need any advice then drop us a message we've done everything without an agent!


cheers Joe and Carrie

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Thanks joe and Carrie I am just worried as she is such a cow she will try giving me a bad reference ( I know she can't legally but u never know with people like her). What did you guys do first as I don't want to pay for something to fail and lose more also what visa are u on. I've been told it's best to go on 489 and just starting out I was gonna go through an agent but that is also proving difficult as I keep getting conflicting advice

thanks again


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So we at first took the academic ielts test to get 7's to start the anmac process. If you haven't already revise, revise, revise for ielts as its just a massive money maker and trips a lot of people up!! It's not easy! We are going on a 189 permanant resident visa as it was the best option for us! Joe

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My husband who is the main visa applicant had to tell his bosses to get the references. I don't think there's any way round it, and always awkward when you don't want them to know.


We've had bad advice from an agent which cost us thousands, and put us back years. A good agent is important as it really is a mine field.


Having said that even when you finally apply for a visa and have paid all your fees, there's no guaruntee you'll actually be granted a visa. I think it's important to bear this in mind. It will cost a lot and you still may not end up with the visa you need.


It's part of the adventure and to stop your self going crazy, I think it's helpful to think that way!


That's what we're doing anyway.! Good Luck if you don't try you'll never know!

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Thanks I'll book that in first. How many times did u need to take it I was told ( by migration agent) that it's not that hard lol. But ielts is the cheapest so probably best to do that first. I have been advised to go on 489 as I have just turned 40 and he said 457 is not a good option part of me wants to pay the agen £1200 +vat to take the headache out of it as I have to empty house and rent it out ( I'm not shipping). Plus a million other things. When do you move?


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So what score do you need for your visa on ielts? Carrie had to get all 8's as she wasn't claiming for experience if I remember rightly? She took it 4 times all in all, had to have tuition and bought extra books! She's not stupid by any stretch just the scoring system is so bad it just catches a lot of people out! Don't take it lightly that's all I can say! We have flights provisionally booked for 15th October!

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October will soon be here and you are going in good time to avoid UK winter lol. I have to get 8 points for that so I will go online and buy some books. How much were medical tests or is that the last bit? Do you have jobs?

sorry I'm bombarding you. I'll buy you a beer when I hit Adelaide lol


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if you go on the ANMAC website there is a reference example you could give to your manager to make her life abit easier. I had a nightmare too as my manager resigned and was not contactable, so I used a previous manager who wrote me a fabulously detailed ref, then from my current job I used a senior staff nurse and passed my skills assessment. They accepted it as a senior nurse that had supervised my practice. So I sent two in the end, but a good migration agent will be able to tell you exactly what is acceptable. It's such a long wait I understand completely you don't want your manager to know your plans just yet! :-)

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Ps... For ANMAC you need 7.0s in all sections of the advanced IELTS. If you get 8.0s that's fab as you can then claim an extra 10 points for your visa. If not you can resist IELTs general to get the 8.0s needed for those extra points, that's what I did. Hope that makes sense!

i think our medicals were £290 each that's was in Plymouth .

and Definately revise for IELTS, it's the format of the test really you need to be familiar with as it's pretty intense when you are in there and too expensive not to prepare for! Good luck with everything :-)

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The medicals are the last bit really. Carrie has joined Healthcare Australia a nursing agency all over Australia and adelaide and brisbane had the most Paed jobs. In regards to an agent just shop around and get recommendations from previous people as I have heard some terrible stories! Hopefully you won't be far behind us!!

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Ha Southchick described it a lot better than me! Carrie took the advanced one in December and got 8,8,7.5,7.5 which was great as we could start anmac but gutted as she had to take the general one for the 8's! Where abouts in Cornwall are you based? We are in bristol. Looking to reside around Hallett cove/Seaford rise area of adelaide when we get there (fingers crossed)

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Without doubt Veronika at sortoutmyvisa.com she is amazing, any recommend her enough. She knows stuff and always gets back to u super quick, she just tells you exactly what u need to get for her/ what u need to do etc am she does pretty much everything else... I haven't filled out one form thankfully! She was recommended to me years ago by wanted down under you know the channel 4 programme ? He has helped lots of nurses and will give you am exact email containing timelines/ options and all costs from the offset. There are others recommended on here too in other threads but I would definately say check Veronika out x

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