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312912 skill and 457 visa


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I have a skill that is on the skills required list under 312912 metallurgical testing. We think this means we can apply for a 457 visa. Does this require a sponsor? Can we apply for any other types of visas?


Please help


Regards Matt

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The 457 is an employer sponsored visa, so yes need an employer sponsor.


The occupation you mention is on the state sponsorship lists for SA and WA as far as I can tell, so maybe look into that and the 190 visa.

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How come this is not an option? And what is a 190 visa? Apologies I don't really know much about how to go about it



Because your occupation is not on the SOL. It is only on the CSOL.


You can read about the visas on www.immi.gov.au. If you intend to apply for a visa without using a migration agent, it is important that you read this a lot.

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Where is the best place to look for sponsored jobs?


You cannot look for "sponsored jobs". Australian employers should be ensuring job opportunities go to citizens and permanent residents and as such, they don't tend to shout about sponsorship options. So you just have to look for jobs and then enquire about sponsorship.

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Well there are website that have them on I was just wondering if you knew of anymore. Thanks for your help


If you already know of such websites why did you ask? Or perhaps you can share for other people?

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Be very wary of web sites that say they are for sponsored roles. It is not usually real as a company can not just decide it wants to take a sponsored candidate. It must attempt to fill the role with a local and then if it can't it looks at applicants that need sponsorship.


A sponsored would not be the way to go if a 190 is a possibility.


A 190 is a permanent visa just like a 189 that just has a state sponsoring the applicant. However, a business sponsored visa is likely to be a 457. This is a temporary visa and people should come on the assumption they will be leaving at the end of the visa - normally 4 years. It is also tied to the employer. So, if you were to lose your job, you only have 90 days to find another company willing and able (not every company can sponsor) to take over the sponsorship. Or, you leave the country.


Some states also have negative financial implications for 457 holders such as charging them thousands in fees for education of any children.

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To gain permanent residence on a 457 visa, you would need to apply for a permanent residence visa. So, either you apply now for a 190 permanent visa, or down the line after a 457, you apply for a permanent visa then. Hence, why i and others recommend you look straight at getting a 190 visa rather than attempting to find a job, who is also willing to sponsor, who is also able to sponsor, all to end up with a temp visa.


Google searches for each state should quickly tell you about how each state deals with 457's.

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