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417- Working Holiday Visa.


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I think they normally take about that when they are system approved, only when you have convictions or they need additional information it takes longer.


Mine took 4 months due to be being a stupid boy!


ohhh dear. Naughty you haha. Yeah I heard they were that quick but didn't think It would be, I was surprised!!

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You get exactly a year so if I don't have the money ready then I'll have to let it expire. It expires the 13th of september


Hi Stacey,


I know I could probably find it on another thread but out of interest, how much are you planning on taking with you? I think I can recall you saying somewhere that you are scared of running out of money too soon after landing.


I'm feeling the same way and won't have a massive pot of money when I land myself so I guess my plan is to work asap to top up the savings.


Have you made an immediate plan as to what you are going to do when you eventually go?

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Hi Stacey,


I know I could probably find it on another thread but out of interest, how much are you planning on taking with you? I think I can recall you saying somewhere that you are scared of running out of money too soon after landing.


I'm feeling the same way and won't have a massive pot of money when I land myself so I guess my plan is to work asap to top up the savings.


Have you made an immediate plan as to what you are going to do when you eventually go?


Hey Ryan


Well if I went in September I could probably just about scrape £3k especially if family helped out a tiny bit. I'm not keen on going with that but I know I could easily get a au pair job to keep me going for a while. I'm just going to see what happens. If I don't have that amount then I'll move the goal posts to end of November or february but I don't want to keep putting it off incase I don't go. Although feb would be good because it would be almost a year since I started my job so they are more likely to take me back if I wanted to come back. Just going to play it by ear. I hate that expression! How much are you going with? If I go in September my plan is to go to perth. But if I go later instead I'll go to melbourne or sydney

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Hey Ryan


Well if I went in September I could probably just about scrape £3k especially if family helped out a tiny bit. I'm not keen on going with that but I know I could easily get a au pair job to keep me going for a while. I'm just going to see what happens. If I don't have that amount then I'll move the goal posts to end of November or february but I don't want to keep putting it off incase I don't go. Although feb would be good because it would be almost a year since I started my job so they are more likely to take me back if I wanted to come back. Just going to play it by ear. I hate that expression! How much are you going with? If I go in September my plan is to go to perth. But if I go later instead I'll go to melbourne or sydney


Hey :)


I'm only planning on taking around £3k myself after flights and visa are paid for. I think I will be okay as long as I manage to find some part time work at least within the first 4/5 weeks. Anything longer than that will be a disaster.


I think! I'm the same, I couldn't decide on a date to go but there were a few things to factor in, for example I'm in a training agreement with my job where I'd have to pay course fee's back if I left any sooner than April 2016! So I've set the "fly" date at the week after my birthday in June 2016 so I've got a year to really save and plan! I've done really well at sticking to my plan at the moment. I've lived on my own for a couple of years now so my plan started about a year ago, it involved all sorts of stuff like repaying my loan, moving out of my flat, selling all my furniture and belongings etc... So far so good, I move out of my flat next weekend into a flat share for a couple months and then I can move back home until I fly (long story there) Its really scary how quickly the different parts of the plan are coming around. 12 months ago the thought of moving out of the flat seemed a million miles away! But there is no going back now, most of my stuff is sold so all that I'm left with is my clothes, laptop, iPad etc.. and my car! Hopefully living a "simple" life for a year will give me a good expectation of what it will be like being a backpacker in Aus!


Also struggling to think of where I want to fly to initially, I'm swaying towards Brisbane just because of the climate in June and I want to do 3 months regional work asap so I have the option to stay for another 12 months if I want to. Otherwise I'd be looking at Adelaide in particular! Lovely place. Are you going to try and travel all around Aus or settle in one place for the majority?


Sorry for the long post, I get carried away when talking about it all because there aren't too many people who I can talk to about it yet!!

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Hey :)


I'm only planning on taking around £3k myself after flights and visa are paid for. I think I will be okay as long as I manage to find some part time work at least within the first 4/5 weeks. Anything longer than that will be a disaster.


I think! I'm the same, I couldn't decide on a date to go but there were a few things to factor in, for example I'm in a training agreement with my job where I'd have to pay course fee's back if I left any sooner than April 2016! So I've set the "fly" date at the week after my birthday in June 2016 so I've got a year to really save and plan! I've done really well at sticking to my plan at the moment. I've lived on my own for a couple of years now so my plan started about a year ago, it involved all sorts of stuff like repaying my loan, moving out of my flat, selling all my furniture and belongings etc... So far so good, I move out of my flat next weekend into a flat share for a couple months and then I can move back home until I fly (long story there) Its really scary how quickly the different parts of the plan are coming around. 12 months ago the thought of moving out of the flat seemed a million miles away! But there is no going back now, most of my stuff is sold so all that I'm left with is my clothes, laptop, iPad etc.. and my car! Hopefully living a "simple" life for a year will give me a good expectation of what it will be like being a backpacker in Aus!


Also struggling to think of where I want to fly to initially, I'm swaying towards Brisbane just because of the climate in June and I want to do 3 months regional work asap so I have the option to stay for another 12 months if I want to. Otherwise I'd be looking at Adelaide in particular! Lovely place. Are you going to try and travel all around Aus or settle in one place for the majority?


Sorry for the long post, I get carried away when talking about it all because there aren't too many people who I can talk to about it yet!!


Hi Ryan,


I'm leaving in January and will also be taking £3-4k.

It sound to me like you've got it all planned which is great. The good thing with having a set timescale is that you have something to work towards.

It's all so exciting. I'm planning on hitting sydney for two weeks for a 'holiday' so to speak and then going wherever the work is lol. I'm trying not to plan too much for after touchdown because I know so many people that have been and say their plans changed. Everyone's different though ?

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Hi Ryan,


I'm leaving in January and will also be taking £3-4k.

It sound to me like you've got it all planned which is great. The good thing with having a set timescale is that you have something to work towards.

It's all so exciting. I'm planning on hitting sydney for two weeks for a 'holiday' so to speak and then going wherever the work is lol. I'm trying not to plan too much for after touchdown because I know so many people that have been and say their plans changed. Everyone's different though 


Hi Kayleigh,


Good to know I'm heading there with a similar budget to begin with, make sure you keep us all posted on how you're getting on (when you have wifi) when you are there!


Yeah, got a rough plan in my head but like you say, trying not to plan too much as plans always change, as long as you are flexible s to where you go you'll be fine. I noticed that from a month long holiday I had there in 2013, had a plan all worked out, but only did half the stuff on it and a load of other things that were added along the way.


Good plan about hitting Sydney for a "holiday" too, its an incredible place. It'll probably help get that bit out of your system too so then you can concentrate on finding some sort of work elsewhere or even in Sydney depending on what you're going to look for.

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Hi Kayleigh,


Good to know I'm heading there with a similar budget to begin with, make sure you keep us all posted on how you're getting on (when you have wifi) when you are there!


Yeah, got a rough plan in my head but like you say, trying not to plan too much as plans always change, as long as you are flexible s to where you go you'll be fine. I noticed that from a month long holiday I had there in 2013, had a plan all worked out, but only did half the stuff on it and a load of other things that were added along the way.


Good plan about hitting Sydney for a "holiday" too, its an incredible place. It'll probably help get that bit out of your system too so then you can concentrate on finding some sort of work elsewhere or even in Sydney depending on what you're going to look for.



Yeah I think it's a good budget if you're not planning on blowing it all immediately.

I will indeed :smile:hopefully i'll be able to give you all some advice and tips! It's great to speak to some people that are currently at the same stage as me. Some people on here have a lot of knowledge- Stacie for example lol :smile:


Ahhh I'm so excited, just want to go now!

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Hey :)


I'm only planning on taking around £3k myself after flights and visa are paid for. I think I will be okay as long as I manage to find some part time work at least within the first 4/5 weeks. Anything longer than that will be a disaster.


I think! I'm the same, I couldn't decide on a date to go but there were a few things to factor in, for example I'm in a training agreement with my job where I'd have to pay course fee's back if I left any sooner than April 2016! So I've set the "fly" date at the week after my birthday in June 2016 so I've got a year to really save and plan! I've done really well at sticking to my plan at the moment. I've lived on my own for a couple of years now so my plan started about a year ago, it involved all sorts of stuff like repaying my loan, moving out of my flat, selling all my furniture and belongings etc... So far so good, I move out of my flat next weekend into a flat share for a couple months and then I can move back home until I fly (long story there) Its really scary how quickly the different parts of the plan are coming around. 12 months ago the thought of moving out of the flat seemed a million miles away! But there is no going back now, most of my stuff is sold so all that I'm left with is my clothes, laptop, iPad etc.. and my car! Hopefully living a "simple" life for a year will give me a good expectation of what it will be like being a backpacker in Aus!


Also struggling to think of where I want to fly to initially, I'm swaying towards Brisbane just because of the climate in June and I want to do 3 months regional work asap so I have the option to stay for another 12 months if I want to. Otherwise I'd be looking at Adelaide in particular! Lovely place. Are you going to try and travel all around Aus or settle in one place for the majority?


Sorry for the long post, I get carried away when talking about it all because there aren't too many people who I can talk to about it yet!!


Sorry I didn't reply last night. You should probably be able to save a lot in a year if you're working full time. More than 3k. So you should be fine but if not then I'm sure you'll be okay. Especially since you've made changes in your life like moving etc. I live with my mum atm so I should be saving a lot more than I have but I wasn't on track, I should be now. I'm going to travel as much as possible within the year. Not sure wether I want to stay 2 but if I get the opportunity then I'll take the farm work so that if I ever want to go back before im 30 then I can

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Sorry I didn't reply last night. You should probably be able to save a lot in a year if you're working full time. More than 3k. So you should be fine but if not then I'm sure you'll be okay. Especially since you've made changes in your life like moving etc. I live with my mum atm so I should be saving a lot more than I have but I wasn't on track, I should be now. I'm going to travel as much as possible within the year. Not sure wether I want to stay 2 but if I get the opportunity then I'll take the farm work so that if I ever want to go back before im 30 then I can


Good idea too about the 2nd year, I've not considered doing it later on only straight after the first 12 months. I'll be 25 when I go so would have a few years to head back before I'm too old!


Hopefully we all get our plans together and stick to them! You especially Stacey! You need to pick a date to go and stick to it!


And I'm the same as you Kayleigh, I just want to wake up tomorrow and it to be "the day"!! It can't come quick enough!

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Wow you look so young in your picture! I thought you were 18 or something lol it gets really annoying when people say that so I apologise! Sounds like there's a few of us that age then, it'll only be the 18 year olds that think we are old lol

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We will be glad of our baby faces when we are 30 lol. Oldies together haha. I think there will be people nearer 30 over there too. I'm sure it'll be a mixture. I can be a bit sensible and boring sometimes so I don't think I'm going to stay in any party hostels if I can help it, Id just moan about the noise lol I stayed in a hostel in 2013 and I was so lucky that I had really good people in the room. Only one snorer one night

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