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The process of migration

Guest Phil Olsen

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Guest Phil Olsen

Hi all


I have a question at the end of this post which may be of interest to people.


As some of you will know from my post, it was my 10 year residence anniversary yesterday (13 October).


During my first 2 years, I meet with a (now) very good friend of mine who told me that he believes that there is most definitely a process of migration, and resettlement takes time. no surprises there.


The fascination for me is the migration process and the effect on people.


Among the most stressful activities in life are said to be ending relationships, moving jobs, selling a house and moving. If one looks at the migration process both pre and post move, it has all of the ingredients of excitement and stress.


So to the questions:


1 What are peoples experiences of the migration process (good and bad);

2 How can a new community be established which speeds up the settlement process and reduces stress.


Maybe I'll get no replies, but lets see.







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Hi all


So to the questions:


1 What are peoples experiences of the migration process (good and bad);

2 How can a new community be established which speeds up the settlement process and reduces stress.




I will also be here ten years come next month.


As to question two:


This community is excellent, and I wish I had had something like this. But it needs an FAQ section with subsections on basic information.


For example... headings like:


What to do to get a Visa (how to apply!)


What to do while waiting for a Visa to be Granted


Preparations for leaving the UK (What should I do before I leave?)


Preparations for Arriving in OZ (What should I do when I get there? ...Basic suiff on registering for Medicare getting a tax-file Number etc))


Links to resources and information for new arrivals


Basic Information on Australian Life:

(Subheadings on housing, taxation, health, education, etc...)


As people aske questions, the importants questions and good answers can be added to the FAQ.


We need to ask Tim to allow some moderators.



I don't know if you can port this boad onto XOOPS... but the XOOPS format is excellent for that sort of thing.

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Hi all


So to the questions:


1 What are peoples experiences of the migration process (good and bad);

2 How can a new community be established which speeds up the settlement process and reduces stress.




I think that's a very good idea. One thing that this board has helped me with is allowing me to vent my frustration in a place where other people know what I'm feeling.


The feeling of having your life on hold while waiting for a largely beurocratic process to move on at glacial pace is unlike anything else I've experienced in life and I'm up for helping people get through it in any way I can.



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Guest Gollywobbler



I agree with you otally. The business of being "processed" into Australia like a slice off a long block of Catering Pack cheap cheese is absurd. The whole thing is designed for the convenience of the processing bureaucracy, not for the convenience of the people whose skills Australia is so desperate to attract. The system is inhuman to the point of being inhumane. I regard that as a criticism of the Australian Government and I hope that it is listening.





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Thanks for the advice Fraser!


XOOPS looks very interesting and is definitely something I will look at in more detail over the next few months or so....I will take is all on board - one thing I am very keen to develop is the spirit of community based 'resource' for want of a better word!


In a nutshell I want people moving to Oz and Poms in or arriving in Oz to have something that is almost like a network where we (the royal we) can all use as aspace to discuss and find out info.....


Some ideas I have been contemplating...a PIO web blog section, PiO events directory, articles section, links section, photo albums etc..


I'd love to hear any thoughts anyone would have and would they find it useful?


Thanks all... :D

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Thanks for the advice Fraser!

Some ideas I have been contemplating...a PIO web blog section, PiO events directory, articles section, links section, photo albums etc..


I'd love to hear any thoughts anyone would have and would they find it useful?




Hi all,


I don't know if any of you have looked at the blog I've been keeping of the process (http://oz.nelefa.org). I'd be more than happy to move that content into some kind of pomsinoz community site to help get the ball rolling with some content.


As can be seen from the blog, I've documented all the various ups and downs of the process, and intend expanding on it once we get there with "how we're settling down". At that point, I was going to move it over to http://www.nelefa.org (it's on a seperate domain just now cos I didn't want my employer finding out before I was ready to tell him ;-)).


Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.





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For me, this community has been a god send, joining shortly after we'd posted off our application. I've found support, sympathy and empathy whenever it's been needed, and made one or two friends along the way (even if we'll be in different parts of Aus).


I hadn't anticipated the highs and lows of the whole process and the waiting at times felt unbearable (don't know how you've done it choobs). A FAQ part would be a good idea, although I do like the format of feeling you're having a conversation with someone, who doesn't think your stupid for posing a particular question.



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