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Everything was moving along smoothly when BANG! we get hit with the info that my 16 yr old son from my first marraige who has been estranged from me for the last 6 years has to go for a medical even though he is not on our application nor would he be coming at any stage at least in the next number of years if at all! the mother is ignoring all contact attempts to consent or not to the medical. So now we need to produce a raft of info, half of which we know we will struggle to get in the hope that the case officer believes what we say! Anyone have any words to help or experienced anything like this?

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yeh Petals, they want to see the residency order (now expired), timeline of break up (15 yrs ago), a solicitor witnessed statement from me telling my story, evidence of attempts to contact her, a letter indicating that my son is estranged written by him etc.......I feel they just found a big hole for us to fall into so they can reject our visa.

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There are threads on this. You need to get a solicitor to verify an attempt to contact the parent or evidence that the parent has refused to allow the medical.


the reason non migrating dependants have to get a medical is clear, they may want to move in the future and medical waivers are easier for remaining relatives.


It it will cost a bit but have a search for threads it is more common than you think.

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I have friends at this moment going thru the same thing.


They came here a couple of years ago on a 457, their eldest son not included, after two years they applied for PR, again the son not on the application, but they too have been asked to have their son get a medical??

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This is standard procedure, and circumstances such as this are a reason why some decide to appoint a migration agent - ie to take the stress away from the visa applicants, and to give comfort that this is not a catastrophe.


Best regards.

We have an agent. It is the agent that has told us about everything we need to get because my ex is ignoring every contact I have sent to date. I may be overly concerned but we were told from the start that case officers are looking for reasons to reject Visa applications and despite providing evidence of all the attempts made as well as a solicitor notaried statement from me may not be enough as it is a problem "normal" folks wont have and there are plenty other normal folks in line to take the place we might fill. This on top of the couple of medical issues my wife has makes me wonder if I should risk the funds to go ahead! (arrived at the "please pay AUD7k now" phase).

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If you have an agent you should be liaising with him or her, and should be taking comfort from the advice you receive.


In short, have a phone conversation with your advisor. You are paying for his/her support and advice.


While I am not across the specifics of your visa application I don't see this issue as a material problem. Presentation of evidence relating to unsuccessful efforts made to secure a medical examination for a non migrating child should satisfy the case officer.


Best regards.

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If you have an agent you should be liaising with him or her, and should be taking comfort from the advice you receive.


In short, have a phone conversation with your advisor. You are paying for his/her support and advice.


While I am not across the specifics of your visa application I don't see this issue as a material problem. Presentation of evidence relating to unsuccessful efforts made to secure a medical examination for a non migrating child should satisfy the case officer.


Best regards.

Your words are much appreciated. we have found ourselves getting exasperated with our agent. Conflicting info, asking for info previously supplied and missing a dead line for SS last time round by 3 days has led to 10 months and still no definite future to focus on has us wired to the moon and even small problems seem to be insurmountable when they present themselves!

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I had the same issue with my kids. They were under 18 and lived with their mum. I paid the required maintenance etc. I explained to CO that they weren't dependent on me as they lived with mother and she paid for all their needs. They were happy that they weren't dependent. But in my favour they were nearly 18 and after that they don't need including.

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