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Australian Migration Agent


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Hi everyone,


I'm looking for an Australian Migration Agent to help me from start to finish with my 189 or 489 visa application. I need to do RPL and a trades skills assessment. I am looking for a registered agent and one with experience in filing for this visa and a bonus would be an agent who deals with lots of tradie cases like myself. Any suggestions? Looking to start asap the process and hoping to move to the Sunshine Coast



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Hi Alan,

Im a fibrous plasterer by trade.

I'm in Toronto Canada.

I'm trying to get my skilled recognized here by the Ontario college of trades to get my Journey Person certification but I don't know if that will help me with my RPL/ qualification portion of the skilled 189 or 489 visa requirements.



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HI Allan,

Neither Vetasses or TRA do a skill assessment for Fibrous Plasterer! They don't suggest another RTO and DIBP says i have to find one ob my own and then run it by them for approval, i waited an hr on the phone for that information!


I have a red seal from Toronto for my trade qualification. Will the RTO be able to determine if that is an equivalent qualification?


What is the average MA fee for this visa from start to finish? Do they help with RPL and skill assessment or only EOI and actual visa app?


Thank you

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Hi Adrian.


Please PM your name and contact details to me (phone number/s and email address).


I'll then ask my colleague Matt Parker (UK based) to contact you to discuss.


In the meantime, your situation is not an isolated one. A few years ago I recall that Locksmiths also had problems identifying a suitable assessing body.


Best regards.

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