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House Deeds


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Did anybody opt to keep the Deeds to their house in the 'Deed Safe' with the Alliance and Leicester.


my mortgage was paid off several years ago and I was asked if I would like to leave the Deeds in their Deed Safe for SAFE KEEPING. I agreed to do this just in case I had a fire, or got robbed or something.


i am now selling my house and requested that they return the deeds to me. Apparently thy are unable to return them as they have been LOST.


The bank have lost my deeds OMG. I can't even go to the bank and shout at someone as they have been taken over by Santander who IMO are just as bad as A & L.


Once upon a time you could trust the bank, no so anymore!!!!!!!!

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I'm not sure to be honest Lindor, I will have to take the "we lost your deeds letter" to my solicitor if the house ever sells.


Fortunately, I have saved a photo copy of the deeds and I managed to keep my copy safe for 30 yrs. Shame the bank wasn't as careful as I was. I'm well cheesed off.


I am going to close my current account with Santander on Monday, I already transferred my ISA away from them last year because their service was awful.


Will let you know how I get on. :swoon:

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My mum s house deeds were with her solicitor, who claimed not to have them when we asked for them back after 28 years (house sale). They magically 'found' them again when I produced a letter dated 1978 confirming that the deeds were in their possession. Paper copies of deeds are not issued these days apparently, to reduce the possibility of fraud, so its really important that the land registry has your current address if you don't live in the property, particularly if you rent it out.


You should be okay because you have a copy and therefore all the relevant information. The deeds can be 'reconstructed' I think they call it, at a cost of a couple of thousand pounds !! but if you can prove that the bank agreed to keep them for you, then they should have to pay. Last thing you need, I know, but it will all work out in the end. Just make sure you keep everything relating to this cock up. I agree with you about Santander - they are pathetic.

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  • 5 months later...

Update on my LOST DEEDS saga.


we have now found a buyer so have rised the issue of the lost deeds with the solicitor. He has checked the land registry and apparently my property is registered with them so there will be no need for physical deeds. They will just download the registration details from their website.


Apparently this s a very common problem and that many clients find that their deeds have been lost by building societies, banks, solicitors etc, according to my estate agent.


In future I will be looking after my own documents.


metoo x

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