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MoveCube – A real life experience worth reading if you are looking at using them


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Does anyone have an up to date cost for a large move cube from Nottingham the Perth WA ?




I received a quote for a large Movecube from Nottingham to Perth last week! It's £890 + $858 'destination charges' (the majority of which is transporting it from Melbourne to Perth).


Hope that helps x

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Does anyone have an up to date cost for a large move cube from Nottingham the Perth WA ?




You really need to phone them to get a quote as they will vary. They don't go to all parts of the UK or Aus so call and see.

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Interesting thread.


Im considering 2 large move cubes from aus to uk. $1800 each plus delivery charge in the UK.


We arent looking to ship all our stuff so 2 large cubes should fit in a sofa, fridge freezer, double bed and mattress, single bed and mattress, cot and mattress, 2 chest of draws, 2 tv and boxes of 'stuff'


People have mentioned the 'weight limit'...not aware of this...will get all the details if I book.

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Interesting thread.


Im considering 2 large move cubes from aus to uk. $1800 each plus delivery charge in the UK.


We arent looking to ship all our stuff so 2 large cubes should fit in a sofa, fridge freezer, double bed and mattress, single bed and mattress, cot and mattress, 2 chest of draws, 2 tv and boxes of 'stuff'


People have mentioned the 'weight limit'...not aware of this...will get all the details if I book.


There is a clear weight limit. Because it's lifted on forklifts to move round. They weigh them at the depo apparently , least I think the guy said that.


Spread the loading, don't put all the heavy stuff at one end. They explain all this during the site visit or on the day, if not, ask them to.

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We used two large move cubes so the arrival of our stuff was staggered and I can honestly say we were very impressed. We had a great service both ends, no breakages despite the whole lot being unloaded at customs; in fact we only realised this had happened because there was a customs sticker right in the back of the cube, they put everything back exactly as we packed it!

I thought they were great value at just under £2000 for the whole lot.

Also, they were happy to re-route our first cube from Brisbane to Melbourne after it had left, as we got a job offer in a different location.

So all in all, I think they were a great budget option. Interesting how everyone has a different experience though.

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imo2oz - did you get a fair bit in the 2 cubes?


We arent planning to send all our stuff as we will need things like spare beds, washing machine, hoover, cultery, plates etc until we go so we are planning to send things 2 months before we fly home so its hopefully there shortly after we arrive ready to move in to our house in the uk.


Ive rough;y marked out the size and recon I can get 2 seater sofa and 2 arm chairs along with beds and mattresses in one then fridge/freezer, bikes and boxes in the second one.



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imo2oz - did you get a fair bit in the 2 cubes?


We arent planning to send all our stuff as we will need things like spare beds, washing machine, hoover, cultery, plates etc until we go so we are planning to send things 2 months before we fly home so its hopefully there shortly after we arrive ready to move in to our house in the uk.


Ive rough;y marked out the size and recon I can get 2 seater sofa and 2 arm chairs along with beds and mattresses in one then fridge/freezer, bikes and boxes in the second one.




Just ensure you know the weight limit and load evenly.

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Fwiw in a large one we got in one king size bed and frame, one small chair (dismantled), 2 sets of drawers, 32 boxes of tea chest and half tea chest size, all from same supplier so stacked perfectly plus random bits like a kids bike, set of golf clubs, blanket box and one or two loose items like a kids Trunki.


We mapped out the space exact, did the sums re boxes and carefully measured all the furniture to be sure it would fit. Made loading a lot easier and quicker.

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imo2oz - did you get a fair bit in the 2 cubes?


We arent planning to send all our stuff as we will need things like spare beds, washing machine, hoover, cultery, plates etc until we go so we are planning to send things 2 months before we fly home so its hopefully there shortly after we arrive ready to move in to our house in the uk.


Ive rough;y marked out the size and recon I can get 2 seater sofa and 2 arm chairs along with beds and mattresses in one then fridge/freezer, bikes and boxes in the second one.




We got loads in them, much more than we reckoned, and like you we mapped out the dimensions in the garage and stacked up the gear in the area we measured out. We didn't take beds, sofas or table/chairs, but pretty much everything else we had. We fitted 6 bikes in too...washing machine, fridgefreezer, dishwasher, tumbledrier etc. But every single item (including dishwasher, freezer etc) was rammed with gear. We have 4 kids so we took a lot! My OH spent a lot of time carefully using up every inch of space, but that meant things didn't rattle around en route. The delivery man will advise you regarding how to load it so the weight is in the right spot, but that was fairly easy. I don't think there will be any problem with overloading it as long as you put the heaviest items roughly where he recommends.

It was hard work though! You get between 2-4 hours to load it which was quite strenuous for the two of us. We did enlist some help from our teenage boys for the heaviest stuff (washing machine), but they didn't hang around for long! So it is useful to have another strong adult around if you can.

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We got loads in ours. The key is planning as this will help you get more in and get it in there fast on the day.


Mark up the space with masking tape in a room or garage then do a dummy run. This way you know exactly what will fit. The only thing we threw in at the end was some coat hangers.


When it arrived, customs and quarantine had obviously been in there as the vacuum cleaner had "quarantine passed" stickers on the box (it was brand new). It had been packed right in the middle of the move cube but they'd un-pack and re-packed it perfectly, I really don't know how they did it but if it weren't for the quarantine label, we wouldn't have known they'd been in there!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Interesting thread.


Im considering 2 large move cubes from aus to uk. $1800 each plus delivery charge in the UK.


We arent looking to ship all our stuff so 2 large cubes should fit in a sofa, fridge freezer, double bed and mattress, single bed and mattress, cot and mattress, 2 chest of draws, 2 tv and boxes of 'stuff'


People have mentioned the 'weight limit'...not aware of this...will get all the details if I book.


Personally I am not sure its worth it for that. We picked up a couch and fridge on gumtree in the UK for 20 quid each. Well worth looking at what is on gumtree in your local (or what will be local) area to see if its really worth it. You might be attached to the stuff of course, but if you are not you could probably save a LOT....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used MoveCube and the whole service - door to door was flawless

In fact they were so good, I called them again this week about shifting my stuff from Melbourne up to Brisbane and for interstate removals, If you haven't got a lot of belongings, are a very reasonable option

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  • 4 weeks later...

we have a movecube coming in 2 weeks time and started too look at the paperwork. its looks very complicated or are we reading too much into it. and when do we fill out this paperwork?? we have a site visit in a weeks time. we have only paid our deposit upto now and wondering whens next payment due. also do they just drop the cube itself off or do they drop a trailer type thing with the cube inside it? thanks

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we have a movecube coming in 2 weeks time and started too look at the paperwork. its looks very complicated or are we reading too much into it. and when do we fill out this paperwork?? we have a site visit in a weeks time. we have only paid our deposit upto now and wondering whens next payment due. also do they just drop the cube itself off or do they drop a trailer type thing with the cube inside it? thanks


You are reading too much into it. We filled out most of the paperwork on the day. Had to give a breakdown of what was being shipped. Per box. So keep them numbered and make a brief list if what is in each box, ie. Clothes, kitchen ware, bedding, towels, ornaments etc.


The site visit is to check access to deliver the MoveCube inside it's trailer to you. They need a clear space like a driveway to leave the trailer in. You'll have a number of hours to load it, not all day. Be prepared and do a dummy run in your house measuring out the exact space you have to fill so you know it will all fit. Excess boxes can be shipped separately.


You pay the rest afterwards but before shipping.


They normally tell you all this when you phone and book. They are generally very good at giving all the info needed.

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Our large cube comes next week and I'm wondering what you do about larger items that are unboxed, do you put a sticker on to number them or just itemise on the inventory but without a number. Thanks


Just itemise them.

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Our large cube comes next week and I'm wondering what you do about larger items that are unboxed, do you put a sticker on to number them or just itemise on the inventory but without a number. Thanks


We stuck a sticker on each item, just in case. Does not really take that much time so allowed us to itemise everything clearly....

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Seven seas website has the cost of all the move cubes and they have a price calculator you can work through dependent on where you're shipping from and to. You can also buy their boxes and bubble wrap. We bought their large boxes and used them in our large move cube, they fitted perfectly along the long wall with 4 along the length and 3 high, so 12 took up that wall and that was slightly less than a third of the total volume.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody,


Our medium MoveCube arrived on Friday. Driver was a bit earlier than advised but that wasn't a problem for us. Plus as we just dumped everything in our garage which is pretty much the same level as the street he helped us to unload. Between the 3 of us it took us about 10 min!

The cube had obviously been opened, as the boxes were arranged differently from how we packed them. As far as we can tell only one box had been opened and re-sealed - the one we labelled as containing wooden items. Everything in the box was still as we packed it though, with some smaller wooden items on top.


None of our boxes were damaged in any way - they all looked as new - and ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING we had packed is in perfect condition. Now I like to think that our amazing packing skills had something to do with that as well…. ;)


No problems with Australian customs - we didn't get contacted about fumigation etc.

We also got all our camping gear through customs, in case anyone is wondering about bringing that sort of stuff. We had cleaned the tent, windbreak etc. thoroughly.


We also went a bit overboard and put stickers with numbers on pretty much everything (apart from the stuff we threw in last minute when we realised we had more space than expected, i.e. umbrellas, camping chair…).

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We fitted in 16 large seven seas boxes full of random stuff, a washing machine, 42" tv, large bicycle and kids 16" bicycle, tool box, small bistro set with 2 chairs, a large rug, dining table, king size mattress, 2 single mattresses and lots of other random stuff chucked in the gaps at the end!

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