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Is this not the vilest woman ever.

Guest Guest66881

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There should be no reason in this day and age for unwanted pregnancy. Contraception is readily available and in the UK it's free. However I still believe we should have the choice. I also believe that other than for medical reasons the time limit should be reduced dramatically. I have had 2 miscarriages. 1 at 12 weeks which was nothing more than a heavy period and 1 at 19 weeks where it was quite obviously a baby. A friend of mine with 4 children had one recently because at 44 she felt she was not able mentally, physically or financially able to deal with another child. I fully understood where she was coming from and supported her decision, her choice.

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At least they would be alive. Surely better than being dead.


If being alive - any kind of life - was best then there would be no such thing as suicide.


The biggest problem in the world is that there are too many people on it ruining the lives of so many people and destroying the planet. Sadly, certain religions actively promote more of their own kind being born which is why they are opposed to birth controls and abortion. Easy to be sanctimonious about the rights of unborn children while being blind to the suffering of so many children born into poverty and despair.

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I hope this story isn't true that she wants to abort to go on Big Brother that would be terrifying disgusting especially with how far she is into her pregnancy! Certainly should not be allowed and she certainly isn't in the correct mind frame. If she did end up on Big Brother she will be kicked out within the first week she certainly wont get the fame she is craving.

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At least they would be alive. Surely better than being dead.

ha..im not laughing because I find what you stated as funny, I'm laughing at your ignorance..if you worked with children who have been 'dragged up', not wanted, neglected etc, you would then realise that some of these would rather be dead.

I'm not saying what this woman is doing I agree with, I think it's vile if what has been quoted is true and in the same context as she meant..but abortion can be a good thing if a child is so unwanted..has medical complications.. Lots of reasons why abortion is better than giving birth to an unwanted baby.

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What rubbish. Now I'm laughing at you're ignorance.


There are many many people who have had very difficult childhoods and even been unwanted.

To say they should be dead is absolutely ridiculous.


You really are a nutter sometimes with what you come out with.

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How can someone who works with children think they would be better off if they had been aborted though ? Sorry I'm getting angry about this.


To me though a baby has rights even before it is born. Rights that are separate to the mothers.

At say 12 weeks or 14 weeks or 18 weeks (not sure when) it is a baby and has the right to life imo.

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Guest Guest66881

In the words of many a scouser, 'calm down calm down' (sorry pabs), yeah we hear what you are getting at Parley, i agree to some extent, but if the baby as medical issues beyond what most would consider a normal lifestyle or the mother was to die via complications later on then maybe abortion would be the best bet for all.

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How can someone who works with children think they would be better off if they had been aborted though ? Sorry I'm getting angry about this.


To me though a baby has rights even before it is born. Rights that are separate to the mothers.

At say 12 weeks or 14 weeks or 18 weeks (not sure when) it is a baby and has the right to life imo.



Earlier in the thread someone who had the terrible experience of a miscarriage at 12 weeks described the aftermath as 'like a heavy period'. But you call a foetus at that age 'a baby'.

I trust you're not a medical professional?

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I personally could not consider abortion, however, others do have the right to choose.


It's such a an emotive subject, but there are so many couples that are unable to have children. If a baby is unwanted then I would hope that the woman in question would have the courage to have the baby and give it to a family who can and does want to provide a happy life.

My Mother was raped when she was newly married. Both she and my Father felt unable to raise the baby because of the deep associated trauma. The baby was subsequently put up for adoption. My Mother could have easily had an abortion, but she wanted the child to be able to have a life. I will always respect her for that.


There are too many children in horrible conditions that should have been given up for adoption years ago, but their rights are not heard.


The woman in the article is a product of our society- it's all 'me,me,me' and the quick route to fame through the monster that is reality tv. It' our own fault, stories like that sell newspapers and advertising.

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Earlier in the thread someone who had the terrible experience of a miscarriage at 12 weeks described the aftermath as 'like a heavy period'. But you call a foetus at that age 'a baby'.

I trust you're not a medical professional?


No I'm not and I don't need to be.

That is the whole question around this issue isn't it. when does a fetus become a baby ?


I think even at 12 weeks it is fairly well formed - fingers, toes etc. quite baby like.

Some of the ladies who have had scans will know a lot better than me though.

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