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EU migrants coming here 'will fill a city the size of Manchester


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Immigration from the EU will add the equivalent of a city as big as Manchester to the UK’s population every four years, a report warns today.

The study predicts net migration from inside Europe will be 130,000 every year if current trends continue.

This total includes 50,000 Romanians and Bulgarians and 40,000 from Poland and the seven other Eastern European nations which joined the EU in 2004.

On January 1, Britain lifted all restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK. No figures are yet available for how many have arrived since that date.




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Guest Guest66881
I wonder how many Brits go to live and work with in Europe though. I'm thinking of France and Spain wonder how it balances out?


Thats actually a great question wonder what the figures on in's and out's actually are and if there is a balance?

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I wonder how many Brits go to live and work with in Europe though. I'm thinking of France and Spain wonder how it balances out?


I think a lot of Brits retire to France and Spain. I've seen a couple of documentaries about a lot of working age giving it a try and having to go back to the UK in the last few years, due to the downturn in jobs in Spain and France. Like everywhere else I guess they are going to look after their own first.

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Wasn't there that article saying they were going to flock here and the flights were all sold out blah blah. Then the news filmed the arrivals on the day or second day the rules changed and there were like three Romanians or Bulgarians that came lol I remember seeing that.

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I wonder how many Brits go to live and work with in Europe though. I'm thinking of France and Spain wonder how it balances out?



you've been away a while haven't you QS ,,,,that's not a sarcastic sentence by the way ....


heres a few facts .....the traffic is very much one way

London is seen as the lifeboat of Europe

If you travel into the heart of London , most of the " white " people will either be Spanish , portugese, French. Italian , a lot visiting , but a lot are now residing here etc etc


If you go to Victoria coach station , the coaches are pouring in and out , from mainland Europe


heres the biggy ....if you took all the French people now LIVING in London , it would make the sixth biggest city in France ....a lot of these are business people who have set up London to avoid the French govt 75% tax rate .

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you've been away a while haven't you QS ,,,,that's not a sarcastic sentence by the way ....


heres a few facts .....the traffic is very much one way

London is seen as the lifeboat of Europe

If you travel into the heart of London , most of the " white " people will either be Spanish , portugese, French. Italian , a lot visiting , but a lot are now residing here etc etc


If you go to Victoria coach station , the coaches are pouring in and out , from mainland Europe


heres the biggy ....if you took all the French people now LIVING in London , it would make the sixth biggest city in France ....a lot of these are business people who have set up London to avoid the French govt 75% tax rate .


Loads of French!! I didn't realise till I went there. Lots of French flags and I think street names too? The tour bus guy was telling us that and then when I was walking to the natural history museum i noticed it too

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Loads of French!! I didn't realise till I went there. Lots of French flags and I think street names too? The tour bus guy was telling us that and then when I was walking to the natural history museum i noticed it too


South Kensington is and always was at least in my time the heart of French London. Biggest concentration outside of France I believe. A French comedy filmed was even made there. Almost no English spoken. That's in the natural history area. Great place. Canterbury is the other place that attracts a number of French.

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you've been away a while haven't you QS ,,,,that's not a sarcastic sentence by the way ....


heres a few facts .....the traffic is very much one way

London is seen as the lifeboat of Europe

If you travel into the heart of London , most of the " white " people will either be Spanish , portugese, French. Italian , a lot visiting , but a lot are now residing here etc etc


If you go to Victoria coach station , the coaches are pouring in and out , from mainland Europe


heres the biggy ....if you took all the French people now LIVING in London , it would make the sixth biggest city in France ....a lot of these are business people who have set up London to avoid the French govt 75% tax rate .


London has always been an attractive destination but while the biggest hardly the only.

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South Kensington is and always was at least in my time the heart of French London. Biggest concentration outside of France I believe. A French comedy filmed was even made there. Almost no English spoken. That's in the natural history area. Great place. Canterbury is the other place that attracts a number of French.


Yeah I think the bus guy said it was the biggest concentration. I heard quite a few French people talk around there too. That's what I liked about London, all the different nationalities

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'Londoners' in the true sense of the word are a dying breed. There are fewer & fewer 'white British' Londoners now than ever before. When I look at my kids friendship groups less than half of them are 'British'. I'm not even sure that it's a bad thing. These kids are from mainly Eastern Europe but they integrate well into our society and their parents are for the most part hard working and lovely. What did bother me though was when I worked in an inner City school. 80% were from ethnic backgrounds and 60% of the families were claiming income support. Now that really bugs me!

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Guest Guest 47403
Immigration from the EU will add the equivalent of a city as big as Manchester to the UK’s population every four years, a report warns today.

The study predicts net migration from inside Europe will be 130,000 every year if current trends continue.

This total includes 50,000 Romanians and Bulgarians and 40,000 from Poland and the seven other Eastern European nations which joined the EU in 2004.

On January 1, Britain lifted all restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK. No figures are yet available for how many have arrived since that date.






Stop your whinging the UK needs immigration for the economy to continue to grow and to feed the pockets of the fat cats, until a liveable minimum wage is introduced to get some of those who are better off on benefits back to work the UK will need EU migration, we have loads of space start building cities in the spare countryside loads of room in places like Norfolk.

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