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2nd 457 visa

debbie lawrence

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Hi wonder if anyone could help, we will be thinking of applying for a new 457 (with the same employer) when this one runs out, (still got 2 1/2 yrs to go and if everything carries on as it is) will we be able to use the original work references plus the one for the 4 years in australia or do we have to get them again? Also how long before it runs out should we apply. We can't apply for any other visa due to age so the permanent route unfortunately isn't for us




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If applying for a second 457 at the end of your current 457, you could use the original references plus the reference from your employment in Australia. If you are thinking of staying in Australia longer term / permanently, then you might want to look at the Employer Nomination Scheme / subclass 186 visa. You might be eligible to apply for that after just 2 years on the 457 if your employer is willing to sponsor you for it. See DIBP's information: https://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/186.aspx


Ah, sorry.. just spotted that age is a factor. (There are exemptions for very High salary, but that might not apply to your circumstances. Still might be worth getting some advice from a registered migration agent who can look at all your circumstances and see what the best options might be)

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thanks for that, was hoping we could use the original ones, unfortunately have checked it out and definately not on high salary and the exemptions don't apply, but we're happy to stay on the 457 and always plan to go back, we could have gone for the 186 if we'd got here a year earlier, but thats the way it goes, do you know if its as quick to get a second one (original one only took a week when it had been submitted, or how soon we can apply before this one runs out.

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