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Russians culling stray dogs ahead of Olympics

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

[h=1]Russians culling stray dogs in Sochi before Winter Olympics so they don't get in the way of the events[/h]


  • Private company believed to have been hired to rid the city of stray dogs
  • News comes after officials appeared to back down on extermination plans

  • Owner of company hired to kill strays says they are just 'biological trash'
  • He reportedly plans to use traps and poison to kill the homeless dogs:arghh:





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Nothing new. We did regular patrols in Aden in the late 60's early 70's, supposedly counter terrorist patrols (although it was known as "peace keeping" back then). One of 'em was "dog patrol" we killed every dog/bitch with it's "furrow" on the roadside and we didn't use ammuntion...............turned my stomach.

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large events seem to disadvantage the poor for the most part.


my brother was involved in a documentary highlighting the displacement of many of the local poor during the 2010 world cup in south africa. from what i hear it's still dire there now.



it's wrong, but if the organisers keep the media coverage to a minimum; we'll all forget and get on with our little lives.


hey Justin Bieber has been skateboarding at a leather and laces party..... (now doesn't that feel better :biggrin: )

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don't worry about it , apparently its ok to cull Dogs(Stray or gay they live on our planet too ) ,Kangaroos(the bush is theirs ) and Cats(now they are on a curfew!) hence why mice and rats are on the increase) but Sharks that are a threat to humans , then its a no no.....!!!!!!!!

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