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Benefits Street


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well i did actually get there and find out for myself that i didn't like it so id's say that was a success wouldn't you?

I too would say it was a success as you gave it a go, to say anything else in my opinion would be pretty sad especially if you have not done it yourself.


shame the thread had to turn personal also.

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I too would say it was a success as you gave it a go, to say anything else in my opinion would be pretty sad especially if you have not done it yourself.


shame the thread had to turn personal also.


How is it personal to make a light hearted analogy?

There's just far too many serious types on here these days...

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How is it personal to make a light hearted analogy?
i would have thought that was fairly obvious to be honest, but seem as you are struggling I will explain. The thread is about a tv programme and you have gone completely off topic by bringing a members immigration situation into it. You are always banging on about playing the ball rather than the man, perhaps you should take your own advice.
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i would have thought that was fairly obvious to be honest, but seem as you are struggling I will explain. The thread is about a tv programme and you have gone completely off topic by bringing a members immigration situation into it. You are always banging on about playing the ball rather than the man, perhaps you should take your own advice.


"If you don't like it tough":biggrin:

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Guest The Pom Queen
"If you don't like it tough":biggrin:

No its not tough. We do not ever reveal the identity of either past or present member. Whether you like a member or not this will not be tolerated, this is why people create a username. Now please, I've said it before and getting quite fed up of asking, the mods have already asked, I've asked and its still continuing, STOP the personal attacks,if you don't like a member use the ignore feature that's what it is there for.

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I've not seen this one. It was bad enough watching the series of cops and the one from Wales, Call Centre I think it was. At least they were both funny in places, the rougher the area the more sense of humour people need and it shone through in those two. Is this one funny as well, or is it just dire.


Housos can be funny in patches. Bit like Benidorm was when it first came on. Then we had to stop watching it as it's too close to the truth and became a bit cringeworthy.

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What is social media coming to?? Did people actually post that others should be shot hanged or gassed. The media loves this stuff, no matter how much the guy writing the piece pretends he had reservations. Don't know why they bother to try to think of stuff to write, usually they just cut and paste from social media sites with a few facebook photos thrown in along with "messages" from their mates" luv ya bro'" and such.

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I thought the guy who's name I think they called 'Fungi' could make a brilliant salesman in his next life! Anybody that has got the nerve to go into a hotel, take their literature and sell it to members of the public by passing it off as copies of 'The Big Issue' or not quite as he told them, showed pure genius!!!

He made £12.00 in about five minutes!!.....definitely a positive in my eyes, somebody should grab him, clean him up and utilize his potential!

The sort of pure genius type salesman that sits in old ladies houses till they spend £7000 on a stairlift or roof repairs that don't need doing . It's not sales it's conning .

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  • 2 weeks later...
You must come from a nice UK neighbourhood!


When my parents divorced in 1985 when I was 15 we moved into council accommodation. We didn't have much money, my mother claimed the few benefits that were available in those days. However, we were decent, respectful and clean people. I worked hard when I left school for little money on a YTS scheme. Kids in that street wouldn't put in a full working week for 27.50 GBP nowadays. It's a money for nothing society in many parts and sadly it's not going to get any better.

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I lived in a mining village in Derbyshire for 25 years. The was a big coalboard estate where a lot of the kids at my school went to. Most of my best friends and a couple of cousins lived on that estate . It was rough, a lot of the families were rough and some of the kids were brought up rough. One of my friends used to get one pair of shoes a year and one haircut. As did his 5 brothers. If he kicked the toes out he had to wait for another pair and his hair went from crew cut to half way down his back.


His Dad was well known around the area, always fighting in the welfare at the weekend, in trouble with the police, used to feel a bit intimidated by him when he came in from the pub as he was a bit of an aggressive type. My friend and all his brothers were salt of the earth types though and grew up to be nice people, so kids get through it sometimes.

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You must come from a nice UK neighbourhood!


I do but regardless I don't see where I come from has got to do with it... There is still no need to treat your children the way they were treating theirs...


You don't need a ridiculous amount of money for a clean house or to bring your children up properly with clear rules and boundaries. Moaning about not having any money because they fixed their benefits payments but still sat there smoking...


Screaming and swearing at them for forgetting their bike round the corner that shocked me the way they spoke to them. There's no need for it.


I'm not naive to think it doesn't happen just shocked that if that is how they behave when the TV crews are there what they may behave like when they are not.


Where we are posted now we see an awful lot of people behaving like that here but doesn't mean I'm any less shocked when I see it it shouldn't be the norm xx

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When my parents divorced in 1985 when I was 15 we moved into council accommodation. We didn't have much money, my mother claimed the few benefits that were available in those days. However, we were decent, respectful and clean people. I worked hard when I left school for little money on a YTS scheme. Kids in that street wouldn't put in a full working week for 27.50 GBP nowadays. It's a money for nothing society in many parts and sadly it's not going to get any better.


I agree. My parents divorced and we didn't have any money either but like you were clean, decent and respectful. I started work at 14 in a pub washing up and earnt about £1.50 an hour but it was something. I was always given encouragement to make something of my life. These kids aren't. They aren't striving to make things better for themselves and their children and aren't encouraging their children xx

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I lived in a mining village in Derbyshire for 25 years. The was a big coalboard estate where a lot of the kids at my school went to. Most of my best friends and a couple of cousins lived on that estate . It was rough, a lot of the families were rough and some of the kids were brought up rough. One of my friends used to get one pair of shoes a year and one haircut. As did his 5 brothers. If he kicked the toes out he had to wait for another pair and his hair went from crew cut to half way down his back.


His Dad was well known around the area, always fighting in the welfare at the weekend, in trouble with the police, used to feel a bit intimidated by him when he came in from the pub as he was a bit of an aggressive type. My friend and all his brothers were salt of the earth types though and grew up to be nice people, so kids get through it sometimes.


Sounds like my husbands family! And he's quite normal and works bloody hard lol sadly the same can't be said for any of the rest of his family. Agree some can "get through it" but think it's against the grain of what normally happens x

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In Nazi Germany they blamed and picked on the Jews, because they were told to, and they needed someone to blame.


In modern day Britain, have we really changed?


And we wonder why the Germans went along with it. Well, some of us wonder.

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I refuse to watch it.


I have no idea why we are so hellbent on getting our faces on TV that we participate in something that is intended to show us in a bad light.


I don't believe for a moment that this programme has gone to air to show struggling Britain. If that were the case they could come up with any amount of evidence to support that. Instead they have concentrated on one street.


This is like the Australian TV series "Houso's". A programme designed to show all public housing tenants in the worst possible light.


I spoke to my Mum in the uk last night via "telephone' and she happened to mention this , she said my Dad refused to watch it and went to bed ......they as i have worked all our lives and payed in/ contributed to the Government and you get people like this / takers ........:mad:

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I don't know how you can compare the persecution of Jews and certain people who don't strive to give their children the best start in life... not having a lot of money is no excuse to treat your children awfully x


Do you not understand how propaganda works? Do you not understand who controls the media and why they control it? Who caused the GFC? Who is being plastered all over the media as the bad guy? Do you not feel like you are being manipulated for a purpose? While we watch these degenerates drink and smoke and abuse their children, and squander our taxes, the bankers will quietly take their bonuses and quaff champagne. Do you think it a coincidence this program airs around banking bonus time?


Hitler needed someone to blame. It wasn't the Jews fault. It was the establishment. But he couldn't blame them, as they held the power.

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Do you not understand how propaganda works? Do you not understand who controls the media and why they control it? Who caused the GFC? Who is being plastered all over the media as the bad guy? Do you not feel like you are being manipulated for a purpose? While we watch these degenerates drink and smoke and abuse their children, and squander our taxes, the bankers will quietly take their bonuses and quaff champagne. Do you think it a coincidence this program airs around banking bonus time?


Hitler needed someone to blame. It wasn't the Jews fault. It was the establishment. But he couldn't blame them, as they held the power.


The GFC Certainly wasn't anything to do with the folk on the program, we could all possibly take a little bit of blame but you've got the bankers right up there where they should be.


Don't think Hitler was looking to blame anyone for anything. I really hope we have moved on and have a bit more sense than to get led by the media. Not confident though.:confused:

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