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One punch attack.

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

A British man has been jailed for three-and-a-half years for manslaughter after a one-punch attack on an alleged love rival sent the man crashing to the ground causing a massive brain injury.

The moment Alexander Frew punched Matthew Welford was caught on security vision.


Video in link - http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/world/a/20379581/one-punch-attack-caught-on-security-video/



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Three and a half years for killing someone? Not an accident? Not long enough by far.


My husbands nephew is currently in a brain injury center in the UK after suffering a 'one punch attack' in a pub, on some stairs. He fell back down and hit his head. Intensive care for a couple of weeks in a coma and now has quite a severe brain injury. He's 19 years old and has had his life ruined.


I do not understand why people do it, I really don't.

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Three and a half years for killing someone? Not an accident? Not long enough by far.


My husbands nephew is currently in a brain injury center in the UK after suffering a 'one punch attack' in a pub, on some stairs. He fell back down and hit his head. Intensive care for a couple of weeks in a coma and now has quite a severe brain injury. He's 19 years old and has had his life ruined.


I do not understand why people do it, I really don't.


Well, they aren't thinking rationally - the red mist just descends, and they are almost certainly the type of less-civilised person for whom the only way of resolving a conflict is physical violence.

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I doubt he was meant to kill the guy, come on. If he punched him once i'm sure he didn't think that one punch would have knocked him out let alone kill him.

I'm not condoning his actions btw, he's guilty of manslaughter for sure but i don't think anyone can foresee someone being killed with one punch... it has happened but the amount of times people get hit on a daily basis and most of them people don't die from it.

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I doubt he was meant to kill the guy, come on. If he punched him once i'm sure he didn't think that one punch would have knocked him out let alone kill him.

I'm not condoning his actions btw, he's guilty of manslaughter for sure but i don't think anyone can foresee someone being killed with one punch... it has happened but the amount of times people get hit on a daily basis and most of them people don't die from it.


Intent to kill is not required for a murder conviction (though it is for attempted murder), only the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (or that one could reasonably infer that death might occur), and you're right in that up till now prosecutors have not pressed for murder charges in these cases, but owing to the increasing number of people who are killed after one punch, usually after falling and hitting their head, that may change. If you punch someone when they are standing on a concrete steps or a road/pavement than I would say one could reasonably infer that death might occur.

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Well, they aren't thinking rationally - the red mist just descends, and they are almost certainly the type of less-civilised person for whom the only way of resolving a conflict is physical violence.


Most of the time it's not even conflict being resolved - I know in this situation the person was known to the attacker, but there are so many reports of it just being totally random. There is no conflict, it's just someone going around trying to find a victim to attack for no rhyme or reason.


In the case of our nephew he was just walking up the stairs and this guy who was stood on the stairs just lashed out and punched him in the head knocking him backwards down the stairs. He didn't know him, he hadn't looked at him 'funny', hadn't bumped into him or whatever other ridiculous reason they come up with, he just felt like causing someone else injury.

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I doubt he was meant to kill the guy, come on. If he punched him once i'm sure he didn't think that one punch would have knocked him out let alone kill him.

I'm not condoning his actions btw, he's guilty of manslaughter for sure but i don't think anyone can foresee someone being killed with one punch... it has happened but the amount of times people get hit on a daily basis and most of them people don't die from it.


I think with the sheer volume of people being killed in king-hits or one punch attacks then someone could safely assume that they could be killed.

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I think with the sheer volume of people being killed in king-hits or one punch attacks then someone could safely assume that they could be killed.


Problem is Nic the people doing the punching are not in any state to be thinking about what they are doing at the time. Nevertheless though if anyone throws a punch and it kills or maims someone the only way to send a message and hopefully reduce the number of senseless attacks is to dish out longer sentences than this guy is getting.

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Guest Guest66881

This guy acted in response to his wifes 'affair', king hitting is another subject totally.

This guy went out to have it out with the guy lost control rage built up and he hit him, it was that fast and hard it knocked the other guy off his feet and sadly he bashed his head on hitting the ground, king hitters and the like do it out of 'gang/group' mentality,a bit of showing off with your mates - sad state of affairs but that's what the world as become in some places, hitting for fun is the new black.

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The guy who killed David Hookes was found not guilty.

Hookes was belligerent and drunk and hassled the guy who was a bouncer who was a trained boxer and felled Hookes with one blow. Hookes hit his head on the pavement and never regained conciousness.


David Hookes was a famous Australian cricketer.

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"Intent to kill is not required for a murder conviction" (though it is for attempted murder), only the intent to cause grievous bodily harm (or that one could reasonably infer that death might occur), and you're right in that up till now prosecutors have not pressed for murder charges in these cases, but owing to the increasing number of people who are killed after one punch, usually after falling and hitting their head, that may change. If you punch someone when they are standing on a concrete steps or a road/pavement than I would say one could reasonably infer that death might occur.


To be done for the murder there has to be intent. Ideally the intent to kill but you can also be done for murder if you 'only' planned to seriously hurt the person (as you said) but premeditation comes into play also for a murder conviction.


It's hard in this case as obviously we don't have all the facts, but the guy seems to be a hot head and went to have it out with the victim.

Yes the victim approached him in the video but he also had both his hand in his pockets at the time of the attack. The attacker could have walked away, especially if he thought the victim was going to headbutt him as he claims.

Can't comment on the murder/manslaughter conviction part but 3 1/2 years for taking a life in this situation, not enough by far.

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The guy was from Perth.

sorry, i didnt see that in the article. or the video but the video does show the other bloke acting cocky and aggressive and if it was me in the blokes situation confronting a man about him sniffing around my misses and he was acting like this i would have clumped him hard too. If you sniff around other mens wives then you should expect to get whats coming IMO

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sorry, i didnt see that in the article. or the video but the video does show the aussie acting cocky and agressive and if it was me in the blokes situation confronting a man about him sniffing around my misses and he was acing like this i would have clumped him hard too. If you sniff around other mens wives then you should expect to get whats coming IMO


Sorry Simmo missunderstood your post, I thought you were wondering why the link you posted was reported, not the Welford case.

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Unfortunately this form of assault seems to be on the rise in the western world.Just disgusting imho.


I don't know whether it's on the rise or all the freely available media, internet, social networking tweeting and even sites like this, where people discuss it, just make it seem like it's on the rise.


It was certainly rougher and I saw lots more fights when I was growing up. I think people were a bit more streetwise though and sort of expected trouble. A lot of these one punch attacks that cause trauma or death seem to be on some poor dude who is not expecting a punch coming. Like this guy, stood with his hands in his pockets.


I, unfortunately, know another guy who has brain damage and probably won't get any better. Again he didn't know the guy that did it, the guy that threw the punch was a trained boxer and the guy who got hit went to remonstrate with him for punching his mate first.


Apparently the boxer was jumping about on his toes in an aggressive manner before he threw the punch, you would have thought the guy who got hit would have been expecting something but wasn't prepared for anything happening.


Also I think a lot of the younger guys go to the gym a lot more than we used to when younger. You go on a night out in Perth and there are young guys around built like brick outhouses everywhere. My eldest goes just about daily and is a lot bigger than I am. Doesn't mean to say there is any more trouble and I don't think people are any more aggressive, just capable of doing more damage with one punch.

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Also I think a lot of the younger guys go to the gym a lot more than we used to when younger. You go on a night out in Perth and there are young guys around built like brick outhouses everywhere. My eldest goes just about daily and is a lot bigger than I am. Doesn't mean to say there is any more trouble and I don't think people are any more aggressive, just capable of doing more damage with one punch.

Amazing what steroids can do isn't it?

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3 1/2 years is a long time for throwing a punch . Not long for taking a life . I know two guys ( seperate incidents ) that have killed with one punch. . Both charged with murder . One got off in self defence and one got 3 1/2 reduced to 2 1/2 on appeal for manslaughter . That's a long time to think about it and he still carries it with him 20 years later . Obviously the victims family do too.hes lost out on jobs , the chance to emigrate , for one punch. IMO repeated kicking , stamping , bottling , glassing or stabbing are a lot more serious as intent is there .random attacks or unprovoked should get more .

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3 1/2 years is a long time for throwing a punch . Not long for taking a life . I know two guys ( seperate incidents ) that have killed with one punch. . Both charged with murder . One got off in self defence and one got 3 1/2 reduced to 2 1/2 on appeal for manslaughter . That's a long time to think about it and he still carries it with him 20 years later . Obviously the victims family do too.hes lost out on jobs , the chance to emigrate , for one punch. IMO repeated kicking , stamping , bottling , glassing or stabbing are a lot more serious as intent is there .random attacks or unprovoked should get more .


Yeah, but the bloke he hit is dead. That tends to put a spanner in your plans as well.

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Yeah, but the bloke he hit is dead. That tends to put a spanner in your plans as well.

Blokes hit their head in both instances I spoke of . No disputing the tragedy , for either family involved . As for the incident on film , staying twice in a hotel with a blokes mrs or keeping your hands in your pockets I don't know which was dumber .

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