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I moved to perth almost 2 months back, I'm a mechanical engineer with over 5 years experience and have managed to have just one interview so far. Most of my job applications are through seek.com, what I have found most of the adds are by recruiters not by the companies; And these recruiters are mostly normal people with no experience in whatever field you are in.


Recently I was talking to a friend and he suggested I go directly to the companies and talk to the HR department, I like the idea but it seems a lot of work: first I'll have to find where their HR department located, second if they are even interested in interviewing/need people, third just traveling around, I don't have a car.


I would really like to hear from engineers who have managed to get job after arriving in perth and how they used to apply for jobs.

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Seems like a lot of work?

well yes, unfortunately it is

sorry to be blunt but if you want a job you will have to put in the effort of finding the HR departments and talking to them etc

seek is fine but as you say they are not experts in your field

find companies you want to work for and get in touch, don't rely on seek etc. we have maybe 30-40 applications for any vacancy we put on seek so you would need Some good experience and qualifications to stand out.

we have employed several people who have put the time in to research us, tailor a cv and speak to HR

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The major newspapers on a Wednesday and Saturday usually have a large employment section and I know the Age is where most would be looking on a Saturday in Melbourne. A lot of companies do not want to pay recruiters.


You could look at semi government departments, water, gas, electricity etc.



Also there are agencies that are specific for industry, need to google and see what comes up.

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Seems like a lot of work?

well yes, unfortunately it is

sorry to be blunt but if you want a job you will have to put in the effort of finding the HR departments and talking to them etc

seek is fine but as you say they are not experts in your field

find companies you want to work for and get in touch, don't rely on seek etc. we have maybe 30-40 applications for any vacancy we put on seek so you would need Some good experience and qualifications to stand out.

we have employed several people who have put the time in to research us, tailor a cv and speak to HR


Hey rob, i don't really have a problem with the work involved in getting a job, every time I apply for jobs through seek.com, I always attach cover letter, written specifically for the job i'm applying for and I do this every time, but after a week you get the same automated reply from the recruiter...


Right now i'm looking for the best way to apply for jobs. And I do agree there are lots of fake post. So far I have applied for like 10 jobs, that matched my resume like 95% but still the same automated reply and this makes you wonder what you are doing wrong.


Anyways, most of you guys seem to suggest I contact the companies directly and this is what I'm gonna do this week.


Thanks for the feedback to all!

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Hey rob, i don't really have a problem with the work involved in getting a job, every time I apply for jobs through seek.com, I always attach cover letter, written specifically for the job i'm applying for and I do this every time, but after a week you get the same automated reply from the recruiter...


Right now i'm looking for the best way to apply for jobs. And I do agree there are lots of fake post. So far I have applied for like 10 jobs, that matched my resume like 95% but still the same automated reply and this makes you wonder what you are doing wrong.


Anyways, most of you guys seem to suggest I contact the companies directly and this is what I'm gonna do this week.


Thanks for the feedback to all!

what exactly is your field and what are you looking for ?

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what exactly is your field and what are you looking for ?


Well I'm a mechanical engineer, with experience in mechanical design, production, fabrication, project engineering. And I have been applying for jobs with similar responsibilities and also have been trying for jobs in mines but they all seem to require australian experience.

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Do you have a PR visa?


Yes, I do, 176 to be specific and this is the most annoying part. I have been talking to few guys on 457, and they have managed to get job as soon as they arrived. I think i should contact the companies directly, lets see what happens.

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My OH basically looked at the area he wanted to live and googled the companies in his field, picked out the ones closest and with whom he fancied working after checking out their websites then emailed them direct off their websites attaching his CV. He did actually do this whilst still in the UK but I'm sure you are in an even better situation because you are already here. You'll need to get a car though because most will prefer you to have your own transport.

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My OH basically looked at the area he wanted to live and googled the companies in his field, picked out the ones closest and with whom he fancied working after checking out their websites then emailed them direct off their websites attaching his CV. He did actually do this whilst still in the UK but I'm sure you are in an even better situation because you are already here. You'll need to get a car though because most will prefer you to have your own transport.


What's your OH profession?

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  • 5 months later...


Was you successful in your search, if so do you have any tips?

i'm a mechanical Design Engineer with a permanent australian visa moving out in August/September. I'm not having any luck through seek whilst still in the uk. Any tips will be greatly received.


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My OH basically looked at the area he wanted to live and googled the companies in his field, picked out the ones closest and with whom he fancied working after checking out their websites then emailed them direct off their websites attaching his CV. He did actually do this whilst still in the UK but I'm sure you are in an even better situation because you are already here. You'll need to get a car though because most will prefer you to have your own transport.


Hi Que Sera,


How did he start the cover letter?

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It sounds like they are letting any old dip sticks into Australia these days..as long as they have a useless qualification but unemployable...Take my advice

there is alot of competition now..If you dont knock on doors, dont know someone working there already..Dont bother..

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It sounds like they are letting any old dip sticks into Australia these days..as long as they have a useless qualification but unemployable...Take my advice

there is alot of competition now..If you dont knock on doors, dont know someone working there already..Dont bother..

I'm not sure who that was aimed at but that useless qualification has seen my OH fully employed for the last 4 years here.

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Guest guest30085
It sounds like they are letting any old dip sticks into Australia these days..as long as they have a useless qualification but unemployable...Take my advice

there is alot of competition now..If you dont knock on doors, dont know someone working there already..Dont bother..


That's Helpful ....


The visa process has got far more stringent in recent years and the requirements for both qualifications and relative work experience are much more demanding. But us dipsticks would like to thank you for your advice :)

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It sounds like they are letting any old dip sticks into Australia these days..as long as they have a useless qualification but unemployable...Take my advice

there is alot of competition now..If you dont knock on doors, dont know someone working there already..Dont bother..


Last time I checked my dipstick was quite useful, helped me check my car oil levels!

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