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Please help I need help knowing my rights after a a relationship break up


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Can anyone plz give me some advice



I have been living in Adelaide with my partner and 3 children on a 457 visa since arriving 19' months ago,

Since arriving my partner has steadily become very abusive and controlling towards myself and now my 18 yr old son, the police have been called a few times I feel extremely stuck I gave up everything to come here with him (he was not like this in the uk!) and am very aware I cannot even move out of the family home as I'm on visa and totally dependent on him! going home would be very expensive (his company has to pay for the flights i know) and I have nothing to go home to at this stage (but am prepared to if that's my best option)

I work here as a vet nurse so am not sure if I can get my own visa or not? My children are so desperate to stay which is why I am writing u this message I need to know what my rights are in relation to this would it be at all possible to stay in my own right so I could leave this man and stop his rain of terroir and control?!

Or is returning to the uk my only option?

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Vet nurse is in CSOL so would be able to get sponsorship if you and company were eligible. The other issue abound going home he could stop your younger children from leaving the country due to Hague convention. http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/news-chat-dilemmas/47091-children-what-happens-if-you-your-partner-decide-go-home.html


best to speak through your options with registered migration agent - you visa is dependent on the employer sponsoring, it's not going to be automatically cancelled if you move out of family home. If you feel in danger move to some place where you feel safe.

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I seen the post about moving back to the uk with children etc I'm hoping that won't be a problem although I wouldn't put anything past him at this point :0(

as for CSOL I will check this out as I know my company have 457 workers already thank u

the only reason I have not gone to a migration agent already is because of cash ill need all the money I can get to do either option :0/

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I have been told different by a woman who was flown home by her partners company?

so I hope that is correct otherwise I am even more stuck in this abusive relationship than I first thought :0(


There are special provisions for people who are victims of domestic violence... get yourselves somewhere safe and contact an RMA as lebourvellec suggested. Many will offer free/low-cost initial consultations and would probably be willing to walk through your options with you. Go Matilda and George Lombard are particularly recommended around here. Best of luck!

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If your partner has never been like this before, have you sat and spoke with him about what has made him change? maybe even suggest seeing a counciller or Dr together,, it would be sad to throw your relationship away if he is just stressed out with moving and a new job etc,, Might be worth a go if you really dont want to return to the UK..


Cal x

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Yeah I've tryed all that unfortunately he struggled to fit in at first at work, but when he finally did they have become somewhat his priority! And he's tryed his best to "fit in" with them! (Trades men are somewhat different! Over here!) he's drinking alot more and gets aggressive and doing just "male" socialising no family time at all they seem a rough bunch tbh and his character has totally changed! which is just part of the problem I'm sure he is stressed but he's certainly not communicating with me about anything now I'm just a "woman" :0( it's very sad

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