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The countdown begins - trying not to panic (but it's not working)


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Hi there,


Well we leave next Sunday, arriving on the Gold Coast Via Singapore on the 29th. The house looks like a bomb site, boxes and stuff to go to the charity shop/dump everywhere, all the little things I have hoarded over the years laying about because I cant work out if I should throw them out, everywhere there is a pile of things !! The car has just been taken to the port, and we've found some tenants for our house . So I shouldn't be stressing so much, but I cant help it.


There seems so much to do and so little time to do it all. I know we'll get there eventually........


Anyone been here ? Any advice ?

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Hi there,


Well we leave next Sunday, arriving on the Gold Coast Via Singapore on the 29th. The house looks like a bomb site, boxes and stuff to go to the charity shop/dump everywhere, all the little things I have hoarded over the years laying about because I cant work out if I should throw them out, everywhere there is a pile of things !! The car has just been taken to the port, and we've found some tenants for our house . So I shouldn't be stressing so much, but I cant help it.


There seems so much to do and so little time to do it all. I know we'll get there eventually........


Anyone been here ? Any advice ?


it will all come together...things always do in the end :)


I have about 6 weeks today and I am already stressing!!


Also heading to the GC so maybe see you around!


Good Luck with everything! x x x

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Poor you. Sounds familiar..all I can say is get ruthless or or leaving day those piles will have been sorted, resorted and shifted but still there and you'll be in panic overdrive. ( happened to me) I get overwhelmed by sorting 'stuff' just where does it go?? In the bin, that where! I use the 'if we were emihrating would it come with us' rule now when decluttering. Good luck, be strong! Chuck it or pack it..now!

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Thanks for that Happyheart and Debbio, I guess ruthlessness is the key here, I seem to have got a bit more sentimental since I have had children for some reason ! I am feeling a bit overwhelmed, I think the reality really set in when the car was taken away. I don't much fancy packing to much up on the day we go, I think it will be a difficult enough day as it is without loads of packing to do !


I hope your move goes well Debbio, we may well bump into each other, what bit of the GC are you going to ?

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