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Can I buy new?


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Hi all


We are waiting/hoping! for our visa's to be accepted, so expect to be emigrating to Oz in 1-2 yrs. I want to buy new stuff for when we move to Oz but I have heard that you can't take anything younger than 1 yr old e:g bedlinen, or.. well, anything! As things are so expensive in Perth I was hoping to buy new stuff here and take it over in the container. Does anyone know where I stand on this? Also how does it work if I've bought something here that is older than the year but not used it?? Does that make sense??

Also... and you may laugh!! we buy loo rolls etc in bulk!... can we take them?? I know we will have to buy from the shops in Oz eventually!! but was hoping to save some cash, so am bulk buying here before we go. Does this sound as crazy as I think it does as i'm typing it??


I have heard all different stories about things you can and can't take. You are not supposed to take wood/bamboo/cane but I know of someone who did and it was fine, you are not supposed to take candles, but someone did and that was fine!!!

I rule for one and 1 rule for another??

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Re the loo roll. Yes it does sound daft. Don't bulk buy in the run up to shipping. Buy when you arrive in Aus. Don't waste money shipping a ton of loo roll.


You should be fine buying new stuff like bedding and so on. I have. I've taken it out of the packaging and washed it and packed it with all the other stuff. Our bedding was needing replacing so I found some stuff I liked that I know will fit our bed (as we are shipping that).


Just don't get silly and buy an entire container full of new as you'll probably have lost any real savings after shipping it all is paid for. And don't bother buying curtains or things you have no idea will fit in a house in Aus. Windows tend to be far bigger in Aus and even my biggest floor to ceiling curtains won't fit most houses there I noted.


I have some stuff that is over a year old and still in the box. I kept receipts to prove its older than a year. Its only a set of shelves and an electrical item. I'd not do that for heaps of stuff as again, once you've paid to ship it all, savings may well be lost in the costs.


Do your sums. If a sole use 20ft container costs £4500 plus customs etc and you buy masses new (well, outside of the year for a chunk of it) in the UK, what will the savings be to you once you are in Aus and setting up. If it balances out and is way more cost effective, go for it, if its minimal, I'd not bother and buy once in Aus and ship only personal effects and save the pounds that way. Also be aware warranties for many electrical items etc won't be of use if you buy in the UK and take it to Aus. So if it goes wrong, you'll be stuck paying for it.


I'd also say that for me personally, I view it as only things. They can be bought anywhere. I don't place that much importance on having a new washing machine to bring with me or furniture. The personal effects and so on yes, and a few bit of furniture that are cost effective for us to ship we are, but the rest we can replace as and when. I'd also not want to waste my time on shopping for masses of new items to take with as I'd sooner spend the time focusing on other things. But that is all just me.

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Don't automatically accept the tales of how expensive things are in Australia. The reality is that SOME items are more costly, many are about the same and I've even found some things cheaper. Do you research online--compare electrical prices at Comet with those at The Good Guys or Harvey Norman (but take 10-25% of any Aus online prices as haggling is the norm. Do similar with furniture between your favourite shop in the UK and Super Amart (for mid range stuff) or Fantastic Furniture for the economy end of the market.


Bedding may be one of the items that IS more expensive here (though there are frequent sales at all the main outlets--we've never paid anything like the "regular price"). Also, be aware that there are minor differences in the sizes of beds and mattresses here. You can generally make English stuff work but it might be a bit loose or tight depending on what size you go for.


Yes, you can be asked to pay duty on any goods less than a year old--but, unless you rub their noses in it by (for example) leaving bedding in the original packaging it's unlikely they'll check in detail (but if they do, don't blame me!). Yes, there are restrictions on wood. Generally, professionally treated/painted stuff will be okay--but any "raw" wood will be stopped.


Having said all that, I'm with snifter. We only brought personal stuff and bought new (or second hand) over here. That worked for us and the only regret is that we didn't leave even more stuff behind.


Edited to add: Oh, and we've been buying our toilet paper at Aldi lately--a 24 roll pack of 3 ply really soft stuff is $8.99. If you're a hardier soul (or bum) than me the 2 ply is even cheaper. Is it really worth shipping?

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Haha - we actually did bring a year's worth of toilet rolls! Only because we had bought hundreds at Costco and our move happened very quickly, and they happened to fit in the container!


Just take things out of the packaging and give them a wash if you are worried. Don't think they will be poking through your linen looking for a year's worth of wear and tear!


About wood - yes anything treated is fine. About bamboo etc - it really depends if anyone spots it. I know people who had it wrapped up really really well by the packers and it got through, but definitely doesn't happen to everyone. Also there is a good reason for this rule - something to do with a bug that lives in it or something.


I agree about not believing that "everything is expensive". I have found that not to be true at all - only certain things. With the falling dollar, if you are spending pounds, it is going to be seeming more and more reasonable as well.

It is all about finding out where to buy really.

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I just figured that if we got a 20ft container, as long as there was room of course, we would chuck anything we could in!!! Isn't it the same cost no matter what is inside??

Thanks for the tip re the bedding, i'll do that.

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We are leaving soon and having a sole use container so today we are off to get a new dining table and bed as it seems these are much cheaper here. Like you we have room in the container so i will be buying a few boxes of nappies, wipes, toilet rolls etc as if we have space we may as well use it I figure!! I have already stockpiled the kids next sized clothes and bedding is another thing i will be buying and washing ready for the move. We don't know how long it'll take to get jobs etc so while we have the money we may as well buy as we may be quite hard up for a while after the move :-)

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Hi fio78

Oh hope all goes well for your move.

Who are you using for the move?

Like you I am tempted to stockpile but, as previous people have said, we may have to pay duty on new items so that worries me a bit. I hope you don't have to for your new dining table and bed.


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